Primary SIC Code: *
0000000 - Other code - please list in items and processes section
1190101 - Bean (dry field and seed) farm
1339902 - Sugarcane farm
1399905 - Herb or spice farm
1610000 - Vegetables and melons
1610302 - Carrot farm
1719908 - Raspberry farm
1720000 - Grapes
1739908 - Walnut grove
1759901 - Apple orchard
1759904 - Nectarine orchard
1799908 - Pineapple farm
1810203 - Flowers: grown under cover (e.g., greenhouse production)
1810300 - Bulbs and seeds
1820103 - Mushrooms, grown under cover
1910000 - General farms, primarily crop
2110000 - Beef cattle feedlots
2130000 - Hogs
2139901 - Hog feedlot
2140102 - Goats' milk production
2410000 - Dairy farms
2419902 - Milk production
2519901 - Broiling chickens, raising of
2520000 - Chicken eggs
2529901 - Started pullet farm
2539902 - Turkey farm
2540000 - Poultry hatcheries
2549901 - Chicken hatchery
2599901 - Duck farm
2729903 - Horse farm
2730000 - Animal aquaculture
2730200 - Shellfish farms
2790400 - Domestic animal farms
2799903 - Insect farm
7210105 - Vines, cultivation of
8110000 - Timber tracts
8119901 - Christmas tree farm
8310000 - Forest products
9120000 - Finfish
9130104 - Oysters, dredging or tonging of
10410100 - Gold ores mining
10990104 - Beryllium ore mining
12210105 - Surface mining, bituminous, nec
12220000 - Bituminous coal-underground mining
13110000 - Crude petroleum and natural gas
13110100 - Crude petroleum and natural gas production
13110101 - Crude petroleum production
13110102 - Natural gas production
13210000 - Natural gas liquids
13810000 - Drilling oil and gas wells
13819901 - Directional drilling oil and gas wells
13829903 - Geophysical exploration, oil and gas field
13890101 - Building oil and gas well foundations on site
13899911 - Oil consultants
13899912 - Oil field services, nec
13899919 - Servicing oil and gas wells
13899920 - Well logging
14110104 - Limestone, dimension-quarrying
14110200 - Granite dimension stone
14110205 - Greenstone, dimension-quarrying
14119906 - Quartzite, dimension-quarrying
14119908 - Sandstone, dimension-quarrying
14220000 - Crushed and broken limestone
14220100 - Limestone's, ground
14230000 - Crushed and broken granite
14299905 - Grits mining (crushed stone)
14299909 - Quartzite, crushed and broken-quarrying
14420000 - Construction sand and gravel
14420100 - Sand mining
14420101 - Common sand mining
14420102 - Construction sand mining
14420201 - Gravel mining
14590100 - Clays, except kaolin and ball
14590101 - Bentonite mining
14749904 - Soda ash (natural) mining
14750000 - Phosphate rock
14799902 - Amblygonite mining
14810103 - Test boring for nonmetallic minerals
14990104 - Gem stones (natural) mining, nec
14990500 - Talc mining
15210000 - Single-family housing construction
15210101 - General remodeling, single-family houses
15219901 - New construction, single-family houses
15220000 - Residential construction, nec
15220100 - Hotel/motel and multi-family home construction
15220101 - Apartment building construction
15220201 - Remodeling, multi-family dwellings
15319904 - Speculative builder, single-family houses
15319906 - Manuafacturing and light industrial buildings
15410000 - Industrial buildings and warehouses
15419904 - Grain elevator construction
15419905 - Industrial buildings, new construction, nec
15419907 - Pharmaceutical manufacturing plant construction
15419908 - Prefabricated building erection, industrial
15419910 - Steel building construction
15419912 - Warehouse construction
15420000 - Nonresidential construction, nec
15420101 - Commercial and office building, new construction
15420201 - Farm building construction
15420301 - Garage construction
15429902 - Design and erection, combined: non-residential
16110000 - Highway and street construction
16110100 - Highway signs and guardrails
16110102 - Highway and street sign installation
16110200 - Surfacing and paving
16110202 - Concrete construction: roads, highways, sidewalks, etc.
16110203 - Grading
16229901 - Bridge construction
16230000 - Water, sewer, and utility lines
16230101 - Gas main construction
16230102 - Natural gas compressor station construction
16230200 - Communication line and transmission tower construction
16230204 - Transmitting tower (telecommunication) construction
16230300 - Water and sewer line construction
16230302 - Sewer line construction
16239901 - Electric power line construction
16239902 - Manhole construction
16239903 - Pipe laying construction
16239904 - Pipeline construction, nsk
16290100 - Dams, waterways, docks, and other marine construction
16290101 - Caisson drilling
16290104 - Dock construction
16290110 - Marine construction
16290202 - Railroad and railway roadbed construction
16290300 - Athletic and recreation facilities construction
16290400 - Land preparation construction
16290404 - Timber removal
16290500 - Industrial plant construction
16290504 - Waste disposal plant construction
16290505 - Waste water and sewage treatment plant construction
16299905 - Power plant construction
17110000 - Plumbing, heating, air-conditioning
17110201 - Septic system construction
17110301 - Fire sprinkler system installation
17110302 - Irrigation sprinkler system installation
17210000 - Painting and paper hanging
17210200 - Commercial painting
17210300 - Industrial painting
17210301 - Aircraft painting
17310000 - Electrical work
17310201 - Computerized controls installation
17310203 - Environmental system control installation
17310302 - Fiber optic cable installation
17310304 - Telephone and telephone equipment installation
17310402 - Closed circuit television installation
17410000 - Masonry and other stonework
17410101 - Foundation building
17419906 - Refractory or acid brick masonry
17419907 - Stone masonry
17420101 - Drywall
17420200 - Acoustical and insulation work
17420201 - Acoustical and ceiling work
17430000 - Terrazzo, tile, marble and mosaic work
17439901 - Marble installation, interior
17439903 - Terrazzo work
17439904 - Tile installation, ceramic
17510000 - Carpentry work
17510100 - Cabinet and finish carpentry
17510101 - Cabinet building and installation
17510102 - Finish and trim carpentry
17510200 - Window and door installation and erection
17510201 - Garage door, installation or erection
17510202 - Window and door (prefabricated) installation
17519904 - Store fixture installation
17520000 - Floor laying and floor work, nec
17529901 - Access flooring system installation
17529903 - Carpet laying
17529904 - Ceramic floor tile installation
17529908 - Wood floor installation and refinishing
17610000 - Roofing, siding, and sheetmetal work
17619903 - Sheet metal work, nec
17710000 - Concrete work
17710301 - Blacktop (asphalt) work
17810000 - Water well drilling
17819902 - Servicing, water wells
17910000 - Structural steel erection
17919902 - Concrete reinforcement, placing of
17919904 - Exterior wall system installation
17919907 - Precast concrete structural framing or panels, placing of
17919909 - Storage tanks, metal: erection
17930000 - Glass and glazing work
17940000 - Excavation work
17949901 - Excavation and grading, building construction
17950000 - Wrecking and demolition work
17959902 - Demolition, buildings and other structures
17960000 - Installing building equipment
17969901 - Elevator installation and conversion
17969902 - Machine moving and rigging
17969904 - Machinery installation
17969906 - Pollution control equipment installation
17969907 - Power generating equipment installation
17990105 - Swimming pool construction
17990200 - Coating, caulking, and weather, water, and fireproofing
17990208 - Insulation of pipes and boilers
17990210 - Weather stripping
17990400 - Rigging and scaffolding
17990401 - Rigging, theatrical
17990500 - Exterior cleaning, including sandblasting
17990502 - Cleaning new buildings after construction
17990504 - Sandblasting of building exteriors
17990600 - Home/office interiors finishing, furnishing and remodeling
17990602 - Closet organizers, installation and design
17990603 - Counter top installation
17990606 - Kitchen and bathroom remodeling
17990607 - Office furniture installation
17990801 - Asbestos removal and encapsulation
17990802 - Lead burning
17999902 - Artificial turf installation
17999903 - Awning installation
17999907 - Dewatering
17999910 - Epoxy application
17999912 - Fence construction
17999913 - Fiberglass work
17999923 - Lightning conductor erection
17999924 - Ornamental metal work
17999929 - Sign installation and maintenance
17999932 - Welding on site
17999934 - Prop, set or scenery construction, theatrical
17999935 - Petroleum storage tank installation, underground
17999941 - Protective lining installation, underground (sewage, etc.)
17999943 - Renovation of aircraft interiors
20110000 - Meat packing plants
20110100 - Beef products, from beef slaughtered on site
20110101 - Boxed beef, from meat slaughtered on site
20110103 - Veal, from meat slaughtered on site
20110200 - Pork products, from pork slaughtered on site
20110202 - Hams and picnics, from meat slaughtered on site
20110400 - Meat by-products, from meat slaughtered on site
20110402 - Hides, cured or uncured: from carcasses slaughtered on site
20119901 - Canned meats (except baby food), meat slaughtered on site
20119904 - Frankfurters, from meat slaughtered on site
20119907 - Sausages, from meat slaughtered on site
20130000 - Sausages and other prepared meats
20130100 - Prepared beef products, from purchased beef
20130101 - Beef stew, from purchased meat
20130102 - Beef, dried: from purchased meat
20130106 - Roast beef, from purchased meat
20130200 - Prepared pork products, from purchased pork
20130201 - Bacon, side and sliced: from purchased meat
20130202 - Ham, boiled: from purchased meat
20130203 - Ham, boneless: from purchased meat
20130209 - Pork, pickled: from purchased meat
20130300 - Sausages and related products, from purchased meat
20130302 - Frankfurters, from purchased meat
20130303 - Sausage casings, natural
20130304 - Sausages, from purchased meat
20139901 - Boneless meat, from purchased meat
20139902 - Canned meats (except baby food), from purchased meat
20139903 - Cooked meats, from purchased meat
20139905 - Cured meats, from purchased meat
20139906 - Frozen meats, from purchased meat
20139915 - Smoked meats, from purchased meat
20139916 - Snack sticks, including jerky: from purchased meat
20139917 - Spiced meats, from purchased meat
20139918 - Spreads, sandwich: meat, from purchased meat
20150000 - Poultry slaughtering and processing
20150100 - Chicken slaughtering and processing
20150103 - Chicken, processed: cooked
20150104 - Chicken, processed: fresh
20150105 - Chicken, processed: frozen
20150106 - Chicken, slaughtered and dressed
20150200 - Duck slaughtering and processing
20150300 - Egg processing
20150304 - Eggs, processed: dehydrated
20150600 - Poultry slaughtering and processing
20150601 - Poultry, processed, nsk
20150604 - Poultry, processed: fresh
20150605 - Poultry, processed: frozen
20150608 - Poultry, slaughtered and dressed
20150800 - Turkey processing and slaughtering
20150801 - Turkey, processed, nsk
20150803 - Turkey, processed: cooked
20150806 - Turkey, slaughtered and dressed
20150900 - Poultry sausage, luncheon meats, and other poultry products
20150908 - Variety meats (fresh edible organs), poultry
20210000 - Creamery butter
20220000 - Cheese; natural and processed
20220100 - Cheese spreads, dips, pastes, and other cheese products
20229902 - Natural cheese
20229903 - Processed cheese
20230000 - Dry, condensed and evaporated dairy products
20230104 - Powdered baby formula
20230200 - Condensed, concentrated, and evaporated milk products
20230204 - Concentrated whey
20230300 - Dried and powdered milk and milk products
20230303 - Dried milk
20230307 - Milk preparations, dried
20230312 - Powdered whey
20239904 - Cream substitutes
20239905 - Dietary supplements, dairy and non-dairy based
20239907 - Ice cream mix, unfrozen: liquid or dry
20239911 - Milkshake mix
20239913 - Yogurt mix
20240000 - Ice cream and frozen deserts
20240100 - Ice cream and ice milk
20240101 - Ice cream, bulk
20240102 - Ice cream, packaged: molded, on sticks, etc.
20240103 - Ice milk, bulk
20240200 - Dairy based frozen desserts
20240201 - Custard, frozen
20240205 - Yogurt desserts, frozen
20240300 - Nondairy based frozen desserts
20240301 - Fruit pops, frozen
20240303 - Ices, flavored (frozen dessert)
20240304 - Juice pops, frozen
20240307 - Sorbets, non-dairy based
20260000 - Fluid milk
20260100 - Milk and cream, except fermented, cultured, and flavored
20260102 - Cream, sour
20260106 - Milk processing (pasteurizing, homogenizing, bottling)
20260203 - Buttermilk, cultured
20260204 - Cottage cheese
20260208 - Yogurt
20269902 - Eggnog, fresh: non-alcoholic
20269903 - Milk drinks, flavored
20269904 - Milk, chocolate
20269905 - Whipped topping, except frozen or dry mix
20320100 - Beans and bean sprouts, canned, jarred, etc.
20320200 - Ethnic foods, canned, jarred, etc.
20320201 - Chili, with or without meat: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20320202 - Chinese foods, nec: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20320206 - Italian foods, nec: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20320208 - Mexican foods, nec: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20320212 - Tamales: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20320300 - Soups and broths, canned, jarred, etc.
20320306 - Soups, except seafood: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20329901 - Baby foods, including meats: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330100 - Tomato products, packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330101 - Barbecue sauce: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330102 - Catsup: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330104 - Pizza sauce: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330106 - Spaghetti and other pasta sauce: packaged in cans, jars, etc
20330109 - Tomato paste: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330200 - Jams, jellies, and preserves, packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330201 - Jams, including imitation: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330202 - Jellies, edible, including imitation: in cans, jars, etc.
20330300 - Fruits and fruit products, in cans, jars, etc.
20330301 - Apple sauce: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330302 - Fruit butters: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330303 - Fruit juices: concentrated, hot pack
20330304 - Fruit juices: fresh
20330305 - Fruit juices: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330308 - Fruit pie mixes and fillings: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330309 - Fruit purees: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330310 - Fruits: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330312 - Olives: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330400 - Vegetables and vegetable products, in cans, jars, etc.
20330402 - Hominy: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330403 - Mushrooms: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330407 - Vegetable juices: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330411 - Vegetables: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20340000 - Dried and dehydrated fruits, vegetables and soup mixes
20340100 - Dried and dehydrated soup mixes
20340101 - Soup mixes
20340200 - Dried and dehydrated fruits
20340204 - Fruits, dried or dehydrated, except freeze-dried
20340208 - Prunes, dried
20340209 - Raisins
20340300 - Dried and dehydrated vegetables
20340301 - Potato products, dried and dehydrated
20340303 - Vegetables, dried or dehydrated (except freeze-dried)
20350000 - Pickles, sauces, and salad dressings
20350100 - Seasonings and sauces, except tomato and dry
20350101 - Dressings, salad: raw and cooked (except dry mixes)
20350102 - Horseradish, prepared
20350103 - Mayonnaise
20350104 - Mustard, prepared (wet)
20350105 - Seasonings, meat sauces (except tomato and dry)
20350108 - Soy sauce
20350110 - Spreads, sandwich: salad dressing base
20350200 - Pickled fruits and vegetables
20350201 - Cucumbers, pickles and pickle salting
20350202 - Fruits, brined
20350204 - Olives, brined: bulk
20350206 - Pickles, vinegar
20350207 - Relishes, fruit and vegetable
20350211 - Vegetables, pickled
20370000 - Frozen fruits and vegetables
20370100 - Frozen fruits and vegetables
20370101 - Citrus pulp, dried
20370102 - Fruits, quick frozen and cold pack (frozen)
20370103 - Potato products, quick frozen and cold pack
20370104 - Vegetables, quick frozen & cold pack, excl. potato products
20370200 - Fruit juices
20370201 - Fruit juice concentrates, frozen
20370202 - Fruit juices, frozen
20389901 - Breakfasts, frozen and packaged
20389902 - Dinners, frozen and packaged
20389903 - Ethnic foods, nec, frozen
20389905 - Lunches, frozen and packaged
20389906 - Pizza, frozen
20389907 - Snacks, incl. onion rings, cheese sticks, etc.
20389908 - Soups, frozen
20389910 - Waffles, frozen
20410000 - Flour and other grain mill products
20410100 - Flour
20410102 - Cake flour
20410105 - Flour: blended, prepared, or self-rising
20410113 - Wheat flour
20410200 - Doughs and batters
20410201 - Biscuit dough
20410202 - Doughs, frozen or refrigerated
20410204 - Pizza dough, prepared
20410301 - Bread and bread-type roll mixes
20419903 - Corn meal
20419906 - Grain cereals, cracked
20430000 - Cereal breakfast foods
20439901 - Coffee substitutes, made from grain
20439905 - Granola and muesli, except bars and clusters
20439909 - Oatmeal: prepared as cereal breakfast food
20449903 - Brown rice
20449904 - Enriched rice (vitamin and mineral fortified)
20449909 - Polished rice
20450000 - Prepared flour mixes and doughs
20450100 - Flours and flour mixes, from purchased flour
20450102 - Biscuit mixes, prepared: from purchased flour
20450103 - Blended flour: from purchased flour
20450104 - Bread and bread type roll mixes: from purchased flour
20450107 - Doughnut mixes, prepared: from purchased flour
20450110 - Pancake mixes, prepared: from purchased flour
20450201 - Biscuit dough, prepared: from purchased flour
20450202 - Doughs, frozen or refrigerated: from purchased flour
20450204 - Pizza doughs, prepared: from purchased flour
20460101 - Corn starch
20460103 - Industrial starch
20460106 - Potato starch
20460111 - Wheat gluten
20460200 - Corn oil products
20460302 - Corn syrup, dried or unmixed
20470000 - Dog and cat food
20479901 - Cat food
20479902 - Dog food
20480000 - Prepared feeds, nec
20480100 - Cereal-, grain-, and seed-based feeds
20480101 - Alfalfa or alfalfa meal, prepared as animal feed
20480103 - Bird food, prepared
20480104 - Chicken feeds, prepared
20480108 - Poultry feeds
20480111 - Stock feeds, dry
20480206 - Kelp meal and pellets, prepared as animal feed
20480207 - Meat meal and tankage, prepared as animal feed
20489902 - Canned pet food (except dog and cat)
20489903 - Dry pet food (except dog and cat)
20489905 - Feed concentrates
20489906 - Feed premixes
20489907 - Feed supplements
20489909 - Fish food
20489910 - Frozen pet food (except dog and cat)
20489911 - Livestock feeds
20489912 - Mineral feed supplements
20489913 - Oyster shells, ground: prepared as animal feed
20510000 - Bread, cake, and related products
20510100 - Breads, rolls, and buns
20510101 - Bagels, fresh or frozen
20510103 - Bread, all types (white, wheat, rye, etc); fresh or frozen
20510105 - Buns, bread type: fresh or frozen
20510200 - Cakes, pies, and pastries
20510202 - Cakes, bakery: except frozen
20510206 - Doughnuts, except frozen
20510208 - Pastries, e.g. danish: except frozen
20510209 - Pies, bakery: except frozen
20510210 - Rolls, sweet: except frozen
20519901 - Bakery products, partially cooked (except frozen)
20519903 - Bakery: wholesale or wholesale/retail combined
20520000 - Cookies and crackers
20529901 - Bakery products, dry
20529904 - Cones, ice cream
20529905 - Cookies
20529907 - Crackers, dry, nec
20529909 - Matzoths
20529911 - Pretzels
20529912 - Rice cakes
20530000 - Frozen bakery products, except bread
20539902 - Cakes, bakery: frozen
20539903 - Croissants, frozen
20539904 - Doughnuts, frozen
20539906 - Pastries, e.g. danish: frozen
20539907 - Pies, bakery; frozen
20610000 - Raw cane sugar
20610105 - Raw cane sugar
20620000 - Cane sugar refining
20630000 - Beet sugar
20630102 - Beet sugar, from beet sugar refinery
20630103 - Granulated sugar, from sugar beets
20640000 - Candy and other confectionery products
20640104 - Fruits candied, crystallized, or glazed
20649901 - Breakfast bars
20649902 - Cake ornaments, confectionery
20649903 - Candy bars, including chocolate covered bars
20649904 - Chewing candy, not chewing gum
20649905 - Chocolate candy, except solid chocolate
20649906 - Cough drops, except pharmaceutical preparations
20649907 - Fudge (candy)
20649908 - Granola and muesli, bars and clusters
20649911 - Licorice candy
20649912 - Lollipops and other hard candy
20649913 - Lozenges, candy (non-medicated)
20649916 - Nuts, candy covered
20649918 - Popcorn balls or other treated popcorn products
20660000 - Chocolate and cocoa products
20660100 - Cacao bean processing
20660300 - Chocolate
20660303 - Chocolate candy, solid
20660304 - Chocolate coatings and syrup
20670000 - Chewing gum
20680000 - Salted and roasted nuts and seeds
20689901 - Nuts: dried, dehydrated, salted or roasted
20749901 - Cottonseed oil, cake or meal
20759902 - Soybean flour and grits
20759906 - Soybean protein concentrates and isolates
20769906 - Peanut oil, cake or meal
20770000 - Animal and marine fats and oils
20770100 - Animal fats, oils, and meals
20770200 - Marine fats, oils, and meals
20770202 - Fish meal, except as animal feed
20770203 - Fish oil
20770300 - Rendering
20770301 - Grease rendering, inedible
20770303 - Tallow rendering, inedible
20790000 - Edible fats and oils
20790100 - Margarine and margarine oils
20790102 - Margarine-butter blends
20790104 - Nut margarine
20799901 - Cooking oils, except corn: vegetable refined
20799903 - Edible oil products, except corn oil
20799906 - Olive oil
20799910 - Vegetable refined oils (except corn oil)
20820000 - Malt beverages
20820100 - Malt beverage products
20820101 - Brewers' grain
20829901 - Ale (alcoholic beverage)
20829902 - Beer (alcoholic beverage)
20829903 - Liquors, malt
20829904 - Near beer
20830000 - Malt
20840000 - Wines, brandy, and brandy spirits
20840100 - Wines
20840101 - Wine coolers (beverages)
20840201 - Brandy
20840202 - Brandy spirits
20849901 - Wine cellars, bonded: engaged in blending wines
20850000 - Distilled and blended liquors
20850100 - Distiller's dried grains and solubles, and alcohol
20850103 - Grain alcohol for beverage purposes
20850105 - Neutral spirits, except fruit
20850201 - Cocktails, alcoholic
20859901 - Applejack (alcoholic beverage)
20859902 - Bourbon whiskey
20859903 - Corn whiskey
20859904 - Gin (alcoholic beverage)
20859905 - Rum (alcoholic beverage)
20859906 - Rye whiskey
20859908 - Vodka (alcoholic beverage)
20860000 - Bottled and canned soft drinks
20860100 - Iced tea and fruit drinks, bottled and canned
20860101 - Fruit drinks (less than 100% juice): packaged in cans, etc.
20860102 - Lemonade: packaged in cans, bottles, etc.
20860103 - Tea, iced: packaged in cans, bottles, etc.
20860200 - Pasteurized and mineral waters, bottled and canned
20860201 - Mineral water, carbonated: packaged in cans, bottles, etc.
20860202 - Water, natural: packaged in cans, bottles, etc.
20860300 - Carbonated soft drinks, bottled and canned
20860301 - Carbonated beverages, nonalcoholic: pkged. in cans, bottles
20860302 - Soft drinks: packaged in cans, bottles, etc.
20870000 - Flavoring extracts and syrups, nec
20870100 - Food colorings
20870200 - Beverage bases, concentrates, syrups, powders and mixes
20870201 - Beverage bases
20870202 - Cocktail mixes, nonalcoholic
20870203 - Concentrates, drink
20870205 - Fruit juices: concentrated for fountain use
20870207 - Powders, drink
20870208 - Syrups, drink
20879903 - Extracts, flavoring
20879907 - Syrups, flavoring (except drink)
20910000 - Canned and cured fish and seafoods
20910200 - Shellfish, canned and cured
20910202 - Clams: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20910203 - Crabmeat, preserved and cured
20910300 - Fish, canned and cured
20910315 - Fish, smoked
20910317 - Herring, cured, nsk
20910334 - Salmon: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20910337 - Tuna fish: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20919903 - Juice, clam: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20919904 - Seafood products: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20920000 - Fresh or frozen packaged fish
20920100 - Fresh or frozen fish or seafood chowders, soups, and stews
20920200 - Prepared fish or other seafood cakes and sticks
20920201 - Crabcakes, frozen
20929901 - Crab meat, fresh: packaged in nonsealed containers
20929902 - Crabmeat, frozen
20929904 - Fish, fresh: prepared
20929905 - Fish, frozen: prepared
20929906 - Seafoods, fresh: prepared
20929907 - Seafoods, frozen: prepared
20929908 - Shellfish, fresh: shucked and packed in nonsealed containers
20929909 - Shellfish, frozen: prepared
20950000 - Roasted coffee
20959901 - Coffee extracts
20959902 - Coffee roasting (except by wholesale grocers)
20959903 - Coffee, ground: mixed with grain or chicory
20959905 - Instant coffee
20960000 - Potato chips and similar snacks
20960100 - Potato chips and other potato-based snacks
20960200 - Corn chips and other corn-based snacks
20960201 - Popcorn, already popped (except candy covered)
20960202 - Tortilla chips
20969901 - Cheese curls and puffs
20969903 - Pork rinds
20970000 - Manufactured ice
20979901 - Block ice
20979902 - Ice cubes
20980000 - Macaroni and spaghetti
20989902 - Noodles (e.g. egg, plain, and water), dry
20990000 - Food preparations, nec
20990100 - Syrups
20990101 - Maple syrup
20990102 - Molasses, mixed or blended: from purchased ingredients
20990200 - Baking powder and soda, yeast, and other leavening agents
20990201 - Baking powder
20990204 - Yeast
20990300 - Dessert mixes and fillings
20990302 - Desserts, ready-to-mix
20990303 - Frosting mixes, dry: for cakes, cookies, etc.
20990305 - Gelatin dessert preparations
20990306 - Marshmallow creme
20990307 - Pie fillings, except fruit, meat, and vegetable
20990400 - Seasonings and spices
20990402 - Chili pepper or powder
20990403 - Seasonings: dry mixes
20990404 - Spices, including grinding
20990500 - Sauce, gravy, dressing, and dip mixes
20990501 - Dips, except cheese and sour cream based
20990504 - Sauces: dry mixes
20990600 - Sugar
20990700 - Ready-to-eat meals, salads, and sandwiches
20990701 - Box lunches, for sale off premises
20990704 - Pizza, refrigerated: except frozen
20990705 - Salads, fresh or refrigerated
20990706 - Sandwiches, assembled and packaged: for wholesale market
20990800 - Pasta, rice, and potato, packaged combination products
20990801 - Noodles, uncooked: packaged with other ingredients
20990802 - Pasta, uncooked: packaged with other ingredients
20990803 - Potatoes, dried: packaged with other ingredients
20990804 - Rice, uncooked: packaged with other ingredients
20999901 - Almond pastes
20999903 - Bread crumbs, except made in bakeries
20999904 - Butter, renovated and processed
20999906 - Cider, nonalcoholic
20999907 - Coconut, desiccated and shredded
20999908 - Emulsifiers, food
20999909 - Honey, strained and bottled
20999910 - Jelly, corncob (gelatin)
20999911 - Noodles, fried (Chinese)
20999912 - Peanut butter
20999914 - Popcorn, packaged: except already popped
20999917 - Tea blending
20999918 - Tofu, except frozen desserts
20999919 - Tortillas, fresh or refrigerated
20999921 - Vinegar
21110000 - Cigarettes
21210000 - Cigars
21310000 - Chewing and smoking tobacco
21319901 - Chewing tobacco
21319902 - Smoking tobacco
21319903 - Snuff
21410000 - Tobacco stemming and redrying
22110000 - Broadwoven fabric mills, cotton
22110100 - Sheets, bedding and table cloths: cotton
22110103 - Bedspreads, cotton
22110104 - Blankets and blanketings, cotton
22110109 - Sheets and sheetings, cotton
22110200 - Apparel and outerwear fabrics, cotton
22110202 - Dress fabrics, cotton
22110210 - Shirting fabrics, cotton
22110400 - Plushes and piles, broadwoven cotton: including flannels
22110500 - Twills, drills, denims and other ribbed fabrics: cotton
22110505 - Denims
22110600 - Upholstery, tapestry and wall coverings: cotton
22110605 - Draperies and drapery fabrics, cotton
22110606 - Furniture denim
22110700 - Nets and netting products and fabrics, cotton
22110703 - Mosquito netting
22110806 - Filter cloth, cotton
22110900 - Bandages, gauzes and surgical fabrics, cotton
22111100 - Canvas and other heavy, coarse fabrics: cotton
22111105 - Canvas
22111107 - Duck, cotton
22111113 - Sail cloth
22119902 - Bags and bagging, cotton
22119909 - Cotton broad woven goods
22210000 - Broadwoven fabric mills, manmade
22210100 - Bedding, manmade or silk fabric
22210400 - Manmade and synthetic broadwoven fabrics
22210404 - Nylon broadwoven fabrics
22210408 - Polypropylene broadwoven fabrics
22210411 - Spandex broadwoven fabrics
22210501 - Fiberglass fabrics
22210502 - Glass broadwoven fabrics
22210600 - Upholstery, tapestry, and wall covering fabrics
22210602 - Draperies and drapery fabrics, manmade fiber and silk
22210603 - Slip cover fabrics, manmade fiber and silk
22210606 - Wall covering fabrics, manmade fiber and silk
22210802 - Pile fabrics, manmade fiber and silk
22210900 - Specialty broadwoven fabrics, including twisted weaves
22210905 - Paper broadwoven fabrics
22219904 - Textile mills, broadwoven: silk and manmade, also glass
22310000 - Broadwoven fabric mills, wool
22310100 - Apparel and outerwear broadwoven fabrics
22310201 - Bleaching yarn and fabrics: wool or similar fibers
22310302 - Blankets and blanketings: wool or similar fibers
22310303 - Felts, woven: wool, mohair, or similar fibers
22310304 - Papermakers' felts, woven: wool, mohair, or similar fibers
22310305 - Upholstery fabrics, wool
22319907 - Weaving mill, broadwoven fabrics: wool or similar fabric
22410000 - Narrow fabric mills
22410100 - Lace and decorative trim, narrow fabric
22410106 - Ribbons, nec
22410108 - Shoe laces, except leather
22410109 - Trimmings, textile
22410201 - Elastic narrow fabrics, woven or braided
22410202 - Elastic webbing
22410203 - Rubber thread and yarns, fabric covered
22410300 - Fabric tapes
22410301 - Electric insulating tapes and braids, except plastic
22410302 - Slide fastener tapes
22410400 - Webbing, braids and belting
22410401 - Apparel webbing
22410403 - Bindings, textile
22410405 - Braids, tubular nylon or plastic
22410408 - Strapping webs
22410409 - Webbing, woven
22419903 - Fabric, animal fiber: narrow woven
22419904 - Glass narrow fabrics
22419906 - Hose fabric, tubular
22419907 - Labels, woven
22419908 - Manmade fiber narrow woven fabrics
22510000 - Women's hosiery, except socks
22519902 - Panty hose
22520000 - Hosiery, nec
22520100 - Anklets and socks
22520103 - Socks
22529901 - Dyeing and finishing hosiery
22529902 - Men's, boys', and girls' hosiery
22530000 - Knit outerwear mills
22530101 - Bathing suits and swimwear, knit
22530103 - T-shirts and tops, knit
22530200 - Cold weather knit outerwear including ski wear
22530201 - Hats and headwear, knit
22530203 - Jerseys, knit
22530207 - Sweaters and sweater coats, knit
22530400 - Dresses and skirts
22530505 - Shirts(outerwear), knit
22540000 - Knit underwear mills
22540100 - Shorts, shirts, slips, and panties (underwear): knit
22549903 - Underwear, knit
22570000 - Weft knit fabric mills
22579901 - Dyeing and finishing circular knit fabrics
22579903 - Pile fabrics, circular knit
22580000 - Lace and warp knit fabric mills
22580100 - Lace and lace products
22580102 - Bedspreads, lace: made on lace machines
22580107 - Lace, knit, nec
22580200 - Warp and flat knit products
22580201 - Cloth, warp knit
22580202 - Fabric finishing, warp knit
22580300 - Net and netting products
22590100 - Gloves and mittens, knit
22590200 - Towels, washcloths, and dishcloths: knit
22599902 - Convertors, knit goods
22599905 - Stockinettes, knit
22610000 - Finishing plants, cotton
22610103 - Screen printing of cotton broadwoven fabrics
22610201 - Bleaching cotton broadwoven fabrics
22610202 - Dyeing cotton broadwoven fabrics
22610203 - Fire resistance finishing of cotton broadwoven fabrics
22610300 - Decorative finishing of cotton broadwoven fabrics
22610301 - Embossing cotton broadwoven fabrics
22620000 - Finishing plants, manmade
22620200 - Chemical coating or treating of manmade broadwoven fabrics
22620202 - Dyeing: manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics
22620205 - Preshrinking: manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics
22620300 - Decorative finishing of manmade broadwoven fabrics
22629903 - Silk broadwoven fabric finishing
22690000 - Finishing plants, nec
22690200 - Chemical coating or treating of narrow fabrics
22690202 - Dyeing: raw stock, yarn, and narrow fabrics
22730000 - Carpets and rugs
22730200 - Mats and matting
22730201 - Bathmats and sets, textile
22730202 - Door mats: paper, grass, reed, coir, sisal, jute, rags, etc.
22730302 - Art squares: twisted paper, grass, reed, coir, sisal, etc.
22730400 - Carpets, hand and machine made
22730402 - Carpets, textile fiber
22730500 - Rugs, hand and machine made
22730502 - Rugs, braided and hooked
22730503 - Rugs, machine woven
22730504 - Rugs, tufted
22739901 - Dyeing and finishing of tufted rugs and carpets
22739902 - Finishers of tufted carpets and rugs
22739903 - Floor coverings, textile fiber
22810000 - Yarn spinning mills
22810100 - Needle and handicraft yarns, spun
22810105 - Knitting yarn, spun
22810200 - Manmade and synthetic fiber yarns, spun
22810205 - Nylon yarn, spinning of staple
22810207 - Polyester yarn, spun: made from purchased staple
22810208 - Polypropylene yarn, spun: made from purchased staple
22810209 - Rayon yarn, spun: made from purchased staple
22810302 - Cotton yarn, spun
22810305 - Wool yarn, spun
22810400 - Carpet and rug yarn, spun
22810401 - Carpet yarn, spun
22820104 - Knitting yarn: twisting, winding, or spooling
22820203 - Nylon yarn: throwing, twisting, winding or spooling
22829904 - Textured yarn
22829905 - Throwing yarn
22829907 - Winding yarn
22840100 - Thread from manmade fibers
22840101 - Nylon thread
22840201 - Cotton thread
22950000 - Coated fabrics, not rubberized
22950100 - Chemically coated and treated fabrics
22950102 - Leather, artificial or imitation
22950106 - Waterproofing fabrics, except rubberizing
22950200 - Plastic coated yarns or fabrics
22950201 - Resin or plastic coated fabrics
22950202 - Tape, varnished: plastic, and other coated (except magnetic)
22950203 - Yarns, plastic coated: made from purchased yarns
22959902 - Laminating of fabrics
22959905 - Tubing, textile: varnished
22960101 - Cord for reinforcing rubber tires
22960104 - Steel tire cords and tire cord fabrics
22960200 - Cord and fabric for reinforcing industrial belting
22960301 - Cord for reinforcing fuel cells
22970000 - Nonwoven fabrics
22979901 - Bonded-fiber fabrics, except felt
22980000 - Cordage and twine
22980100 - Ropes and fiber cables
22980102 - Cable, fiber
22980103 - Rope, except asbestos and wire
22980200 - Twine, cord and cordage
22980203 - Cordage: abaca, sisal, henequen, hemp, jute, or other fiber
22980204 - Hard fiber cordage and twine
22980207 - Twine, nec
22980300 - Nets, seines, slings and insulator pads
22980302 - Cargo nets
22989901 - Wire rope centers
22990100 - Batting, wadding, padding and fillings
22990101 - Apparel filling: cotton waste, kapok, and related material
22990102 - Batts and batting: cotton mill waste and related material
22990104 - Padding and wadding, textile
22990105 - Pads, fiber: henequen, sisal, istle
22990107 - Quilt fillings: curled hair, cotton waste, moss, hemp tow
22990108 - Upholstery filling, textile
22990200 - Felts and felt products
22990209 - Pipe and boiler covering, felt
22990302 - Ramie yarn, thread, roving, and textiles
22990306 - Yarns, specialty and novelty
22990400 - Textile mill waste and remnant processing
22990401 - Fibers, textile: recovery from textile mill waste and rags
22990402 - Flock (recovered textile fibers)
22990404 - Recovering textile fibers from clippings and rags
22990500 - Jute and flax textile products
22990502 - Burlap, jute
22990504 - Linen fabrics
22990507 - Towels and towelings, linen and linen-and-cotton mixtures
22990604 - Scouring: wool, mohair, and similar fibers
22999901 - Broadwoven fabrics: linen, jute, hemp, and ramie
22999902 - Coir yarns and roving
22999903 - Fabrics: linen, jute, hemp, ramie
22999907 - Narrow woven fabrics: linen, jute, hemp, and ramie
23110000 - Men's and boy's suits and coats
23110103 - Suits, men's and boys': made from purchased materials
23110105 - Tuxedos: made from purchased materials
23110200 - Coats, overcoats and vests
23110201 - Coats, tailored: men's and boys': from purchased materials
23110300 - Men's and boys' uniforms
23110301 - Firemen's uniforms: made from purchased materials
23110302 - Military uniforms, men's and youths': purchased materials
23210000 - Men's and boy's furnishings
23210100 - Men's and boys' dress shirts
23210200 - Men's and boys' sports and polo shirts
23210201 - Polo shirts, men's and boys': made from purchased materials
23210202 - Sport shirts, men's and boys': from purchased materials
23219902 - Uniform shirts: made from purchased materials
23220000 - Men's and boy's underwear and nightwear
23229902 - Underwear, men's and boys': made from purchased materials
23230000 - Men's and boy's neckwear
23250000 - Men's and boy's trousers and slacks
23250101 - Dungarees: men's, youths', and boys'
23250102 - Jeans: men's, youths', and boys'
23250201 - Shorts (outerwear): men's, youths', and boys'
23250203 - Trousers, dress (separate): men's, youths', and boys'
23260000 - Men's and boy's work clothing
23260100 - Work uniforms
23260101 - Medical and hospital uniforms, men's
23260102 - Overalls and coveralls
23260200 - Work apparel, except uniforms
23260201 - Aprons, work, except rubberized and plastic: men's
23260202 - Industrial garments, men's and boys'
23260206 - Work pants
23260207 - Work shirts: men's, youths', and boys'
23290000 - Men's and boy's clothing, nec
23290100 - Men's and boys' sportswear and athletic clothing
23290101 - Athletic clothing, except uniforms: men's, youths' and boys'
23290104 - Ski and snow clothing: men's and boys'
23290200 - Men's and boys' leather, wool and down-filled outerwear
23290201 - Coats (oiled fabric, leatherette, etc.): men's and boys'
23290204 - Hunting coats and vests, men's
23290205 - Jackets (suede, leatherette, etc.), sport: men's and boys'
23290209 - Sweaters and sweater jackets, men's and boys'
23290300 - Men's and boys' athletic uniforms
23290301 - Baseball uniforms: men's, youths', and boys'
23299901 - Knickers, dress (separate): men's and boys'
23299902 - Shirt and slack suits: men's, youths', and boys'
23310000 - Women's and misses' blouses and shirts
23319901 - Blouses, women's and juniors': made from purchased material
23319903 - T-shirts and tops, women's: made from purchased materials
23350000 - Women's, junior's, and misses' dresses
23350100 - Bridal and formal gowns
23350101 - Gowns, formal
23350102 - Wedding gowns and dresses
23359901 - Dresses,paper, cut and sewn
23359903 - Housedresses
23370000 - Women's and misses' suits and coats
23370100 - Women's and misses' suits and skirts
23370101 - Pantsuits: women's, misses' and juniors'
23370102 - Skirts, separate: women's, misses', and juniors'
23370103 - Suits: women's, misses', and juniors'
23379901 - Uniforms, except athletic: women's, misses', and juniors'
23390000 - Women's and misses' outerwear, nec
23390100 - Women's and misses' accessories
23390103 - Neckwear and ties: women's, misses', and juniors'
23390300 - Women's and misses' athletic clothing and sportswear
23390301 - Athletic clothing: women's, misses', and juniors'
23390302 - Bathing suits: women's, misses', and juniors'
23390310 - Sportswear, women's
23390311 - Uniforms, athletic: women's, misses', and juniors'
23390400 - Women's and misses' jackets and coats, except sportswear
23399901 - Aprons, except rubber or plastic: women's, misses', juniors'
23399903 - Jeans: women's, misses', and juniors'
23399904 - Leotards: women's, misses', and juniors'
23399907 - Slacks: women's, misses', and juniors'
23410000 - Women's and children's underwear
23410100 - Women's and children's nightwear
23410101 - Nightgowns and negligees: women's and children's
23410200 - Women's and children's undergarments
23410202 - Panties: women's, misses', children's, and infants'
23420000 - Bras, girdles, and allied garments
23429901 - Brassieres
23429905 - Girdles and panty girdles
23530000 - Hats, caps, and millinery
23530100 - Uniform hats and caps
23530101 - Baseball caps
23539901 - Caps: cloth, straw, and felt
23539902 - Harvest hats, straw
23539904 - Hats and caps, nec
23539906 - Hats: cloth, straw, and felt
23539908 - Millinery
23610000 - Girl's and children's dresses, blouses
23610101 - Blouses: girls', children's, and infants'
23610103 - T-shirts and tops: girls', children's, and infants'
23619901 - Dresses: girls', children's, and infants'
23690000 - Girl's and children's outerwear, nec
23690100 - Children's culottes and shorts
23690201 - Bathing suits and swimwear: girls', children's, and infants'
23690401 - Buntings, infants'
23690403 - Coats: girls', children's, and infants'
23710000 - Fur goods
23810000 - Fabric dress and work gloves
23819903 - Gloves, work: woven or knit, made from purchased materials
23819904 - Gloves, woven or knit: made from purchased materials
23849901 - Bathrobes, men's and women's: made from purchased materials
23850000 - Waterproof outerwear
23859904 - Gowns, plastic: made from purchased materials
23859905 - Raincoats, except vulcanized rubber: purchased materials
23860000 - Leather and sheep-lined clothing
23860101 - Coats and jackets, leather and sheep-lined
23860201 - Garments, leather
23870000 - Apparel belts
23890000 - Apparel and accessories, nec
23890100 - Men's miscellaneous accessories
23890103 - Handkerchiefs, except paper
23890200 - Uniforms and vestments
23890201 - Academic vestments (caps and gowns)
23890203 - Clergymen's vestments
23890300 - Costumes
23890302 - Masquerade costumes
23890303 - Theatrical costumes
23899901 - Apparel for handicapped
23899902 - Arm bands, elastic
23899906 - Hospital gowns
23899907 - Burial garments
23910000 - Curtains and draperies
23919901 - Cottage sets (curtains), made from purchased materials
23919902 - Curtains, window: made from purchased materials
23919903 - Draperies, plastic and textile: from purchased materials
23920000 - Household furnishings, nec
23920100 - Cushions and pillows
23920101 - Boat cushions
23920103 - Pillows, bed: made from purchased materials
23920201 - Bags, garment storage: except paper or plastic film
23920300 - Blankets, comforters and beddings
23920301 - Bedspreads and bed sets: made from purchased materials
23920403 - Placemats, plastic or textile
23920500 - Towels, dishcloths and dust cloths
23920504 - Towels, fabric and nonwoven: made from purchased materials
23920601 - Chair covers and pads: made from purchased materials
23920604 - Mattress pads
23920605 - Mattress protectors, except rubber
23929901 - Bridge sets, cloth and napkin: from purchased materials
23929902 - Mops, floor and dust
23929903 - Sheets, fabric: made from purchased materials
23930000 - Textile bags
23930100 - Canvas bags
23930101 - Duffle bags, canvas: made from purchased materials
23939901 - Bags and containers, except sleeping bags: textile
23939902 - Cushions, except spring and carpet: purchased materials
23940000 - Canvas and related products
23940100 - Canvas awnings and canopies
23940101 - Awnings, fabric: made from purchased materials
23940102 - Canopies, fabric: made from purchased materials
23940200 - Canvas covers and drop cloths
23940201 - Cloth, drop (fabric): made from purchased materials
23940202 - Liners and covers, fabric: made from purchased materials
23940203 - Tarpaulins, fabric: made from purchased materials
23949901 - Air cushions and mattresses, canvas
23949903 - Convertible tops, canvas or boat: from purchased materials
23949904 - Sails: made from purchased materials
23949906 - Tents: made from purchased materials
23950000 - Pleating and stitching
23950101 - Quilted fabrics or cloth
23950200 - Embroidery and art needlework
23950202 - Art needlework: made from purchased materials
23950203 - Emblems, embroidered
23950204 - Embroidery products, except Schiffli machine
23960100 - Apparel and other linings, except millinery
23960102 - Linings, apparel: made from purchased materials
23960201 - Bindings, bias: made from purchased materials
23960204 - Ribbons and bows, cut and sewed
23960306 - Sweat bands, hat and cap: made from purchased materials
23990100 - Emblems, badges, and insignia
23990101 - Emblems, badges, and insignia: from purchased materials
23990102 - Military insignia, textile
23990200 - Horse and pet accessories, textile
23990201 - Horse blankets
23990202 - Horse harnesses and riding crops, etc.: non-leather
23990203 - Pet collars, leashes, etc.: non-leather
23990300 - Banners, pennants, and flags
23990301 - Banners, made from fabric
23990302 - Flags, fabric
23990400 - Belting and belt products
23990402 - Belting, fabric: made from purchased materials
23990500 - Hand woven and crocheted products
23990502 - Hand woven apparel
23990601 - Fishing nets
23999901 - Aprons, breast (harness)
23999905 - Diapers, except disposable: made from purchased materials
23999908 - Parachutes
23999910 - Seat covers, automobile
23999911 - Sleeping bags
23999912 - Tire covers
24110101 - Handle bolts, wood: hewn
24110206 - Poles, wood: untreated
24110208 - Rails, fence: round or split
24110300 - Wooden logs
24119905 - Timber, cut at logging camp
24119907 - Wood chips, produced in the field
24210100 - Building and structural materials, wood
24210103 - Flooring (dressed lumber), softwood
24210105 - Siding (dressed lumber)
24210200 - Sawdust, shavings, and wood chips
24210203 - Wood chips, produced at mill
24210303 - Kiln drying of lumber
24210400 - Outdoor wood structural products
24210401 - Railroad ties, sawed
24219901 - Box lumber
24219903 - Cut stock, softwood
24219906 - Lumber: rough, sawed, or planed
24219909 - Resawing lumber into smaller dimensions
24260100 - Furniture stock and parts, hardwood
24260101 - Carvings, furniture: wood
24260103 - Frames for upholstered furniture, wood
24260104 - Furniture dimension stock, hardwood
24260105 - Furniture squares, hardwood
24260109 - Turnings, furniture: wood
24260301 - Gun stocks, wood
24260400 - Textile machinery accessories, hardwood
24269901 - Dimension, hardwood
24269902 - Flooring, hardwood
24269903 - Lumber, hardwood dimension
24269904 - Parquet flooring, hardwood
24290102 - Heading, barrel (cooperage stock): sawed or split
24290104 - Staves, barrel: sawed or split
24290200 - Shavings and packaging, excelsior
24310100 - Doors and door parts and trim, wood
24310101 - Door frames, wood
24310105 - Door shutters, wood
24310108 - Doors, wood
24310109 - Garage doors, overhead, wood
24310200 - Windows and window parts and trim, wood
24310205 - Window frames, wood
24310206 - Window sashes, wood
24310208 - Window shutters, wood
24310210 - Windows, wood
24310300 - Moldings and baseboards, ornamental and trim
24310301 - Floor baseboards, wood
24310302 - Mantels, wood
24310303 - Moldings, wood: unfinished and prefinished
24310400 - Awnings, blinds and shutters: wood
24310401 - Awnings, wood
24310402 - Blinds (shutters), wood
24310500 - Staircases, stairs and railings
24310501 - Newel posts, wood
24310502 - Railings, stair: wood
24310503 - Staircases and stairs, wood
24310600 - Interior and ornamental woodwork and trim
24310601 - Ornamental woodwork: cornices, mantels, etc.
24310602 - Panel work, wood
24310603 - Trim, wood
24310605 - Woodwork, interior and ornamental, nec
24340000 - Wood kitchen cabinets
24349901 - Vanities, bathroom: wood
24350000 - Hardwood veneer and plywood
24359901 - Hardwood plywood, prefinished
24359902 - Panels, hardwood plywood
24359903 - Plywood, hardwood or hardwood faced
24359904 - Veneer stock, hardwood
24360000 - Softwood veneer and plywood
24369901 - Panels, softwood plywood
24369902 - Plywood, softwood
24369903 - Veneer stock, softwood
24390000 - Structural wood members, nec
24399901 - Arches, laminated lumber
24399902 - Timbers, structural: laminated lumber
24399903 - Trusses, except roof: laminated lumber
24410000 - Nailed wood boxes and shook
24410100 - Boxes, wood
24410200 - Cases, wood
24410202 - Packing cases, wood: nailed or lock corner
24410203 - Shipping cases, wood: nailed or lock corner
24410300 - Chests and trunks, wood
24480000 - Wood pallets and skids
24480100 - Cargo containers, wood and wood with metal
24480101 - Cargo containers, wood
24480102 - Cargo containers, wood and metal combination
24480200 - Pallets, wood and wood with metal
24480201 - Pallets, wood
24480301 - Skids, wood
24490000 - Wood containers, nec
24490100 - Food containers, wood wirebound
24490201 - Barrels: wood, coopered
24490207 - Vats, wood: coopered
24490300 - Rectangular boxes and crates, wood
24490301 - Boxes, wood: wirebound
24490304 - Shipping cases, wood: wirebound
24499903 - Shipping cases and drums, wood: wirebound and plywood
24510000 - Mobile homes
24510101 - Mobile home frames
24510102 - Mobile homes, except recreational
24510201 - Mobile buildings: for commercial use
24520000 - Prefabricated wood buildings
24520103 - Farm buildings, prefabricated or portable: wood
24529902 - Log cabins, prefabricated, wood
24529904 - Modular homes, prefabricated, wood
24529905 - Panels and sections, prefabricated, wood
24529906 - Prefabricated buildings, wood
24529907 - Sauna rooms, prefabricated, wood
24910000 - Wood preserving
24910100 - Poles, posts and pilings: treated wood
24910104 - Poles and pole crossarms, treated wood
24910105 - Posts, treated wood
24910203 - Railroad cross-ties, treated wood
24919901 - Flooring, treated wood block
24919903 - Preserving (creosoting) of wood
24919904 - Structural lumber and timber, treated wood
24919906 - Wood products, creosoted
24930000 - Reconstituted wood products
24930100 - Building board and wallboard, except gypsum
24930102 - Wallboard, except gypsum
24930200 - Particleboard products
24930300 - Hardboard and fiberboard products
24930302 - Fiberboard, wood
24930303 - Hardboard
24930400 - Insulation and roofing material, reconstituted wood
24930402 - Insulation board, cellular fiber
24939901 - Bulletin boards, cork
24939903 - Strandboard, oriented
24990000 - Wood products, nec
24990100 - Laundry products, wood
24990203 - Lasts, boot and shoe
24990302 - Ladders, wood
24990303 - Stepladders, wood
24990400 - Picture and mirror frames, wood
24990401 - Picture frame molding, finished
24990500 - Cork and cork products
24990800 - Handles, poles, dowels and stakes: wood
24990801 - Dowels, wood
24990803 - Handles, wood
24990806 - Pencil slats, wood
24990807 - Poles, wood
24990811 - Surveyors' stakes, wood
24990812 - Tool handles, wood
24990900 - Food handling and processing products, wood
24990901 - Bakers' equipment, wood
24991000 - Kitchen, bathroom, and household ware: wood
24991009 - Woodenware, kitchen and household
24991100 - Decorative wood and woodwork
24991101 - Carved and turned wood
24991102 - Engraved wood products
24991105 - Novelties, wood fiber
24991106 - Veneer work, inlaid
24991200 - Spools, reels, and pulleys: wood
24991205 - Reels, plywood
24991207 - Spools, wood
24991300 - Mulch or sawdust products, wood
24991302 - Logs of sawdust and wood particles, pressed
24991303 - Mulch, wood and bark
24991304 - Sawdust, reground
24991404 - Policemen's clubs, wood
24991600 - Fencing, docks, and other outdoor wood structural products
24991601 - Extension planks, wood
24991602 - Fencing, wood
24991604 - Scaffolds, wood
24991605 - Signboards, wood
24999901 - Applicators, wood
24999902 - Battery separators, wood
24999903 - Beekeeping supplies, wood
24999906 - Cooling towers, wood or wood and sheet metal combination
24999911 - Oars and paddles, wood
24999914 - Trophy bases, wood
25110000 - Wood household furniture
25110100 - Wood bedroom furniture
25110101 - Bed frames, except water bed frames: wood
25110108 - Vanity dressers: wood
25110200 - Kitchen and dining room furniture
25110203 - Chairs, household, except upholstered: wood
25110204 - Chairs, Bentwood
25110206 - Dining room furniture: wood
25110208 - Stools, household: wood
25110209 - Tables, household: wood
25110300 - Children's wood furniture
25110304 - Juvenile furniture: wood
25110305 - Nursery furniture: wood
25110502 - Desks, household: wood
25110602 - Console tables: wood
25110604 - Stands, household, nec: wood
25110605 - Storage chests, household: wood
25110700 - Wood lawn and garden furniture
25110702 - Lawn furniture: wood
25119902 - Coffee tables: wood
25119905 - Novelty furniture: wood
25119908 - Unassembled or unfinished furniture, household: wood
25119909 - Whatnot shelves: wood
25120000 - Upholstered household furniture
25120100 - Wood upholstered chairs and couches
25120101 - Chairs: upholstered on wood frames
25120102 - Couches, sofas, and davenports: upholstered on wood frames
25120103 - Recliners: upholstered on wood frames
25129902 - Living room furniture: upholstered on wood frames
25140000 - Metal household furniture
25140101 - Beds, including folding and cabinet, household: metal
25140102 - Frames for box springs or bedsprings: metal
25140202 - Chairs, household: metal
25140204 - Kitchen cabinets: metal
25140206 - Tables, household: metal
25140500 - Metal bookcases and stereo cabinets
25140502 - Cabinets, radio and television: metal
25140600 - Metal lawn and garden furniture
25140601 - Garden furniture, metal
25140604 - Lawn furniture: metal
25149903 - Cots, household: metal
25149904 - Household furniture: upholstered on metal frames
25149905 - Medicine cabinets and vanities: metal
25150000 - Mattresses and bedsprings
25150100 - Mattresses and foundations
25150101 - Foundations and platforms
25150102 - Mattresses, containing felt, foam rubber, urethane, etc.
25150103 - Mattresses, innerspring or box spring
25150201 - Bedsprings, assembled
25150202 - Box springs, assembled
25170000 - Wood television and radio cabinets
25179901 - Home entertainment unit cabinets, wood
25179904 - Stereo cabinets, wood
25179905 - Television cabinets, wood
25190102 - Lawn furniture, except wood, metal, stone, or concrete
25190204 - Rattan furniture: padded or plain
25190206 - Wicker furniture: padded or plain
25190300 - Fiberglass and plastic furniture
25190302 - Furniture, household: glass, fiberglass, and plastic
25199901 - Household furniture, except wood or metal: upholstered
25199902 - Bean bag Chairs
25210000 - Wood office furniture
25210100 - Wood office chairs, benches and stools
25210102 - Chairs, office: padded, upholstered, or plain: wood
25210201 - Bookcases, office: wood
25210202 - Cabinets, office: wood
25210203 - Filing cabinets (boxes), office: wood
25210300 - Wood office desks and tables
25210301 - Desks, office: wood
25210302 - Tables, office: wood
25219901 - Panel systems and partitions (free-standing), office: wood
25220000 - Office furniture, except wood
25220100 - Office chairs, benches, and stools, except wood
25220101 - Benches, office: except wood
25220102 - Chairs, office: padded or plain: except wood
25220202 - Panel systems and partitions, office: except wood
25220300 - Office cabinets and filing drawers, except wood
25220301 - Cabinets, office: except wood
25220303 - Filing boxes, cabinets, and cases: except wood
25220400 - Office desks and tables, except wood
25220401 - Desks, office: except wood
25220402 - Tables, office: except wood
25310000 - Public building and related furniture
25310100 - School furniture
25310101 - Blackboards, wood
25310200 - Church furniture
25310300 - Vehicle furniture
25310302 - Seats, aircraft
25310400 - Stadium furniture
25310401 - Bleacher seating, portable
25310402 - Stadium seating
25319902 - Benches for public buildings
25319903 - Chairs, portable folding
25319904 - Chairs, table and arm
25319906 - Seats, miscellaneous public conveyances
25319907 - Theater furniture
25319908 - Picnic tables or benches, park
25410000 - Wood partitions and fixtures
25410100 - Store and office display cases and fixtures
25410101 - Bar fixtures, wood
25410102 - Display fixtures, wood
25410104 - Office fixtures, wood
25410105 - Showcases, except refrigerated: wood
25410106 - Store fixtures, wood
25410200 - Cabinets, lockers, and shelving
25410201 - Cabinets, except refrigerated: show, display, etc.: wood
25410202 - Lockers, except refrigerated: wood
25410203 - Shelving, office and store, wood
25410300 - Counter and sink tops
25410301 - Counters or counter display cases, wood
25410304 - Table or counter tops, plastic laminated
25419901 - Partitions for floor attachment, prefabricated: wood
25419902 - Pedestals and statuary, wood
25419903 - Telephone booths, wood
25420000 - Partitions and fixtures, except wood
25420100 - Postal lock boxes, mail racks, and related products
25420103 - Lockers (not refrigerated): except wood
25420200 - Office and store showcases and display fixtures
25420201 - Bar fixtures, except wood
25420202 - Cabinets: show, display, or storage: except wood
25420203 - Counters or counter display cases, except wood
25420204 - Fixtures, office: except wood
25420205 - Fixtures, store: except wood
25420206 - Fixtures: display, office, or store: except wood
25420209 - Racks, merchandise display or storage: except wood
25420210 - Showcases (not refrigerated): except wood
25420211 - Stands, merchandise display: except wood
25429901 - Pallet racks: except wood
25429902 - Partitions for floor attachment, prefabricated: except wood
25429904 - Shelving, office and store, except wood
25910000 - Drapery hardware and window blinds and shades
25910100 - Shade, curtain, and drapery hardware
25910101 - Curtain and drapery rods, poles, and fixtures
25910102 - Shade pulls, window
25910103 - Window shade rollers and fittings
25910200 - Window blinds
25910201 - Blinds vertical
25910203 - Mini blinds
25910204 - Venetian blinds
25910300 - Window shades
25990100 - Factory furniture and fixtures
25990101 - Cabinets, factory
25990102 - Stools, factory
25990104 - Work benches, factory
25990200 - Bar, restaurant and cafeteria furniture
25990201 - Bar furniture
25990202 - Cafeteria furniture
25990203 - Carts, restaurant equipment
25990204 - Food wagons, restaurant
25990205 - Restaurant furniture, wood or metal
25990300 - Beds, not household use
25990301 - Hospital beds
25990302 - Inflatable beds
25999901 - Boards: planning, display, notice
25999903 - Hotel furniture
25999907 - Hospital furniture, except beds
26110000 - Pulp mills
26110302 - Pulp manufactured from waste or recycled paper
26119901 - Pulp made from rags, bagassse, hemp, or other fiber base
26119903 - Pulp produced from wood base, nec
26210000 - Paper mills
26210100 - Towels, tissues and napkins; paper and stock
26210103 - Facial tissue stock
26210106 - Sanitary tissue paper
26210107 - Tissue paper
26210202 - Parchment paper
26210301 - Absorbent paper
26210306 - Filter paper
26210308 - Specialty papers
26210403 - Lithograph paper
26210600 - Stationary, envelope and tablet papers
26210601 - Business form paper
26210604 - Envelope paper
26210607 - Tablet paper
26210800 - Wrapping and packaging papers
26210806 - Packaging paper
26210808 - Wrapping paper
26210908 - Felts, building
26210909 - Insulation siding, paper
26211003 - Molded pulp products
26219901 - Fine paper
26219902 - Kraft paper
26219904 - Uncoated paper
26219905 - Wallpaper (hanging paper)
26310000 - Paperboard mills
26310100 - Linerboard
26310300 - Container, packaging, and boxboard
26310301 - Boxboard
26310302 - Container board
26310304 - Folding boxboard
26310305 - Packaging board
26310306 - Setup boxboard
26310403 - Coated paperboard
26310501 - Cardboard
26310502 - Stencil board
26520000 - Setup paperboard boxes
26529901 - Boxes, newsboard, metal edged: made from purchased materials
26529902 - Filing boxes, paperboard: made from purchased materials
26530000 - Corrugated and solid fiber boxes
26530100 - Corrugated boxes, partitions, display items, sheets, and pad
26530101 - Boxes, corrugated: made from purchased materials
26530102 - Display items, corrugated: made from purchased materials
26530104 - Pads, corrugated: made from purchased materials
26530106 - Partitions, corrugated: made from purchased materials
26530107 - Sheets, corrugated: made from purchased materials
26530200 - Solid fiber boxes, partitions, display items, and sheets
26530201 - Boxes, solid fiber: made from purchased materials
26530202 - Display items, solid fiber: made from purchased materials
26530206 - Partitions, solid fiber: made from purchased materials
26530207 - Sheets, solid fiber: made from purchased materials
26550000 - Fiber cans, drums, and similar products
26550100 - Fiber spools, tubes, and cones
26550101 - Cones, fiber: made from purchased material
26550103 - Tubes, fiber or paper: made from purchased material
26550104 - Tubes, for chemical or electrical uses: paper or fiber
26550200 - Fiber cans, drums, and containers
26550203 - Cans, composite: foil-fiber and other: from purchased fiber
26550204 - Cans, fiber: made from purchased material
26550205 - Containers, laminated phenolic and vulcanized fiber
26550206 - Containers, liquid tight fiber: from purchased material
26550207 - Drums, fiber: made from purchased material
26559901 - Ammunition cans or tubes, board laminated with metal foil
26559904 - Wastebaskets, fiber: made from purchased material
26560000 - Sanitary food containers
26560100 - Paper cups, plates, dishes, and utensils
26560103 - Plates, paper: made from purchased material
26560104 - Straws, drinking: made from purchased material
26560201 - Frozen food containers: made from purchased material
26560300 - Food containers (liquid tight), including milk cartons
26570000 - Folding paperboard boxes
26579902 - Paperboard backs for blister or skin packages
26710000 - Paper; coated and laminated packaging
26719901 - Bread wrappers, waxed or laminated: purchased material
26719902 - Paper, coated or laminated for packaging
26719903 - Plastic film, coated or laminated for packaging
26719904 - Resinous impregnated paper for packaging
26719905 - Thermoplastic coated paper for packaging
26719906 - Waxed paper: made from purchased material
26719907 - Wrapping paper, waterproof or coated
26720000 - Paper; coated and laminated, nec
26720100 - Chemically treated papers, made from purchased materials
26720105 - Metallic covered paper: made from purchased materials
26720109 - Thermoplastic coated paper: made from purchased materials
26720200 - Adhesive papers, labels, or tapes: from purchased material
26720201 - Adhesive backed films, foams and foils
26720203 - Gummed paper: made from purchased materials
26720204 - Gummed tape, cloth or paper base: from purchased materials
26720206 - Masking tape: made from purchased materials
26720207 - Tape, pressure sensitive: made from purchased materials
26729903 - Coated paper, except photographic, carbon, or abrasive
26730000 - Bags: plastic, laminated, and coated
26730101 - Garment bags (plastic film): made from purchased materials
26730200 - Food storage and trash bags (plastic)
26730201 - Food storage and frozen food bags, plastic
26730202 - Trash bags (plastic film): made from purchased materials
26730300 - Plastic and pliofilm bags
26730301 - Plastic bags: made from purchased materials
26740000 - Bags: uncoated paper and multiwall
26740101 - Grocers' bags: made from purchased materials
26740102 - Shipping bags or sacks, including multiwall and heavy duty
26740103 - Shopping bags: made from purchased materials
26749902 - Flour bags: made from purchased materials
26749905 - Paper bags: made from purchased materials
26749906 - Vacuum cleaner bags: made from purchased materials
26750000 - Die-cut paper and board
26750100 - Cardboard cut-outs, panels, and foundations: die-cut
26750103 - Panels, cardboard, die-cut: made from purchased materials
26750202 - Folders, filing, die-cut: made from purchased materials
26750203 - Index cards, die-cut: made from purchased materials
26750204 - Jacquard (textile weaving) cards: from purchased materials
26750300 - Stencils and lettering materials: die-cut
26750302 - Letters, cardboard, die-cut: from purchased materials
26759905 - Paper die-cutting
26759906 - Paperboard die-cutting
26760000 - Sanitary paper products
26760100 - Towels, napkins, and tissue paper products
26760101 - Cleansing tissues: made from purchased paper
26760104 - Toilet paper: made from purchased paper
26760105 - Towels, paper: made from purchased paper
26760200 - Feminine hygiene paper products
26760300 - Infant and baby paper products
26760301 - Diapers, paper (disposable): made from purchased paper
26770000 - Envelopes
26780000 - Stationery products
26780200 - Tablets and pads
26780201 - Desk pads, paper: made from purchased materials
26780302 - Stationery: made from purchased materials
26790100 - Pressed fiber and molded pulp products, except food products
26790104 - Pipes and fittings, fiber: made from purchased material
26790200 - Food dishes and utensils, from pressed and molded pulp
26790203 - Egg cartons, molded pulp: made from purchased material
26790205 - Plates, pressed and molded pulp: from purchased material
26790300 - Wallpaper
26790302 - Wallpaper: made from purchased paper
26790400 - Tags and labels, paper
26790401 - Labels, paper: made from purchased material
26790500 - Gift wrap and novelties, paper
26790504 - Gift wrap, paper: made from purchased material
26790505 - Hats, paper novelties: made from purchased paper
26790506 - Novelties, paper: made from purchased material
26790600 - Telegraph, teletype, and adding machine paper
26790601 - Adding machine rolls, paper: made from purchased material
26790700 - Building, insulating, and packaging paper
26790701 - Building paper, laminated: made from purchased material
26790702 - Corrugated paper: made from purchased material
26790704 - Insulating paper: batts, fills, and blankets
26790800 - Building, insulating, and packaging paperboard
26790803 - Wallboard, decorated: made from purchased material
26790900 - Cardboard products, except die-cut
26790901 - Cardboard: pasted, laminated, lined, or surface coated
26790902 - Fuel cell forms, cardboard: made from purchased material
26799903 - Paper products, converted, nec
26799904 - Paperboard products, converted, nec
27210000 - Periodicals
27520202 - Catalogs, lithographed
27520302 - Forms, business: lithographed
27520401 - Calendars, lithographed
27520402 - Cards, lithographed
27520404 - Post cards, picture: lithographed
27520405 - Souvenir cards, lithographed
27520502 - Maps, lithographed
27520601 - Decals, lithographed
27520602 - Posters, lithographed
27520603 - Transfers, decalcomania or dry: lithographed
27520702 - Tags, lithographed
27520703 - Tickets, lithographed
27520901 - Newspapers, lithographed only
27520902 - Periodicals, lithographed
27529901 - Color lithography
27529903 - Letters, circular or form: lithographed
27529904 - Lithographing on metal
27529905 - Menus, lithographed
27590101 - Bank notes: engraved
27599905 - Embossing on paper
27599906 - Engraving, nec
27599918 - Thermography
27610000 - Manifold business forms
27619902 - Computer forms, manifold or continuous
27619903 - Continuous forms, office and business
27710000 - Greeting cards
27820104 - Record albums
27820200 - Scrapbooks, albums, and diaries
27820201 - Albums
27820300 - Looseleaf binders and devices
27829902 - Chart and graph paper, ruled
27890100 - Display mounting
27890304 - Pamphlets, binding
27890306 - Trade binding services
27899902 - Paper cutting
27899903 - Swatches and samples
27910000 - Typesetting
27910100 - Hand composition typesetting
27919901 - Typesetting, computer controlled
27960202 - Photoengraving plates, linecuts or halftones
27969906 - Lithographic plates, positives or negatives
28120000 - Alkalies and chlorine
28120100 - Alkalies
28120101 - Caustic potash, potassium hydroxide
28120102 - Caustic soda, sodium hydroxide
28120105 - Soda ash, sodium carbonate (anhydrous)
28129901 - Chlorine, compressed or liquefied
28130000 - Industrial gases
28130100 - Carbon dioxide
28130101 - Dry ice, carbon dioxide (solid)
28139901 - Acetylene
28139902 - Aerosols
28139905 - Hydrogen
28139906 - Neon
28139907 - Nitrogen
28139909 - Oxygen, compressed or liquefied
28160000 - Inorganic pigments
28160105 - Titanium dioxide, anatase or rutile (pigments)
28160106 - Zinc pigments: zinc oxide, zinc sulfide
28160200 - Color pigments
28169901 - Metallic and mineral pigments, nec
28190000 - Industrial inorganic chemicals, nec
28190100 - Elements
28190106 - Iodine, elemental
28190200 - Inorganic acids except nitric and phosphoric
28190204 - Hydrochloric acid
28190207 - Sulfuric acid, oleum
28190300 - Aluminum compounds
28190301 - Aluminum chloride
28190303 - Aluminum sulfate
28190304 - Bauxite, refined
28190401 - Brine
28190605 - Nuclear fuel and cores, inorganic
28190700 - Carbides
28190701 - Calcium carbide
28190702 - Tungsten carbide powder, except abrasive or metallurgical
28190800 - Silica compounds
28190900 - Metal salts and compounds except sodium, potassium, aluminum
28190903 - Calcium compounds and salts, inorganic, nec
28190904 - Chromates and bichromates
28190907 - Copper compounds or salts, inorganic
28190909 - Iron (ferric/ferrous) compounds or salts
28190912 - Magnesium compounds or salts, inorganic
28190917 - Mercury, redistilled
28190921 - Tin (stannic/stannous) compounds or salts, inorganic
28191000 - Nonmetallic compounds
28191001 - Bleaching powder, lime bleaching compounds
28191002 - Boron compounds, nec, not from mines
28191003 - Charcoal (carbon), activated
28191011 - Phosphates, except fertilizers: defluorinated and ammoniated
28191012 - Sulfur chloride
28191015 - Sulfur, recovered or refined, incl. from sour natural gas
28199901 - Catalysts, chemical
28199902 - Chemicals, high purity: refined from technical grade
28199903 - Chemicals, reagent grade: refined from technical grade
28210000 - Plastics materials and resins
28210100 - Thermosetting materials
28210101 - Epoxy resins
28210103 - Melamine resins, melamine-formaldehyde
28210104 - Polyesters
28210105 - Polyimides (skybond, kaplon)
28210106 - Polyurethane resins
28210108 - Urea resins
28210200 - Thermoplastic materials
28210201 - Acrylic resins
28210203 - Elastomers, nonvulcanizable (plastics)
28210204 - Ethylene glycol terephthalic acid, mylar
28210205 - Nylon resins
28210206 - Polycarbonate resins
28210207 - Polyethylene resins
28210208 - Polymethyl methacrylate resins, plexiglass
28210210 - Polypropylene resins
28210211 - Polystyrene resins
28210213 - Polytetrafluoroethylene resins, teflon
28210214 - Polyvinyl butyral resins
28210215 - Polyvinyl chloride resins, PVC
28210216 - Polyvinylidene chloride resins
28210217 - Styrene resins, nec
28210219 - Vinyl resins, nec
28210400 - Plasticizer/additive based plastic materials
28210403 - Coal tar resins
28210406 - Protein plastics
28219901 - Molding compounds, plastics
28220000 - Synthetic rubber
28220102 - Butadiene-acrylonitrile, nitrile rubbers, NBR
28220103 - Styrene-butadiene rubbers, (over 50% butadiene), SBR, GRS
28229901 - Acrylic rubbers, polyacrylate
28229905 - Ethylene-propylene rubbers, EPDM polymers
28229906 - Fluoro rubbers
28229909 - Polyethylene, chlorosulfonated, hypalon
28229911 - Silicone rubbers
28230000 - Cellulosic manmade fibers
28240000 - Organic fibers, noncellulosic
28249901 - Acrylic fibers
28249905 - Elastomeric fibers
28249906 - Fluorocarbon fibers
28249908 - Nylon fibers
28249909 - Polyester fibers
28249912 - Protein fibers
28249916 - Vinyl fibers
28330000 - Medicinals and botanicals
28330100 - Medicinal chemicals
28330105 - Organic medicinal chemicals: bulk, uncompounded
28330109 - Vitamins, natural or synthetic: bulk, uncompounded
28330200 - Alkaloids and other botanical based products
28330206 - Cinchona and derivatives
28330300 - Antibiotics
28330400 - Animal based products
28330403 - Endocrine products
28340100 - Drugs affecting neoplasms and endrocrine systems
28340101 - Adrenal pharmaceutical preparations
28340200 - Drugs acting on the central nervous system & sense organs
28340201 - Analgesics
28340300 - Drugs acting on the cardiovascular system, except diagnostic
28340301 - Digitalis pharmaceutical preparations
28340400 - Drugs acting on the respiratory system
28340401 - Antihistamine preparations
28340403 - Cough medicines
28340404 - Lozenges, pharmaceutical
28340500 - Drugs acting on the gastrointestinal or genitourinary system
28340501 - Antacids
28340600 - Dermatologicals
28340602 - Liniments
28340603 - Lip balms
28340604 - Ointments
28340605 - Suppositories
28340700 - Vitamin, nutrient, and hematinic preparations for human use
28340701 - Intravenous solutions
28340702 - Vitamin preparations
28340800 - Drugs affecting parasitic and infective diseases
28340801 - Antibiotics, packaged
28340804 - Penicillin preparations
28349901 - Chlorination tablets and kits (water purification)
28349902 - Druggists' preparations (pharmaceuticals)
28349903 - Emulsions, pharmaceutical
28349904 - Extracts of botanicals: powdered, pilular, solid, or fluid
28349905 - Medicines, capsuled or ampuled
28349906 - Pills, pharmaceutical
28349907 - Powders, pharmaceutical
28349908 - Proprietary drug products
28349909 - Solutions, pharmaceutical
28349910 - Tablets, pharmaceutical
28349911 - Veterinary pharmaceutical preparations
28350000 - Diagnostic substances
28359902 - Blood derivative diagnostic agents
28359903 - Cytology and histology diagnostic agents
28359904 - Electrolyte diagnostic agents
28359905 - Enzyme and isoenzyme diagnostic agents
28359906 - Hemotology diagnostic agents
28359907 - In vitro diagnostics
28359908 - In vivo diagnostics
28359909 - Microbiology and virology diagnostic products
28359910 - Pregnancy test kits
28359911 - Radioactive diagnostic substances
28359912 - Veterinary diagnostic substances
28360000 - Biological products, except diagnostic
28360100 - Blood derivatives
28360101 - Coagulation products
28360102 - Plasmas
28360103 - Serums
28360200 - Extracts
28360201 - Allergens, allergenic extracts
28360300 - Vaccines and other immunizing products
28360302 - Bacterial vaccines
28360304 - Vaccines
28360400 - Culture media
28360402 - Bacteriological media
28369901 - Veterinary biological products
28410000 - Soap and other detergents
28419901 - Detergents, synthetic organic or inorganic alkaline
28419904 - Scouring compounds
28419905 - Soap: granulated, liquid, cake, flaked, or chip
28419906 - Textile soap
28420000 - Polishes and sanitation goods
28420102 - Cleaning or polishing preparations, nec
28420103 - Degreasing solvent
28420104 - Drain pipe solvents or cleaners
28420108 - Stain removers
28420109 - Sweeping compounds, oil or water absorbent, clay or sawdust
28420110 - Wax removers
28420111 - Window cleaning preparations
28420200 - Polishing preparations and related products
28420204 - Floor waxes
28420207 - Metal polish
28420208 - Shoe polish or cleaner
28420209 - Waxes for wood, leather, and other materials
28420300 - Drycleaning preparations
28420301 - Rug, upholstery, or dry cleaning detergents or spotters
28420400 - Sanitation preparations, disinfectants and deodorants
28420401 - Deodorants, nonpersonal
28420402 - Disinfectants, household or industrial plant
28420403 - Industrial plant disinfectants or deodorants
28420404 - Sanitation preparations
28420500 - Laundry cleaning preparations
28420502 - Starch preparations, laundry
28429901 - Bleaches, household: dry or liquid
28430000 - Surface active agents
28430100 - Oils and greases
28430101 - Soluble oils or greases
28430200 - Finishing agents
28430201 - Leather finishing agents
28430202 - Textile finishing agents
28430300 - Processing assistants
28440000 - Perfumes, cosmetics and other toilet preparations
28440100 - Hair preparations, including shampoos
28440101 - Bleaches, hair
28440102 - Hair coloring preparations
28440104 - Shampoos, rinses, conditioners: hair
28440105 - Tonics, hair
28440200 - Oral preparations
28440201 - Denture cleaners
28440202 - Mouthwashes
28440203 - Toothpastes or powders, dentifrices
28440300 - Perfumes and colognes
28440302 - Concentrates, perfume
28440303 - Perfumes, natural or synthetic
28440400 - Shaving preparations
28440500 - Cosmetic preparations
28440501 - Depilatories (cosmetic)
28440502 - Face creams or lotions
28440504 - Suntan lotions and oils
28449901 - Bath salts
28449902 - Deodorants, personal
28449905 - Toilet preparations
28449906 - Towelettes, premoistened
28510000 - Paints and allied products
28510100 - Paints and paint additives
28510101 - Colors in oil, except artists'
28510103 - Marine paints
28510104 - Paint driers
28510105 - Paints, asphalt or bituminous
28510106 - Paints, waterproof
28510107 - Paints: oil or alkyd vehicle or water thinned
28510108 - Plastics base paints and varnishes
28510109 - Undercoatings, paint
28510200 - Lacquers, varnishes, enamels, and other coatings
28510201 - Coating, air curing
28510202 - Enamels, nec
28510203 - Epoxy coatings
28510206 - Lacquer: bases, dopes, thinner
28510207 - Lithographic varnishes
28510208 - Polyurethane coatings
28510211 - Varnishes, nec
28510212 - Vinyl coatings, strippable
28510213 - Wood stains
28510302 - Wood fillers or sealers
28510400 - Removers and cleaners
28510401 - Paint removers
28610000 - Gum and wood chemicals
28610100 - Wood distillation products
28610103 - Hardwood distillates
28650000 - Cyclic crudes and intermediates
28650100 - Dyes and pigments
28650106 - Biological stains
28650108 - Color pigments, organic
28650110 - Dyes, synthetic organic
28650209 - Styrene
28650300 - Cyclic organic intermediates
28650303 - Aniline, nitrobenzene
28650319 - Resorcinol
28650402 - Coal tar: crudes, intermediates, and distillates
28659901 - Chemical indicators
28690000 - Industrial organic chemicals, nec
28690100 - Alcohols, non beverage
28690101 - Alcohols, industrial: denatured (non-beverage)
28690103 - Butyl alcohol, butanol
28690104 - Ethyl alcohol, ethanol
28690105 - Ethylene glycols
28690108 - Methyl alcohol, synthetic, methanol
28690200 - Olefins
28690201 - Ethylene
28690300 - Amines, acids, salts, esters
28690306 - Ethanolamines
28690307 - Fatty acid esters, aminos, etc.
28690400 - Fuels
28690401 - Rocket engine fuel, organic
28690500 - Perfumes, flavorings, and food additives
28690501 - Flavors or flavoring materials, synthetic
28690503 - Perfume materials, synthetic
28690506 - Sweeteners, synthetic
28690602 - Acetone, synthetic
28699902 - Antioxidants, rubber processing: cyclic or acyclic
28699903 - Butadiene (industrial organic chemical)
28699914 - Embalming fluids
28699915 - Enzymes
28699920 - Glycerin
28699922 - High purity grade chemicals, organic
28699923 - Hydraulic fluids, synthetic base
28699924 - Laboratory chemicals, organic
28699926 - Plasticizers, organic: cyclic and acyclic
28699927 - Silicones
28699928 - Solvents, organic
28730000 - Nitrogenous fertilizers
28739901 - Fertilizers: natural (organic), except compost
28739903 - Nitrogen solutions (fertilizer)
28740000 - Phosphatic fertilizers
28740100 - Phosphates
28740104 - Phosphoric acid
28750000 - Fertilizers, mixing only
28759901 - Compost
28759902 - Potting soil, mixed
28790000 - Agricultural chemicals, nec
28790100 - Insecticides and pesticides
28790105 - Exterminating products, for household or industrial use
28790106 - Insecticides, agricultural or household
28790107 - Pesticides, agricultural or household
28799901 - Agricultural disinfectants
28799902 - Defoliants
28799903 - Fungicides, herbicides
28799905 - Soil conditioners
28799906 - Trace elements (agricultural chemicals)
28910000 - Adhesives and sealants
28910100 - Sealants
28910101 - Caulking compounds
28910103 - Sealing compounds for pipe threads or joints
28910104 - Sealing compounds, synthetic rubber or plastic
28910105 - Sealing wax
28910200 - Adhesives
28910201 - Adhesives, paste
28910202 - Adhesives, plastic
28910203 - Cement, except linoleum and tile
28910205 - Epoxy adhesives
28910206 - Glue
28910208 - Rubber cement
28920000 - Explosives
28920101 - Detonators and detonating caps
28920211 - Nitroglycerin (explosive)
28920217 - Slurries (explosive)
28939902 - Gravure ink
28939903 - Letterpress or offset ink
28939904 - Lithographic ink
28939905 - Screen process ink
28950000 - Carbon black
28990000 - Chemical preparations, nec
28990100 - Oils and essential oils
28990105 - Essential oils
28990108 - Incense
28990110 - Magnetic inspection oil or powder
28990200 - Acids
28990201 - Acid resist for etching
28990300 - Gelatin
28990302 - Gelatin: edible, technical, photographic, or pharmaceutical
28990400 - Flares, fireworks, and similar preparations
28990402 - Fireworks
28990404 - Fusees: highway, marine, or railroad
28990500 - Sizes
28990501 - Dextrine sizes
28999902 - Antifreeze compounds
28999903 - Antiscaling compounds, boiler
28999905 - Carbon removing solvent
28999906 - Chemical cotton (processed cotton linters)
28999907 - Chemical supplies for foundries
28999908 - Concrete curing and hardening compounds
28999911 - Corrosion preventive lubricant
28999912 - Deicing or defrosting fluid
28999913 - Desalter kits, sea water
28999914 - Distilled water
28999915 - Drilling mud
28999916 - Dyes and tints, household
28999918 - Fire retardant chemicals
28999919 - Fluxes: brazing, soldering, galvanizing, and welding
28999920 - Foam charge mixtures
28999921 - Food contamination testing or screening kits
28999922 - Frit
28999923 - Fuel tank or engine cleaning chemicals
28999924 - Gun slushing compounds
28999927 - Ink or writing fluids
28999928 - Insulating compounds
28999931 - Metal treating compounds
28999933 - Oil treating compounds
28999935 - Oxidizers, inorganic
28999939 - Plastic wood
28999940 - Plating compounds
28999942 - Rust resisting compounds
28999943 - Salt
28999944 - Sodium chloride, refined
28999945 - Soil testing kits
28999948 - Water treating compounds
28999949 - Waterproofing compounds
28999950 - Oil absorption equipment
28999951 - Fuel treating compounds
28999952 - Drug testing kits, blood and urine
29110000 - Petroleum refining
29110100 - Gases and liquefied petroleum gases
29110101 - Gas, refinery
29110202 - Gasoline blending plants
29110206 - Solvents
29110302 - Diesel fuels
29110303 - Oils, fuel
29110305 - Oils, partly refined: sold for rerunning
29110402 - Mineral oils, natural
29110403 - Mineral waxes, natural
29110404 - Oils, lubricating
29110405 - Paraffin wax
29110600 - Aromatic chemical products
29110702 - Fuel additives
29119901 - Fractionation products of crude petroleum, hydrocarbons, nec
29510000 - Asphalt paving mixtures and blocks
29510100 - Paving blocks
29510101 - Asphalt paving blocks (not from refineries)
29510200 - Paving mixtures
29510201 - Asphalt and asphaltic paving mixtures (not from refineries)
29510202 - Coal tar paving materials (not from refineries)
29510203 - Concrete, asphaltic (not from refineries)
29510204 - Concrete, bituminous
29510206 - Road materials, bituminous (not from refineries)
29520000 - Asphalt felts and coatings
29520100 - Roofing materials
29520102 - Roof cement: asphalt, fibrous, or plastic
29520103 - Roofing felts, cements, or coatings, nec
29520200 - Siding materials
29520202 - Siding, insulating: impregnated, from purchased materials
29529901 - Asphalt saturated board
29529902 - Coating compounds, tar
29920000 - Lubricating oils and greases
29920100 - Lubricating oils
29920102 - Cutting oils, blending: made from purchased materials
29929901 - Oils and greases, blending and compounding
29929902 - Re-refining lubricating oils and greases, nec
29990000 - Petroleum and coal products, nec
29990101 - Coke (not from refineries), petroleum
29990200 - Fuel briquettes and waxes
29990202 - Waxes, petroleum: not produced in petroleum refineries
30110000 - Tires and inner tubes
30110105 - Industrial inner tubes
30110107 - Truck or bus inner tubes
30110201 - Agricultural tires, pneumatic
30110205 - Industrial tires, pneumatic
30110206 - Motorcycle tires, pneumatic
30110300 - Tire and inner tube materials and related products
30110301 - Retreading materials, tire
30119901 - Tires, cushion or solid rubber
30210000 - Rubber and plastics footwear
30210102 - Boots, plastic
30210200 - Shoes, rubber or plastic molded to fabric
30210201 - Canvas shoes, rubber soled
30210203 - Sandals, rubber
30210204 - Shoes, plastic soles molded to fabric uppers
30210205 - Shoes, rubber or rubber soled fabric uppers
30520000 - Rubber and plastics hose and beltings
30520100 - Rubber hose
30520101 - Air line or air brake hose, rubber or rubberized fabric
30520104 - Fire hose, rubber
30520107 - Hose, pneumatic: rubber or rubberized fabric, nec
30520200 - Plastic hose
30520202 - Garden hose, plastic
30520300 - Rubber belting
30520301 - Transmission belting, rubber
30520302 - V-belts, rubber
30530000 - Gaskets; packing and sealing devices
30530100 - Gaskets and sealing devices
30530101 - Gasket materials
30530102 - Gaskets, all materials
30530107 - Oil seals, rubber
30530200 - Packing materials
30530204 - Packing, rubber
30530205 - Packing: steam engines, pipe joints, air compressors, etc.
30610000 - Mechanical rubber goods
30619901 - Appliance rubber goods (mechanical)
30619903 - Medical and surgical rubber tubing (extruded and lathe-cut)
30619904 - Oil and gas field machinery rubber goods (mechanical)
30690000 - Fabricated rubber products, nec
30690100 - Medical and laboratory rubber sundries and related products
30690105 - Laboratory sundries: cases, covers, funnels, cups, etc.
30690106 - Medical sundries, rubber
30690109 - Water bottles, rubber
30690200 - Rubber floorcoverings/mats and wallcoverings
30690203 - Floor coverings, rubber
30690204 - Flooring, rubber: tile or sheet
30690205 - Mats or matting, rubber, nec
30690206 - Sheeting, rubber or rubberized fabric
30690207 - Stair treads, rubber
30690208 - Tile, rubber
30690310 - Rubberized fabrics
30690311 - Wet suits, rubber
30690400 - Air-supported rubber structures
30690402 - Balloons, metal foil laminated with rubber
30690403 - Life jackets, inflatable: rubberized fabric
30690404 - Life rafts, rubber
30690500 - Boot or shoe products, rubber
30690501 - Heels, boot or shoe: rubber, composition, or fiber
30690502 - Soles, boot or shoe: rubber, composition, or fiber
30690602 - Custom compounding of rubber materials
30690605 - Latex, foamed
30690606 - Reclaimed rubber (reworked by manufacturing processes)
30690607 - Rug backing compounds, latex
30690700 - Sponge rubber and sponge rubber products
30690702 - Weather strip, sponge rubber
30690801 - Baby pacifiers, rubber
30690802 - Birth control devices, rubber
30690804 - Nipples, rubber
30690900 - Stationer's rubber sundries
30690902 - Rubber bands
30691000 - Hard rubber and molded rubber products
30691004 - Hard rubber products, nec
30691006 - Molded rubber products
30691008 - Sheets, hard rubber
30691009 - Tubes, hard rubber
30691300 - Rubber rolls and roll coverings
30691302 - Roll coverings, rubber
30691303 - Rolls, solid or covered rubber
30691500 - Rubber hardware
30691501 - Bushings, rubber
30691502 - Castings, rubber
30691503 - Expansion joints, rubber
30691504 - Grommets, rubber
30691505 - Plumbers' rubber goods
30691506 - Washers, rubber
30691600 - Rubber tape
30691602 - Tape, pressure sensitive: rubber
30699901 - Bags, rubber or rubberized fabric
30699904 - Film, rubber
30699905 - Foam rubber
30699906 - Fuel tanks, collapsible: rubberized fabric
30699910 - Linings, vulcanizable rubber
30699913 - Pontoons, rubber
30699914 - Pump sleeves, rubber
30699915 - Roofing, membrane rubber
30699918 - Toys, rubber
30699920 - Tubing, rubber
30810000 - Unsupported plastics film and sheet
30810100 - Plastics film and sheet
30810101 - Packing materials, plastics sheet
30810102 - Photographic and X-ray film and sheet
30810103 - Polyethylene film
30810104 - Polypropylene film and sheet
30810105 - Polyvinyl film and sheet
30810106 - Vinyl film and sheet
30819901 - Film base, cellulose acetate or nitrocellulose plastics
30819902 - Floor or wall covering, unsupported plastics
30819903 - Tile, unsupported plastics
30820000 - Unsupported plastics profile shapes
30829901 - Rods, unsupported plastics
30829902 - Tubes, unsupported plastics
30830000 - Laminated plastics plate and sheet
30839901 - Laminated plastics sheets
30839902 - Plastics finished products, laminated
30839904 - Thermoplastics laminates: rods, tubes, plates, and sheet
30839905 - Thermosetting laminates: rods, tubes, plates, and sheet
30840000 - Plastics pipe
30850000 - Plastics bottles
30860000 - Plastics foam products
30869901 - Carpet and rug cushions, foamed plastics
30869902 - Cups and plates, foamed plastics
30869903 - Ice chests or coolers (portable), foamed plastics
30869904 - Insulation or cushioning material, foamed plastics
30869905 - Packaging and shipping materials, foamed plastics
30869906 - Padding, foamed plastics
30870000 - Custom compound purchased resins
30880000 - Plastics plumbing fixtures
30889901 - Bathroom fixtures, plastics
30889903 - Shower stalls, fiberglass and plastics
30889905 - Toilet fixtures, plastics
30889906 - Tubs (bath, shower, and laundry), plastics
30890000 - Plastics products, nec
30890100 - Plastics containers, except foam
30890101 - Battery cases, plastics or plastics combination
30890102 - Boxes, plastics
30890103 - Buckets, plastics
30890104 - Cases, plastics
30890105 - Garbage containers, plastics
30890106 - Jars, plastics
30890107 - Organizers for closets, drawers, etc.: plastics
30890109 - Planters, plastics
30890110 - Plastics and fiberglass tanks
30890111 - Tubs, plastics (containers)
30890200 - Plastics kitchenware, tableware, and houseware
30890201 - Bottle caps, molded plastics
30890203 - Caps, plastics
30890205 - Clothes hangers, plastics
30890207 - Cups, plastics, except foam
30890211 - Kitchenware, plastics
30890214 - Plates, plastics
30890216 - Tableware, plastics
30890217 - Tissue dispensers, plastics
30890219 - Trays, plastics
30890220 - Tumblers, plastics
30890300 - Plastics hardware and building products
30890301 - Awnings, fiberglass and plastics combination
30890302 - Composition stone, plastics
30890304 - Doors, folding: plastics or plastics coated fabric
30890306 - Ducting, plastics
30890307 - Fences, gates, and accessories: plastics
30890308 - Fittings for pipe, plastics
30890310 - Gutters (glass fiber reinforced), fiberglass or plastics
30890311 - Hardware, plastics
30890312 - Netting, plastics
30890313 - Panels, building: plastics, nec
30890314 - Reinforcing mesh, plastics
30890315 - Septic tanks, plastics
30890317 - Siding, plastics
30890319 - Washers, plastics
30890320 - Window frames and sash, plastics
30890321 - Window screening, plastics
30890322 - Windows, plastics
30890324 - Fiberglass doors
30890402 - Soles, boot or shoe: plastics
30890500 - Plastics boats and other marine equipment
30890502 - Buoys and floats, plastics
30890600 - Plastics processing
30890601 - Blow molded finished plastics products, nec
30890603 - Casting of plastics
30890604 - Celluloid products
30890605 - Coloring and finishing of plastics products
30890606 - Engraving of plastics
30890608 - Injection molded finished plastics products, nec
30890609 - Injection molding of plastics
30890610 - Laminating of plastics
30890611 - Molding primary plastics
30890612 - Synthetic resin finished products, nec
30890613 - Thermoformed finished plastics products, nec
30890614 - Vulcanized fiber plates, sheets, rods, or tubes
30890615 - Extruded finished plastics products, nec
30899901 - Air mattresses, plastics
30899902 - Aquarium accessories, plastics
30899903 - Bands, plastics
30899904 - Bearings, plastics
30899906 - Blister or bubble formed packaging, plastics
30899907 - Closures, plastics
30899909 - Floor coverings, plastics
30899910 - Food casings, plastics
30899912 - Handles, brush or tool: plastics
30899913 - Identification cards, plastics
30899914 - Kits, plastics
30899915 - Lenses, except optical: plastics
30899916 - Monofilaments, nontextile
30899917 - Novelties, plastics
30899918 - Pallets, plastics
30899919 - Sponges, plastics
30899920 - Stock shapes, plastics
30899923 - Toilets, portable chemical: plastics
30899924 - Windshields, plastics
30899925 - Work gloves, plastics
31110000 - Leather tanning and finishing
31110100 - Equestrian leather products
31110104 - Saddlery leather
31110200 - Shoe leather
31110300 - Leather processing
31110305 - Embossing of leather
31110307 - Hides: tanning, currying, and finishing
31110311 - Tanneries, leather
31110400 - Accessory products, leather
31110401 - Bag leather
31110701 - Mechanical leather
31310104 - Laces, shoe and boot: leather
31310201 - Counters
31310301 - Rands
31310303 - Soles, shoe and boot: except rubber, plastics, etc.
31310400 - Inner parts for shoes
31310401 - Inner soles, leather
31310502 - Quarters
31420000 - House slippers
31430000 - Men's footwear, except athletic
31439901 - Boots, dress or casual: men's
31439903 - Orthopedic shoes, men's
31439905 - Work shoes, men's
31440000 - Women's footwear, except athletic
31449901 - Boots, canvas or leather: women's
31449902 - Dress shoes, women's
31490102 - Sandals, except rubber or plastic: children's
31499901 - Athletic shoes, except rubber or plastic
31510000 - Leather gloves and mittens
31519902 - Gloves, leather: work
31610000 - Luggage
31610100 - Clothing and apparel carrying cases
31610103 - Suitcases
31610104 - Traveling bags
31619901 - Attache' cases
31619902 - Briefcases
31619903 - Camera carrying bags
31619904 - Cases, carrying, nec
31619905 - Musical instrument cases
31619906 - Sample cases
31710000 - Women's handbags and purses
31719901 - Handbags, women's
31719902 - Purses, women's
31720000 - Personal leather goods, nec
31720102 - Coin purses
31720103 - Handbags, regardless of material: men's
31720200 - Leather cases
31720202 - Cases, glasses
31720203 - Cases, jewelry
31729903 - Cosmetic bags
31990100 - Equestrian related leather articles
31990103 - Harness or harness parts
31990105 - Saddles or parts
31990200 - Leather garments
31990202 - Helmets, leather
31990203 - Holsters, leather
31990300 - Leather belting and strapping
31990302 - Belting for machinery: solid, twisted, flat, etc.: leather
31990305 - Safety belts, leather
31990307 - Straps, leather
31999904 - Desk sets, leather
31999905 - Dog furnishings: collars, leashes, muzzles, etc.: leather
31999908 - Novelties, leather
32110000 - Flat glass
32110102 - Optical glass, flat
32110200 - Strengthened or reinforced glass
32110201 - Laminated glass
32110202 - Tempered glass
32110300 - Construction glass
32110301 - Building glass, flat
32110302 - Insulating glass, sealed units
32110303 - Skylight glass
32110305 - Window glass, clear and colored
32110400 - Plate and sheet glass
32110402 - Sheet glass
32210000 - Glass containers
32210100 - Food containers, glass
32210103 - Water bottles, glass
32219901 - Bottles for packing, bottling, and canning: glass
32219903 - Cosmetic jars, glass
32219904 - Medicine bottles, glass
32219906 - Vials, glass
32290000 - Pressed and blown glass, nec
32290100 - Glass furnishings and accessories
32290105 - Cooking utensils, glass or glass ceramic
32290106 - Tableware, glass or glass ceramic
32290107 - Vases, glass
32290200 - Optical glass
32290202 - Ophthalmic glass, except flat
32290302 - Glassware, industrial
32290303 - Insulators, electrical: glass
32290400 - Glass fiber products
32290401 - Fiber optics strands
32290600 - Scientific glassware
32290700 - Glass lighting equipment parts
32290701 - Bulbs for electric lights
32290704 - Lamp parts and shades, glass
32290800 - Art, decorative and novelty glassware
32290802 - Glassware, art or decorative
32290803 - Novelty glassware
32290804 - Stationers' glassware: inkwells, clip cups, etc.
32310000 - Products of purchased glass
32310100 - Ornamental glass: cut, engraved or otherwise decorated
32310101 - Christmas tree ornaments: made from purchased glass
32310103 - Decorated glassware: chipped, engraved, etched, etc.
32310104 - Enameled glass
32310107 - Novelties, glass: fruit, foliage, flowers, animals, etc.
32310108 - Stained glass: made from purchased glass
32310200 - Mirrored glass
32310301 - Aquariums and reflectors, glass
32310302 - Reflector glass beads, for highway signs or reflectors
32310400 - Strengthened or reinforced glass
32310401 - Insulating glass: made from purchased glass
32310402 - Insulating units, multiple-glazed: made from purchased glass
32310404 - Leaded glass
32310405 - Safety glass: made from purchased glass
32310406 - Tempered glass: made from purchased glass
32310407 - Windshields, glass: made from purchased glass
32310500 - Laboratory glassware
32310501 - Medical and laboratory glassware: made from purchased glass
32310502 - Scientific and technical glassware: from purchased glass
32319901 - Art glass: made from purchased glass
32319902 - Doors, glass: made from purchased glass
32319903 - Furniture tops, glass: cut, beveled, or polished
32319904 - Glass sheet bent: made from purchased glass
32319905 - Industrial glassware: made from purchased glass
32319907 - Framed mirrors
32410000 - Cement, hydraulic
32419901 - Masonry cement
32419902 - Natural cement
32419903 - Portland cement
32510000 - Brick and structural clay tile
32510100 - Structural brick and blocks
32510101 - Brick clay: common face, glazed, vitrified, or hollow
32510105 - Paving brick, clay
32510202 - Building tile, clay
32530000 - Ceramic wall and floor tile
32530102 - Quarry tile, clay
32530200 - Ceramic wall and floor tile
32530201 - Floor tile, ceramic
32530202 - Mosaic tile, glazed and unglazed: ceramic
32530203 - Wall tile, ceramic
32550000 - Clay refractories
32550200 - Glasshouse refractories
32550301 - Brick, clay refractory
32550305 - Tile, clay refractory
32559901 - Castable refractories: clay
32559906 - Mortars, clay refractory
32590100 - Clay sewer and drainage pipe and tile
32590103 - Liner brick or plates for sewer/tank lining, vitrified clay
32590104 - Sewer pipe or fittings, clay
32590200 - Clay chimney products
32590300 - Architectural clay products
32590302 - Architectural terra cotta
32590303 - Roofing tile, clay
32610000 - Vitreous plumbing fixtures
32610100 - Bathroom accessories/fittings, vitreous china or earthenware
32610200 - Plumbing fixtures, vitreous china
32610201 - Bidets, vitreous china
32629902 - China cookware
32629903 - Dishes, commercial or household: vitreous china
32629904 - Tableware, vitreous china
32630000 - Semivitreous table and kitchenware
32639902 - Cookware, fine earthenware
32640000 - Porcelain electrical supplies
32649902 - Ferrite and ferrite parts
32649903 - Insulators, electrical: porcelain
32649905 - Magnets, permanent: ceramic or ferrite
32649906 - Porcelain parts for electrical devices, molded
32690202 - Cones, pyrometric: earthenware
32690203 - Filtering media, pottery
32690301 - Decalcomania work on china and glass
32690400 - Pottery household articles, except kitchen articles
32690403 - Vases, pottery
32699901 - Art and ornamental ware, pottery
32699902 - Figures: pottery, china, earthenware, and stoneware
32699905 - Stoneware pottery products
32710000 - Concrete block and brick
32719901 - Architectural concrete: block, split, fluted, screen, etc.
32719902 - Blocks, concrete or cinder: standard
32719904 - Blocks, concrete: chimney or fireplace
32719907 - Blocks, concrete: heat absorbing
32719908 - Blocks, concrete: insulating
32719909 - Blocks, concrete: landscape or retaining wall
32719911 - Brick, concrete
32719912 - Paving blocks, concrete
32719915 - Sewer and manhole block, concrete
32720000 - Concrete products, nec
32720100 - Liquid catch basins, tanks, and covers: concrete
32720101 - Catch basin covers, concrete
32720102 - Manhole covers or frames, concrete
32720103 - Septic tanks, concrete
32720104 - Tanks, concrete
32720206 - Silo staves, cast stone or concrete
32720300 - Precast terrazzo or concrete products
32720302 - Burial vaults, concrete or precast terrazzo
32720303 - Concrete products, precast, nec
32720304 - Floor slabs and tiles, precast concrete
32720306 - Fountains, concrete
32720309 - Furniture, garden: concrete
32720312 - Roofing tile and slabs, concrete
32720313 - Shower receptors, concrete
32720316 - Steps, prefabricated concrete
32720318 - Terrazzo products, precast, nec
32720320 - Ties, railroad: concrete
32720321 - Tile, precast terrazzo or concrete
32720324 - Wash foundations, precast terrazzo
32720402 - Fireplaces, concrete
32720500 - Concrete window and door components, sills and frames
32720503 - Lintels, concrete
32720505 - Window sills, cast stone
32720600 - Concrete products used to facilitate drainage
32720604 - Culvert pipe, concrete
32720607 - Irrigation pipe, concrete
32720608 - Pipe, concrete or lined with concrete
32720609 - Pressure pipe, reinforced concrete
32720610 - Sewer pipe, concrete
32720700 - Concrete structural support and building material
32720702 - Building materials, except block or brick: concrete
32720703 - Building stone, artificial: concrete
32720704 - Cast stone, concrete
32720705 - Columns, concrete
32720708 - Joists, concrete
32720709 - Panels and sections, prefabricated concrete
32720713 - Stone, cast concrete
32720800 - Monuments and grave markers, except terrazzo
32720802 - Monuments, concrete
32729901 - Art marble, concrete
32729902 - Dry mixture concrete
32729903 - Paving materials, prefabricated concrete
32729904 - Prestressed concrete products
32740000 - Lime
32740100 - Building lime
32749901 - Agricultural lime
32749902 - Dolomitic lime, dead-burned dolomite
32750000 - Gypsum products
32750103 - Wallboard, gypsum
32759902 - Cement, Keene's
32810000 - Cut stone and stone products
32810100 - Furniture, cut stone
32810101 - Altars, cut stone
32810104 - Table tops, marble
32810200 - Household articles, except furniture: cut stone
32810201 - Bathroom fixtures, cut stone
32810204 - Urns, cut stone
32810300 - Building stone products
32810301 - Dimension stone for buildings
32810302 - Marble, building: cut and shaped
32810400 - Slate products
32810401 - Blackboards, slate
32810501 - Burial vaults, stone
32810502 - Monuments, cut stone (not finishing or lettering only)
32810503 - Pedestals, marble
32810601 - Curbing, granite or stone
32810602 - Flagstones
32810603 - Paving blocks, cut stone
32819901 - Granite, cut and shaped
32819902 - Limestone, cut and shaped
32819903 - Stone, quarrying and processing of own stone products
32910000 - Abrasive products
32910200 - Abrasive stones, except grinding stones: ground or whole
32910202 - Hones
32910300 - Abrasive metal and steel products
32910304 - Steel shot abrasive
32910305 - Steel wool
32910400 - Abrasive wheels and grindstones, not artificial
32910401 - Buffing or polishing wheels, abrasive or nonabrasive
32910403 - Wheels, abrasive
32910500 - Synthetic abrasives
32910508 - Tungsten carbide abrasive
32910600 - Coated abrasive products
32910603 - Sandpaper
32910701 - Grindstones, artificial
32910705 - Wheels, grinding: artificial
32910800 - Abrasive grains
32919901 - Abrasive buffs, bricks, cloth, paper, stones, etc.
32920000 - Asbestos products
32920300 - Asbestos insulating materials
32920304 - Pipe covering (heat insulating material), except felt
32950000 - Minerals, ground or treated
32950100 - Minerals, ground or otherwise treated
32950200 - Earths, ground or otherwise treated
32950202 - Clay for petroleum refining, chemically processed
32950203 - Clay, ground or otherwise treated
32950208 - Graphite, natural: ground, pulverized, refined, or blended
32950210 - Cat box filler
32950212 - Perlite, aggregate or expanded
32950214 - Pulverized earth
32950217 - Silicon, ultra high purity: treated
32959903 - Roofing granules
32959904 - Slag, crushed or ground
32960000 - Mineral wool
32960100 - Mineral wool insulation products
32960101 - Fiberglass insulation
32960102 - Insulation: rock wool, slag, and silica minerals
32969901 - Acoustical board and tile, mineral wool
32969902 - Glass wool
32970000 - Nonclay refractories
32970100 - Brick refractories
32970200 - Cement refractories
32970201 - Cement refractories, nonclay
32970203 - Cement: high temperature, refractory (nonclay)
32970300 - Heat resistant mixtures
32979902 - Castable refractories, nonclay
32979904 - Graphite refractories: carbon bond or ceramic bond
32990200 - Sand lime products
32990300 - Ornamental and architectural plaster work
32990301 - Architectural sculptures: gypsum, clay, papier mache, etc.
32990304 - Moldings, architectural: plaster of paris
32990306 - Stucco
32990400 - Nonmetallic mineral statuary and other decorative products
32990401 - Art goods: plaster of paris, papier mache, and scagliola
32990404 - Fountains, plaster of paris
32990405 - Images, small: gypsum, clay, or papier mache
32990407 - Plaques: clay, plaster, or papier mache
32999901 - Ceramic fiber
32999906 - Tubing for electrical purposes, quartz
33120100 - Chemicals and other products derived from coking
33120106 - Coke oven products (chemical recovery), nec
33120108 - Coke, produced in chemical recovery coke ovens
33120110 - Light oil crude, from chemical recovery coke ovens
33120200 - Blast furnace and related products
33120301 - Billets, steel
33120303 - Ingots, steel
33120304 - Slabs, steel
33120402 - Railroad crossings, steel or iron
33120404 - Rails, steel or iron
33120405 - Structural shapes and pilings, steel
33120500 - Bar, rod, and wire products
33120501 - Bars and bar shapes, steel, cold-finished: own hot-rolled
33120502 - Bars and bar shapes, steel, hot-rolled
33120505 - Wire products, steel or iron
33120600 - Pipes and tubes
33120601 - Pipes, iron and steel
33120602 - Tubes, steel and iron
33120700 - Plate, sheet and strip, except coated products
33120701 - Armor plate
33120702 - Plate, steel
33120703 - Sheet or strip, steel, cold-rolled: own hot-rolled
33120704 - Sheet or strip, steel, hot-rolled
33120800 - Tool and die steel and alloys
33120801 - Ferroalloys, produced in blast furnaces
33120802 - Stainless steel
33120803 - Tool and die steel
33120900 - Wheels
33120902 - Wheels, locomotive and car: iron and steel
33121000 - Coated or plated products
33121002 - Galvanized pipes, plates, sheets, etc.: iron and steel
33129903 - Fence posts, iron and steel
33129904 - Forgings, iron and steel
33129906 - Iron and steel products, hot-rolled
33129907 - Sinter, iron
33129908 - Tin-free steel
33130000 - Electrometallurgical products
33130200 - Ferroalloys
33130201 - Alloys, additive, except copper: not made in blast furnaces
33139902 - Tungsten carbide powder
33150000 - Steel wire and related products
33150101 - Chain link fencing
33150102 - Fence gates, posts, and fittings: steel
33150202 - Nails, steel: wire or cut
33150205 - Staples, steel: wire or cut
33150300 - Wire and fabricated wire products
33150302 - Baskets, steel wire
33150303 - Cable, steel: insulated or armored
33150305 - Welded steel wire fabric
33150307 - Wire products, ferrous/iron: made in wiredrawing plants
33150308 - Wire, ferrous/iron
33150309 - Wire, steel: insulated or armored
33160000 - Cold finishing of steel shapes
33160101 - Strip, steel, cold-rolled, nec: from purchased hot-rolled,
33160102 - Strip, steel, flat bright, cold-rolled: purchased hot-rolled
33169901 - Bars, steel, cold finished, from purchased hot-rolled
33169903 - Sheet, steel, cold-rolled, nec: from purchased hot-rolled
33170000 - Steel pipe and tubes
33170100 - Seamless pipes and tubes
33170101 - Pipes, seamless steel
33170102 - Tubes, seamless steel
33170103 - Tubing, mechanical or hypodermic sizes: cold drawn stainless
33170200 - Welded pipe and tubes
33170201 - Boiler tubes (wrought)
33170203 - Pipes, wrought: welded, lock joint, or heavy riveted
33170204 - Tubes, wrought: welded or lock joint
33170205 - Well casing, wrought: welded, lock joint, or heavy riveted
33210000 - Gray and ductile iron foundries
33210100 - Cast iron pipe and fittings
33210102 - Sewer pipe, cast iron
33210103 - Soil pipe and fittings: cast iron
33219901 - Cooking utensils, cast iron
33219902 - Ductile iron castings
33219903 - Gray iron castings, nec
33219904 - Gray iron ingot molds, cast
33219905 - Manhole covers, metal
33219906 - Railroad car wheels and brake shoes, cast iron
33220000 - Malleable iron foundries
33240000 - Steel investment foundries
33249901 - Aerospace investment castings, ferrous
33249902 - Commercial investment castings, ferrous
33250000 - Steel foundries, nec
33259901 - Alloy steel castings, except investment
33259902 - Bushings, cast steel: except investment
33259903 - Railroad car wheels, cast steel
33310000 - Primary copper
33310100 - Primary copper smelter products
33310101 - Blister copper
33340000 - Primary aluminum
33340100 - Aluminum ingots and slabs
33340102 - Slabs (primary), aluminum
33349901 - Pigs, aluminum
33390000 - Primary nonferrous metals, nec
33390101 - Antifriction bearing metals, lead-base
33390102 - Lead smelting and refining (primary)
33390103 - Zinc refining (primary), including slabs & dust
33390104 - Zinc smelting (primary), including zinc residue
33390200 - Precious metals
33390201 - Gold refining (primary)
33390300 - Silicon and chromium
33390302 - Silicon refining (primary, over 99% pure)
33390304 - Silicon, pure
33399903 - Beryllium metal
33399919 - Zirconium metal, sponge and granules
33410000 - Secondary nonferrous metals
33410101 - Lead smelting and refining (secondary)
33410200 - Secondary precious metals
33410202 - Platinum group metals, smelting and refining (secondary)
33410203 - Silver recovery from used photographic film
33419901 - Aluminum smelting and refining (secondary)
33419903 - Brass smelting and refining (secondary)
33419905 - Copper smelting and refining (secondary)
33419911 - Recovery and refining of nonferrous metals
33510000 - Copper rolling and drawing
33510100 - Copper and copper alloy sheet, strip, plate, and products
33510101 - Bands, copper and copper alloy
33510105 - Strip, copper and copper alloy
33510200 - Copper and copper alloy pipe and tube
33510201 - Copper pipe
33510202 - Pipe, brass and bronze
33510203 - Tubing, copper and copper alloy
33519904 - Extruded shapes, nec, copper and copper alloy
33519905 - Rails, copper and copper alloy
33519907 - Wire, copper and copper alloy
33530000 - Aluminum sheet, plate, and foil
33530100 - Aluminum sheet and strip
33530101 - Coils, sheet aluminum
33530102 - Flat rolled shapes, nec, aluminum
33539901 - Foil, aluminum
33539903 - Tubes, welded, aluminum
33540000 - Aluminum extruded products
33540102 - Coils, rod, extruded, aluminum
33540200 - Aluminum pipe and tube
33540203 - Tube, extruded or drawn, aluminum
33549901 - Shapes, extruded aluminum, nec
33550000 - Aluminum rolling and drawing, nec
33550100 - Aluminum wire and cable
33550201 - Bars, rolled, aluminum
33550401 - Rails, rolled and drawn, aluminum
33550402 - Structural shapes, rolled, aluminum
33560000 - Nonferrous rolling and drawing, nec
33560101 - Lead and lead alloy bars, pipe, plates, shapes, etc.
33560201 - Gold and gold alloy bars, sheets, strip, etc.
33560400 - Nickel
33560402 - Nickel and nickel alloy: rolling, drawing, or extruding
33560600 - Titanium
33560602 - Titanium and titanium alloy: rolling, drawing, or extruding
33569901 - Battery metal
33569902 - Solder: wire, bar, acid core, and rosin core
33569904 - Welding rods
33570000 - Nonferrous wiredrawing and insulating
33570100 - Communication wire
33570101 - Coaxial cable, nonferrous
33570102 - Fiber optic cable (insulated)
33579902 - Aluminum wire and cable
33579905 - Building wire and cable, nonferrous
33579906 - Magnet wire, nonferrous
33579907 - Shipboard cable, nonferrous
33630000 - Aluminum die-castings
33640000 - Nonferrous die-castings except aluminum
33640100 - Copper and copper alloy die-castings
33640101 - Brass and bronze die-castings
33640201 - Lead die-castings
33640202 - Zinc and zinc-base alloy die-castings
33649901 - Magnesium and magnesium-base alloy die-castings
33650000 - Aluminum foundries
33650101 - Cooking/kitchen utensils, cast aluminum
33650200 - Aluminum and aluminum-based alloy castings
33650201 - Aerospace castings, aluminum
33650202 - Machinery castings, aluminum
33659901 - Masts, cast aluminum
33660000 - Copper foundries
33660100 - Bushings and bearings
33660200 - Propellers
33660202 - Propellers, ship: cast brass
33669901 - Brass foundry, nec
33669902 - Bronze foundry, nec
33669903 - Castings (except die), nec, brass
33669904 - Castings (except die), nec, bronze
33669906 - Castings (except die), nsk
33669907 - Machinery castings, brass
33690000 - Nonferrous foundries, nec
33690101 - Lead castings, except die-castings
33690103 - Zinc and zinc-base alloy castings, except die-castings
33699901 - Aerospace castings, nonferrous: except aluminum
33699902 - Castings, except die-castings, precision
33699903 - Machinery castings, exc. die, nonferrous, exc. alum. copper
33699904 - Magnesium and magnes.-base alloy castings, exc. die-casting
33699905 - Titanium castings, except die-casting
33980000 - Metal heat treating
33989901 - Annealing of metal
33989902 - Brazing (hardening) of metal
33989903 - Metal burning
33989904 - Shot peening (treating steel to reduce fatigue)
33989905 - Tempering of metal
33990000 - Primary metal products
33990100 - Metal powders, pastes, and flakes
33990102 - Flakes, metal
33990103 - Iron, powdered
33990105 - Powder, metal
33990106 - Silver powder
33990200 - Metal fasteners
33990201 - Brads: aluminum, brass, or other nonferrous metal or wire
33990202 - Nails: aluminum, brass, or other nonferrous metal or wire
33999901 - Iron ore recovery from open hearth slag
33999902 - Laminating steel
33999904 - Steel balls
33999906 - Cryogenic treatment of metal
34110000 - Metal cans
34110100 - Food and beverage containers
34110102 - Beverage cans, metal: except beer
34110103 - Food containers, metal
34119901 - Aluminum cans
34119906 - Tin cans
34120000 - Metal barrels, drums, and pails
34129901 - Barrels, shipping: metal
34129902 - Drums, shipping: metal
34210000 - Cutlery
34210100 - Table and food cutlery, including butchers'
34210103 - Knife blades and blanks
34210104 - Knives: butchers', hunting, pocket, etc.
34210203 - Scissors, hand
34210204 - Shears, hand
34219901 - Razor blades and razors
34230000 - Hand and edge tools, nec
34230100 - Garden and farm tools, including shovels
34230200 - Soldering tools
34230201 - Soldering guns or tools, hand: electric
34239904 - Carpenters' hand tools, except saws: levels, chisels, etc.
34239905 - Carpet layers' hand tools
34239906 - Caulking tools, hand
34239907 - Cutters, glass
34239908 - Cutting dies, except metal cutting
34239910 - Edge tools for woodworking: augers, bits, gimlets, etc.
34239912 - Hammers (hand tools)
34239914 - Jacks: lifting, screw, or ratchet (hand tools)
34239916 - Knives, agricultural or industrial
34239919 - Masons' hand tools
34239920 - Mechanics' hand tools
34239921 - Plumbers' hand tools
34239922 - Rules or rulers, metal
34239923 - Screw drivers, pliers, chisels, etc. (hand tools)
34239927 - Tools or equipment for use with sporting arms
34239928 - Wrenches, hand tools
34250000 - Saw blades and handsaws
34259902 - Saw blades, for hand or power saws
34259903 - Saws, hand: metalworking or woodworking
34290000 - Hardware, nec
34290100 - Furniture, builders' and other household hardware
34290101 - Builders' hardware
34290102 - Cabinet hardware
34290103 - Door opening and closing devices, except electrical
34290104 - Fireplace equipment, hardware: andirons, grates, screens
34290105 - Furniture hardware
34290200 - Keys, locks, and related hardware
34290201 - Door locks, bolts, and checks
34290203 - Locks or lock sets
34290204 - Padlocks
34290300 - Motor vehicle hardware
34290301 - Bicycle racks, automotive
34290302 - Luggage racks, car top
34290303 - Ski racks, automotive
34290400 - Aircraft & marine hardware, inc. pulleys & similar items
34290401 - Aircraft hardware
34290402 - Marine hardware
34290403 - Pulleys, metal
34290500 - Clamps, couplings, nozzles, and other metal hose fittings
34290501 - Clamps and couplings, hose
34290502 - Clamps, metal
34299901 - Animal traps, iron or steel
34299902 - Casket hardware
34299905 - Harness hardware
34299907 - Luggage hardware
34299908 - Metal fasteners
34299910 - Parachute hardware
34310000 - Metal sanitary ware
34310100 - Bathroom fixtures, including sinks
34310103 - Shower stalls, metal
34319901 - Drinking fountains, metal
34319903 - Plumbing fixtures: enameled iron, cast iron,or pressed metal
34320000 - Plumbing fixture fittings and trim
34329901 - Faucets and spigots, metal and plastic
34329902 - Lawn hose nozzles and sprinklers
34329903 - Plastic plumbing fixture fittings, assembly
34329904 - Plumbers' brass goods: drain cocks, faucets, spigots, etc.
34330000 - Heating equipment, except electric
34330100 - Burners, furnaces, boilers, and stokers
34330101 - Boilers, low-pressure heating: steam or hot water
34330103 - Gas burners, domestic
34330104 - Gas burners, industrial
34330105 - Gas-oil burners, combination
34330106 - Oil burners, domestic or industrial
34330107 - Stokers, mechanical: domestic or industrial
34330201 - Logs, gas fireplace
34330202 - Radiators, except electric
34330205 - Space heaters, except electric
34339901 - Gas infrared heating units
34339902 - Heaters, swimming pool: oil or gas
34339904 - Solar heaters and collectors
34339905 - Steam heating apparatus
34339906 - Stoves, wood and coal burning
34410100 - Fabricated structural metal for ships
34410101 - Boat and barge sections, prefabricated metal
34410200 - Fabricated structural metal for bridges
34410201 - Bridge sections, prefabricated, highway
34419901 - Building components, structural steel
34419902 - Dam gates, metal plate
34419903 - Expansion joints (structural shapes), iron or steel
34419904 - Floor jacks, metal
34419906 - Joists, open web steel: long-span series
34419907 - Railroad car racks, for transporting vehicles: steel
34419908 - Tower sections, radio and television transmission
34420000 - Metal doors, sash, and trim
34420100 - Window and door frames
34420101 - Casements, aluminum
34420102 - Sash, door or window: metal
34420200 - Louvers, shutters, jalousies, and similar items
34420204 - Shutters, door or window: metal
34420300 - Screen and storm doors and windows
34420301 - Screen doors, metal
34420302 - Screens, window, metal
34420303 - Storm doors or windows, metal
34420400 - Metal doors
34420401 - Fire doors, metal
34420402 - Garage doors, overhead: metal
34420403 - Hangar doors, metal
34420404 - Rolling doors for industrial buildings or warehouses, metal
34420500 - Molding, trim, and stripping
34420503 - Weather strip, metal
34430000 - Fabricated plate work (boiler shop)
34430100 - Industrial vessels, tanks, and containers
34430102 - Bins, prefabricated metal plate
34430103 - Columns (fractioning, etc.): metal plate
34430104 - Cryogenic tanks, for liquids and gases
34430108 - Dumpsters, garbage
34430110 - Fuel tanks (oil, gas, etc.), metal plate
34430111 - Gas holders, metal plate
34430113 - Housings, pressure
34430115 - Process vessels, industrial: metal plate
34430116 - Separators, industrial process: metal plate
34430118 - Stills, pressure: metal plate
34430120 - Tanks for tank trucks, metal plate
34430121 - Tanks, lined: metal plate
34430122 - Tanks, standard or custom fabricated: metal plate
34430123 - Towers (bubble, cooling, fractionating, etc.): metal plate
34430125 - Vats, metal plate
34430126 - Vessels, process or storage (from boiler shops): metal plate
34430127 - Water tanks, metal plate
34430200 - Heat exchangers, condensers, and components
34430201 - Air coolers, metal plate
34430205 - Condensers, steam
34430206 - Cooling towers, metal plate
34430207 - Finned tubes, for heat transfer
34430208 - Heat exchangers, plate type
34430209 - Heat exchangers: coolers (after, inter), condensers, etc.
34430300 - Boiler and boiler shop work
34430302 - Boiler shop products: boilers, smokestacks, steel tanks
34430303 - Boilers: industrial, power, or marine
34430503 - Nuclear core structurals, metal plate
34430504 - Nuclear reactors, military or industrial
34430505 - Nuclear shielding, metal plate
34430507 - Reactor containment vessels, metal plate
34430600 - Liners/lining
34430601 - Liners, industrial: metal plate
34430700 - Metal parts
34430701 - Baffles
34430702 - Breechings, metal plate
34430703 - Cable trays, metal plate
34430800 - Chutes and troughs
34430801 - Chutes, metal plate
34430900 - Pipe, standpipe, and culverts
34430902 - Pipe, large diameter: metal plate
34431002 - Wind tunnels
34431105 - Sterilizing chambers, metal plate
34439902 - Containers, shipping (bombs, etc.): metal plate
34439904 - Cylinders, pressure: metal plate
34439906 - High vacuum coaters, metal plate
34439911 - Perforating on heavy metal
34439915 - Truss plates, metal
34439916 - Weldments
34440000 - Sheet metalwork
34440100 - Culverts, flumes, and pipes
34440101 - Culverts, sheet metal
34440104 - Pipe, sheet metal
34440200 - Metal ventilating equipment
34440202 - Ducts, sheet metal
34440203 - Elbows, for air ducts, stovepipes, etc.: sheet metal
34440204 - Flues and pipes, stove or furnace: sheet metal
34440205 - Ventilators, sheet metal
34440300 - Metal roofing and roof drainage equipment
34440303 - Gutters, sheet metal
34440304 - Roof deck, sheet metal
34440305 - Skylights, sheet metal
34440400 - Metal flooring and siding
34440402 - Flooring, cellular steel
34440403 - Siding, sheet metal
34440500 - Metal housings, enclosures, casings, and other containers
34440502 - Booths, spray: prefabricated sheet metal
34440503 - Casings, sheet metal
34440504 - Furnace casings, sheet metal
34440505 - Hoods, range: sheet metal
34440506 - Hoppers, sheet metal
34440507 - Housings for business machines, sheet metal
34440508 - Laundry hampers, sheet metal
34440509 - Machine guards, sheet metal
34440510 - Mail (post office) collection or storage boxes, sheet metal
34440511 - Radiator shields or enclosures, sheet metal
34440600 - Awnings and canopies
34440601 - Awnings, sheet metal
34440602 - Canopies, sheet metal
34449901 - Coal chutes, prefabricated sheet metal
34449902 - Concrete forms, sheet metal
34449904 - Forming machine work, sheet metal
34449905 - Guard rails, highway: sheet metal
34449908 - Restaurant sheet metalwork
34449911 - Studs and joists, sheet metal
34460000 - Architectural metalwork
34460100 - Stairs, fire escapes, balconies, railings, and ladders
34460101 - Balconies, metal
34460103 - Fire escapes, metal
34460107 - Railings, banisters, guards, etc: made from metal pipe
34460108 - Railings, prefabricated metal
34460109 - Stairs, staircases, stair treads: prefabricated metal
34460201 - Gratings, open steel flooring
34460202 - Gratings, tread: fabricated metal
34460300 - Fences, gates, posts, and flagpoles
34460301 - Fences or posts, ornamental iron or steel
34460302 - Flagpoles, metal
34460303 - Gates, ornamental metal
34460400 - Partitions and supports/studs, including acoustical systems
34460401 - Acoustical suspension systems, metal
34460403 - Partitions, ornamental metal
34460502 - Louvers, ventilating
34460600 - Ornamental metalwork
34460601 - Bank fixtures, ornamental metal
34460603 - Grillwork, ornamental metal
34469902 - Scaffolds, mobile or stationary: metal
34480000 - Prefabricated metal buildings and components
34480100 - Prefabricated metal buildings
34480101 - Buildings, portable: prefabricated metal
34480102 - Carports, prefabricated metal
34480105 - Greenhouses, prefabricated metal
34480106 - Screen enclosures
34480108 - Sunrooms, prefabricated metal
34480200 - Prefabricated metal components
34480201 - Panels for prefabricated metal buildings
34480202 - Ramps, prefabricated metal
34480203 - Trusses and framing, prefabricated metal
34489901 - Docks, prefabricated metal
34490000 - Miscellaneous metalwork
34490100 - Fabricated bar joists and concrete reinforcing bars
34490101 - Bars, concrete reinforcing: fabricated steel
34490201 - Lath, expanded metal
34499901 - Curtain wall, metal
34499902 - Curtain walls for buildings, steel
34499903 - Custom roll formed products
34499904 - Landing mats, aircraft: metal
34510000 - Screw machine products
34520000 - Bolts, nuts, rivets, and washers
34520100 - Pins
34520101 - Cotter pins, metal
34520102 - Dowel pins, metal
34520200 - Washers
34520202 - Spring washers, metal
34520203 - Washers, metal
34529901 - Bolts, metal
34529904 - Nuts, metal
34529905 - Rivets, metal
34529907 - Screws, metal
34620000 - Iron and steel forgings
34620100 - Gear and chain forgings
34620101 - Chains, forged steel
34620102 - Gears, forged steel
34620200 - Pump, compressor, and turbine forgings
34620202 - Turbine engine forgings, ferrous
34620401 - Construction or mining equipment forgings, ferrous
34620402 - Railroad wheels, axles, frogs, or other equipment: forged
34629901 - Aircraft forgings, ferrous
34629902 - Anchors, forged
34629903 - Armor plate, forged iron or steel
34629904 - Flange, valve, and pipe fitting forgings, ferrous
34629905 - Horseshoes
34629907 - Mechanical power transmission forgings, ferrous
34629908 - Nuclear power plant forgings, ferrous
34629909 - Ornamental metal forgings, ferrous
34630000 - Nonferrous forgings
34639901 - Aircraft forgings, nonferrous
34639902 - Aluminum forgings
34639904 - Bearing and bearing race forgings, nonferrous
34639905 - Flange, valve or pipe fitting forgings, nonferrous
34639906 - Machinery forgings, nonferrous
34639909 - Pole line hardware forgings, nonferrous
34669901 - Bottle caps and tops, stamped metal
34669902 - Closures, stamped metal
34690000 - Metal stampings, nec
34690100 - Household cooking and kitchen utensils, metal
34690102 - Kitchen fixtures and equipment: metal, except cast aluminum
34690103 - Utensils, household: metal, except cast
34690104 - Cooking ware, except porcelain enameled
34690200 - Household cooking and kitchen utensils, porcelain enameled
34690201 - Cooking ware, porcelain enameled
34690300 - Porcelain enameled products and utensils
34690400 - Boxes, stamped metal
34690401 - Boxes: tool, lunch, mail, etc.: stamped metal
34699903 - Capacitor or condenser cans and cases, stamped metal
34699904 - Electronic enclosures, stamped or pressed metal
34699905 - Garbage cans, stamped and pressed metal
34699906 - Helmets, steel
34699907 - Honeycombed metal
34699908 - Machine parts, stamped or pressed metal
34699909 - Ornamental metal stampings
34699910 - Patterns on metal
34699911 - Perforated metal, stamped
34699918 - Tube fins, stamped metal
34710000 - Plating and polishing
34710100 - Electroplating and plating
34710101 - Anodizing (plating) of metals or formed products
34710102 - Chromium plating of metals or formed products
34710103 - Decorative plating and finishing of formed products
34710104 - Electrolizing steel
34710105 - Electroplating of metals or formed products
34710106 - Gold plating
34710107 - Plating of metals or formed products
34710200 - Cleaning, polishing, and finishing
34710202 - Cleaning and descaling metal products
34710203 - Coloring and finishing of aluminum or formed products
34710206 - Finishing, metals or formed products
34710207 - Polishing, metals or formed products
34710208 - Sand blasting of metal parts
34790100 - Etching and engraving
34790102 - Engraving jewelry, silverware, or metal
34790103 - Etching on metals
34790104 - Etching, photochemical
34790105 - Name plates: engraved, etched, etc.
34790200 - Painting, coating, and hot dipping
34790201 - Aluminum coating of metal products
34790202 - Bonderizing of metal or metal products
34790203 - Coating electrodes
34790204 - Coating of metals and formed products
34790205 - Coating of metals with plastic or resins
34790206 - Coating of metals with silicon
34790207 - Coating or wrapping steel pipe
34790208 - Coating, rust preventive
34790209 - Enameling, including porcelain, of metal products
34790210 - Galvanizing of iron, steel, or end-formed products
34790211 - Hot dip coating of metals or formed products
34790215 - Painting of metal products
34790219 - Rust proofing (hot dipping) of metals and formed products
34790221 - Varnishing of metal products
34820000 - Small arms ammunition
34829902 - Cartridges, 30 mm. and below
34829903 - Cores, bullet: 30 mm. and below
34829905 - Pellets and BB's, pistol and air rifle ammunition
34829907 - Shot, lead
34830000 - Ammunition, except for small arms, nec
34830100 - Ammunition components
34830101 - Arming and fusing devices for missiles
34839902 - Artillery shells, over 30 mm.
34839905 - Chemical warfare projectiles and components
34839910 - Missile warheads
34840000 - Small arms
34840100 - Machine guns and grenade launchers
34840102 - Machine guns or machine gun parts, 30 mm. and below
34849902 - Guns (firearms) or gun parts, 30 mm. and below
34849903 - Pellet and BB guns
34849904 - Pistols or pistol parts, 30 mm. and below
34849906 - Revolvers or revolver parts, 30 mm. and below
34849907 - Rifles or rifle parts, 30 mm. and below
34849908 - Shotguns or shotgun parts, 30 mm. and below
34890000 - Ordnance and accessories, nec
34890100 - Guns, howitzers, mortars, and related equipment
34890101 - Artillery or artillery parts, over 30 mm.
34890103 - Guns or gun parts, over 30 mm.
34890105 - Rifles, recoilless
34899904 - Rocket launchers
34910000 - Industrial valves
34910101 - Process control regulator valves
34919902 - Compressed gas cylinder valves
34919903 - Fire hydrant valves
34919904 - Gas valves and parts, industrial
34919905 - Pressure valves and regulators, industrial
34919907 - Solenoid valves
34919908 - Steam traps
34919910 - Water works valves
34920000 - Fluid power valves and hose fittings
34920100 - Fluid power valves for aircraft
34920101 - Control valves, aircraft: hydraulic and pneumatic
34929901 - Control valves, fluid power: hydraulic and pneumatic
34929903 - Hose and tube fittings and assemblies, hydraulic/pneumatic
34929904 - Hose and tube couplings, hydraulic/pneumatic
34930000 - Steel springs, except wire
34930102 - Helical springs, hot wound: railroad equip., etc.
34930103 - Hot wound springs, except wire
34930105 - Torsion bar springs
34930201 - Coiled flat springs
34930202 - Flat springs, sheet or strip stock
34940000 - Valves and pipe fittings, nec
34940100 - Pipe fittings
34940101 - Couplings, except pressure and soil pipe
34940102 - Expansion joints, pipe
34940103 - Line strainers, for use in piping systems
34940106 - Well adapters
34949901 - Plumbing and heating valves
34949902 - Sprinkler systems, field
34950000 - Wire springs
34950100 - Precision springs
34950103 - Instrument springs, precision
34950104 - Mechanical springs, precision
34959903 - Upholstery springs, unassembled
34960000 - Miscellaneous fabricated wire products
34960100 - Wire cloth and woven wire products
34960101 - Cylinder wire cloth
34960103 - Fabrics, woven wire
34960105 - Grilles and grillework, woven wire
34960106 - Hardware cloth, woven wire
34960108 - Mats and matting
34960109 - Mesh, made from purchased wire
34960111 - Screening, woven wire: made from purchased wire
34960113 - Woven wire products, nec
34960200 - Wire chain
34960201 - Chain, welded
34960202 - Tire chains
34960300 - Wire fasteners
34960301 - Clips and fasteners, made from purchased wire
34960303 - Slings, lifting: made from purchased wire
34969902 - Cable, uninsulated wire: made from purchased wire
34969903 - Cages, wire
34969904 - Concrete reinforcing mesh and wire
34969905 - Conveyor belts
34969906 - Fencing, made from purchased wire
34969909 - Grocery carts, made from purchased wire
34969912 - Shelving, made from purchased wire
34969913 - Staples, made from purchased wire
34969914 - Traps, animal and fish
34969915 - Wire winding
34970000 - Metal foil and leaf
34979903 - Foil, laminated to paper or other materials
34980000 - Fabricated pipe and fittings
34989901 - Coils, pipe: fabricated from purchased pipe
34989902 - Couplings, pipe: fabricated from purchased pipe
34989903 - Manifolds, pipe: fabricated from purchased pipe
34989904 - Pipe fittings, fabricated from purchased pipe
34989905 - Pipe sections, fabricated from purchased pipe
34989906 - Piping systems for pulp, paper, and chemical industries
34989907 - Tube fabricating (contract bending and shaping)
34990000 - Fabricated metal products, nec
34990100 - Fire- or burglary-resistive products
34990101 - Bank chests, metal
34990103 - Doors, safe and vault: metal
34990106 - Money chests, steel
34990108 - Safes and vaults, metal
34990200 - Metal household articles
34990201 - Ice cream freezers, household, nonelectric: metal
34990300 - Metal ladders
34990301 - Ladder assemblies, combination workstand: metal
34990302 - Ladders, portable: metal
34990400 - Novelties and giftware, including trophies
34990401 - Giftware, brass goods
34990402 - Giftware, copper goods
34990404 - Trophies, metal, except silver
34999901 - Aerosol valves, metal
34999903 - Aquarium accessories, metal
34999905 - Barricades, metal
34999907 - Boxes for packing and shipping, metal
34999908 - Chair frames, metal
34999911 - Fountains (except drinking), metal
34999912 - Friction material, made from powdered metal
34999913 - Furniture parts, metal
34999914 - Machine bases, metal
34999915 - Magnets, permanent: metallic
34999917 - Nozzles, spray: aerosol, paint, or insecticide
34999918 - Picture frames, metal
34999919 - Reels, cable: metal
34999920 - Shims, metal
34999921 - Stabilizing bars (cargo), metal
34999922 - Strapping, metal
34999923 - Tablets, bronze or other metal
34999925 - Welding tips, heat resistant: metal
34999926 - Wheels: wheelbarrow, stroller, etc.: disc, stamped metal
34999927 - Magnetic shields, metal
35110000 - Turbines and turbine generator sets
35110100 - Turbines and turbine generator set units, complete
35110101 - Gas turbine generator set units, complete
35110102 - Hydraulic turbine generator set units, complete
35110103 - Steam turbine generator set units, complete
35110200 - Turbines and turbine generator sets and parts
35110201 - Gas turbines, mechanical drive
35110202 - Hydraulic turbines
35110203 - Steam engines
35110205 - Steam turbines
35110206 - Turbo-generators
35190000 - Internal combustion engines, nec
35190100 - Diesel, semi-diesel, or duel-fuel engines, including marine
35190101 - Diesel engine rebuilding
35190102 - Engines, diesel and semi-diesel or dual-fuel
35190103 - Marine engines
35190200 - Parts and accessories, internal combustion engines
35190204 - Governors, pump, for diesel engines
35199902 - Gasoline engines
35199904 - Outboard motors
35230000 - Farm machinery and equipment
35230100 - Planting, haying, harvesting, and processing machinery
35230101 - Balers, farm: hay, straw, cotton, etc.
35230102 - Cleaning machines for fruits, grains, and vegetables
35230103 - Combines (harvester-threshers)
35230106 - Driers (farm): grain, hay, and seed
35230107 - Grading, cleaning, sorting machines, fruit, grain, vegetable
35230108 - Grain stackers
35230109 - Harvesters, fruit, vegetable, tobacco, etc.
35230110 - Haying machines: mowers, rakes, stackers, etc.
35230111 - Hulling machinery, agricultural
35230113 - Planting machines, agricultural
35230114 - Potato diggers, harvesters, and planters
35230200 - Soil preparation machinery, except turf and grounds
35230201 - Harrows: disc, spring, tine, etc.
35230300 - Fertilizing, spraying, dusting, and irrigation machinery
35230302 - Fertilizing machinery, farm
35230303 - Irrigation equipment, self-propelled
35230304 - Sprayers and spraying machines, agricultural
35230305 - Spreaders, fertilizer
35230400 - Barn, silo, poultry, dairy, and livestock machinery
35230401 - Barn cleaners
35230402 - Barn stanchions and standards
35230404 - Cattle feeding, handling, and watering equipment
35230409 - Dairy equipment (farm), nec
35230410 - Feed grinders, crushers, and mixers
35230411 - Hog feeding, handling, and watering equipment
35230412 - Incubators and brooders, farm
35230413 - Loaders, farm type: manure, general utility
35230414 - Milking machines
35230415 - Poultry brooders, feeders and waterers
35230417 - Silo fillers and unloaders
35230500 - Turf and grounds equipment
35230501 - Greens mowing equipment
35230502 - Grounds mowing equipment
35230503 - Turf equipment, commercial
35239901 - Cabs, tractors, and agricultural machinery
35239902 - Elevators, farm
35239903 - Soil sampling machines
35239904 - Tractors, farm
35239905 - Trailers and wagons, farm
35240000 - Lawn and garden equipment
35240100 - Lawn and garden tractors and equipment
35240103 - Plows (garden tractor equipment)
35240104 - Rototillers (garden machinery)
35240200 - Lawn and garden mowers and accessories
35240201 - Grass catchers, lawn mower
35240202 - Lawnmowers, residential: hand or power
35249906 - Snowblowers and throwers, residential
35310000 - Construction machinery
35310100 - Forestry related equipment
35310101 - Chippers: brush, limb, and log
35310103 - Logging equipment
35310200 - Marine related equipment
35310201 - Capstans, ship
35310202 - Cranes, ship
35310300 - Railroad related equipment
35310301 - Ballast distributors
35310303 - Laying equipment, rail
35310304 - Railway track equipment
35310400 - Bituminous, cement and concrete related products and equip.
35310401 - Asphalt plant, including gravel-mix type
35310402 - Batching plants, for aggregate concrete and bulk cement
35310406 - Concrete grouting equipment
35310408 - Concrete plants
35310409 - Finishers, concrete and bituminous: powered
35310411 - Mixers, concrete
35310412 - Pavers
35310414 - Planers, bituminous
35310416 - Surfacers, concrete grinding
35310417 - Vibrators for concrete construction
35310500 - Scrapers, graders, rollers, and similar equipment
35310501 - Backfillers, self-propelled
35310502 - Finishers and spreaders (construction equipment)
35310505 - Line markers, self-propelled
35310506 - Pile drivers (construction machinery)
35310512 - Tampers, powered
35310600 - Backhoes, tractors, cranes, plows, and similar equipment
35310601 - Backhoes
35310603 - Crane carriers
35310604 - Cranes, nec
35310605 - Dozers, tractor mounted: material moving
35310606 - Draglines, powered
35310608 - Entrenching machines
35310609 - Excavators: cable, clamshell, crane, derrick, dragline, etc.
35310614 - Tractors, construction
35310616 - Tractors, tracklaying
35310617 - Trucks, off-highway
35310618 - Tunneling machinery
35310700 - Crushers, grinders, and similar equipment
35310704 - Mixers, nec: ore, plaster, slag, sand, mortar, etc.
35310705 - Posthole diggers, powered
35310800 - Construction machinery attachments
35310801 - Aggregate spreaders
35310803 - Blades for graders, scrapers, dozers, and snow plows
35310805 - Buckets, excavating: clamshell, concrete, dragline, etc.
35310806 - Cabs, for construction machinery
35310807 - Drags, road (construction and road maintenance equipment)
35310810 - Plows: construction, excavating, and grading
35310811 - Rakes, land clearing: mechanical
35310812 - Snow plow attachments
35310814 - Winches
35319901 - Aerial work platforms: hydraulic/elec. truck/carrier mounted
35319902 - Airport construction machinery
35319904 - Catch basin cleaners
35319908 - Road construction and maintenance machinery
35319909 - Roofing equipment
35320000 - Mining machinery
35320100 - Drills, bits, and similar equipment
35320101 - Auger mining equipment
35320102 - Bits, except oil and gas field tools, rock
35320103 - Drills (portable), rock
35320104 - Drills and drilling equipment, mining (except oil and gas)
35320105 - Drills, core
35320201 - Amalgamators (metallurgical or mining machinery)
35320202 - Clarifying machinery, mineral
35320204 - Cleaning machinery, mineral
35320205 - Concentration machinery (metallurgical or mining)
35320300 - Crushing, pulverizing, and screening equipment
35320302 - Crushers, stationary
35320304 - Pulverizers (stationary), stone
35320305 - Rock crushing machinery, stationary
35320404 - Feeders, ore and aggregate
35330000 - Oil and gas field machinery
35330100 - Oil and gas drilling rigs and equipment
35330101 - Bits, oil and gas field tools: rock
35330102 - Drill rigs
35330103 - Drilling tools for gas, oil, or water wells
35339902 - Gas field machinery and equipment
35339904 - Oil and gas field machinery
- Water well drilling equipment
35339905 - Well logging equipment
35339906 - Well surveying equipment
35340000 - Elevators and moving stairways
35340100 - Elevators and equipment
35340102 - Stair elevators, motor powered
35349901 - Dumbwaiters
35350000 - Conveyors and conveying equipment
35350100 - Unit handling conveying systems
35350101 - Belt conveyor systems, general industrial use
35350103 - Pneumatic tube conveyor systems
35350105 - Trolley conveyors
35359901 - Bucket type conveyor systems
35359902 - Bulk handling conveyor systems
35359904 - Robotic conveyors
35360000 - Hoists, cranes, and monorails
35360100 - Hoists
35360101 - Boat lifts
35360102 - Davits
35360103 - Hand hoists
35360104 - Hoisting slings
35360200 - Cranes and monorail systems
35360201 - Cranes, industrial plant
35360202 - Cranes, overhead traveling
35370000 - Industrial trucks and tractors
35370100 - Platforms, stands, tables, pallets, and similar equipment
35370102 - Containers (metal), air cargo
35370105 - Engine stands and racks, metal
35370106 - Loading docks: portable, adjustable, and hydraulic
35370107 - Pallets, metal
35370110 - Skids, metal
35370111 - Stands, ground servicing aircraft
35370112 - Tables, lift: hydraulic
35370200 - Trucks, tractors, loaders, carriers, and similar equipment
35370201 - Aircraft loading hoists
35370205 - Cranes, industrial truck
35370207 - Dollies (hand or power trucks), industrial,except mining
35370208 - Forklift trucks
35370210 - Lift trucks, industrial: fork, platform, straddle, etc.
35370211 - Pallet loaders and unloaders
35370212 - Palletizers and depalletizers
35370215 - Straddle carriers, mobile
35370216 - Tractors, used in plants, docks,terminals, etc.: industrial
35370218 - Trucks: freight, baggage, etc.: industrial, except mining
35410000 - Machine tools, metal cutting type
35410100 - Drilling and boring machines
35410102 - Broaching machines
35410106 - Drilling machine tools (metal cutting)
35410109 - Vertical turning and boring machines (metalworking)
35410200 - Grinding, polishing, buffing, lapping, and honing machines
35410204 - Deburring machines
35410206 - Flange facing machines
35410207 - Grinding machines, metalworking
35410208 - Honing and lapping machines
35410402 - Lathes, metal cutting and polishing
35410500 - Screw and thread machines
35410501 - Pipe cutting and threading machines
35410502 - Screw and nut slotting machines
35410504 - Tapping machines
35410600 - Saws and sawing machines
35410601 - Cutoff machines (metalworking machinery)
35410603 - Saws, power (metalworking machinery)
35419902 - Electrical discharge erosion machines
35419904 - Electron-discharge metal cutting machine tools
35419905 - Gear cutting and finishing machines
35419906 - Home workshop machine tools, metalworking
35419907 - Keysetting machines
35419909 - Machine tools, metal cutting: exotic (explosive, etc.)
35419910 - Numerically controlled metal cutting machine tools
35419912 - Plasma process metal cutting machines
35419913 - Robots for drilling, cutting, grinding, polishing, etc.
35419914 - Shaving machines (metalworking)
35420000 - Machine tools, metal forming type
35420101 - Bending machines
35420102 - Punching and shearing machines
35420103 - Shearing machines, power
35420104 - Swaging machines
35420200 - Pressing machines
35420201 - Arbor presses
35420202 - Crimping machinery, metal
35420203 - Press brakes
35420204 - Presses: forming, stamping, punching, sizing (machine tools)
35420205 - Presses: hydraulic and pneumatic, mechanical and manual
35420300 - Die casting and extruding machines
35420301 - Die casting machines
35420302 - Extruding machines (machine tools), metal
35420400 - Spinning, spline rolling, and winding machines
35420402 - Spinning machines, metal
35420403 - Spline rolling machines
35420405 - Thread rolling machines
35429901 - Brakes, metal forming
35429906 - Forging machinery and hammers
35429908 - Headers
35429909 - High energy rate metal forming machines
35429910 - Magnetic forming machines
35429911 - Mechanical (pneumatic or hydraulic) metal forming machines
35429912 - Metal container making machines: cans, etc.
35429914 - Plasma jet spray metal forming machines
35429915 - Rebuilt machine tools, metal forming types
35429918 - Sheet metalworking machines
35430000 - Industrial patterns
35439901 - Foundry cores
35439902 - Foundry patternmaking
35440101 - Diamond dies, metalworking
35440102 - Die sets for metal stamping (presses)
35440104 - Dies and die holders for metal cutting, forming, die casting
35440105 - Dies, plastics forming
35440106 - Dies, steel rule
35440107 - Extrusion dies
35440108 - Paper cutting dies
35440109 - Wire drawing and straightening dies
35440200 - Jigs and fixtures
35440201 - Jigs: inspection, gauging, and checking
35440202 - Welding positioners (jigs)
35449901 - Forms (molds), for foundry and plastics working machinery
35449902 - Industrial molds
35449903 - Punches, forming and stamping
35449904 - Subpresses, metalworking
35450000 - Machine tool accessories
35450100 - Precision measuring tools
35450101 - Calipers and dividers
35450105 - Measuring tools and machines, machinists' metalworking type
35450106 - Micrometers
35450107 - Precision tools, machinists'
35450108 - Scales, measuring (machinists' precision tools)
35450200 - Cutting tools for machine tools
35450203 - Diamond cutting tools for turning, boring, burnishing, etc.
35450204 - Dressers, abrasive wheel: diamond point or other
35450206 - Files, machine tool
35450208 - Machine knives, metalworking
35450210 - Reamers, machine tool
35450212 - Taps, machine tool
35450213 - Thread cutting dies
35450214 - Threading tools (machine tool accessories)
35450300 - Machine tool attachments and accessories
35450302 - Arbors (machine tool accessories)
35450303 - Balancing machines (machine tool accessories)
35450304 - Bits for use on lathes, planers, shapers, etc.
35450305 - Boring machine attachments (machine tool accessories)
35450306 - Broaches (machine tool accessories)
35450309 - Chucks: drill, lathe, or magnetic (machine tool accessories)
35450311 - Collets (machine tool accessories)
35450312 - Diamond dressing and wheel crushing attachments
35450313 - Drill bits, metalworking
35450314 - Drill bushings (drilling jig)
35450315 - Drilling machine attachments and accessories
35450316 - Drills (machine tool accessories)
35450317 - Gauges (machine tool accessories)
35450319 - Honing heads
35450324 - Rotary tables
35450325 - Shaping tools (machine tool accessories)
35450327 - Tool holders
35450328 - Tools and accessories for machine tools
35450329 - Vises, machine (machine tool accessories)
35460000 - Power-driven handtools
35460100 - Drills and drilling tools
35460200 - Saws and sawing equipment
35469901 - Cartridge-activated hand power tools
35469903 - Guns, pneumatic: chip removal
35470209 - Steel rolling machinery
35480000 - Welding apparatus
35480100 - Electric welding equipment
35480101 - Arc welders, transformer-rectifier
35480102 - Arc welding generators, a.c. and d.c.
35480104 - Electrodes, electric welding
35480105 - Resistance welders, electric
35480107 - Spot welding apparatus, electric
35489901 - Gas welding equipment
35489902 - Soldering equipment, except hand soldering irons
35489903 - Welding and cutting apparatus and accessories, nec
35489904 - Welding wire, bare and coated
35490000 - Metalworking machinery, nec
35490102 - Wiredrawing and fabricating machinery and equipment, ex. die
35490200 - Coiling machinery
35490201 - Coil winding machines for springs
35490300 - Cutting and slitting machinery
35490301 - Cutting-up lines
35490302 - Rotary slitters (metalworking machines)
35499901 - Assembly machines, including robotic
35499902 - Marking machines, metalworking
35520000 - Textile machinery
35520115 - Spindles, textile
35520120 - Winders, textile machinery
35520202 - Embroidery machines
35520207 - Knitting machines
35520211 - Reeds, loom
35520300 - Dyeing, drying, and finishing machinery and equipment
35520305 - Finishing machinery, textile
35520309 - Silk screens for textile industry
35530000 - Woodworking machinery
35539901 - Bandsaws, woodworking
35539903 - Cabinet makers' machinery
35539904 - Furniture makers machinery, woodworking
35539908 - Pattern makers' machinery, woodworking
35539914 - Saws, power: bench and table, except portable: woodworking
35539916 - Shapers, woodworking machines
35540000 - Paper industries machinery
35540100 - Paper forming machines
35540103 - Folding machines, paper
35549901 - Coating and finishing machinery, paper
35549902 - Corrugating machines, paper
35549903 - Cutting machines, paper
35549904 - Die cutting and stamping machinery, paper converting
35549906 - Paper mill machinery: plating, slitting, waxing, etc.
35550102 - Presses, gravure
35550500 - Type and type making machinery and equipment
35550501 - Type casting, founding, or melting machines
35550503 - Type: lead, steel, brass, copper faced, etc.
35559903 - Lithographic stones
35559906 - Typographic numbering machines
35560000 - Food products machinery
35560100 - Dairy and milk machinery
35560102 - Cheese making machinery
35560105 - Ice cream manufacturing machinery
35560109 - Pasteurizing equipment, dairy machinery
35560200 - Cutting, chopping, grinding, mixing, and similar machinery
35560208 - Mixers, commercial, food
35560209 - Mixers, feed, except agricultural
35560210 - Oilseed crushing and extracting machinery
35560212 - Presses, food: cheese, beet, cider, and sugarcane
35560214 - Slicers, commercial, food
35560300 - Smoking or roasting machinery, including ovens
35560301 - Dehydrating equipment, food processing
35560302 - Ovens, bakery
35560303 - Roasting machinery: coffee, peanut, etc.
35560304 - Smokers, food processing equipment
35560400 - Beverage machinery
35560401 - Brewers' and maltsters' machinery
35560403 - Juice extractors, fruit and vegetable: commercial type
35560500 - Meat, poultry, and seafood processing machinery
35560501 - Fish and shellfish processing machinery
35560502 - Meat processing machinery
35560503 - Poultry processing machinery
35569901 - Bakery machinery
35569903 - Chocolate processing machinery
35569906 - Packing house machinery
35569907 - Pasta machinery
35569908 - Sugar plant machinery
35590100 - Sewing machines and hat and zipper making machinery
35590101 - Bag seaming and closing machines (sewing machinery)
35590106 - Sewing machines and attachments, industrial, nec
35590203 - Scouring machines (tannery equipment)
35590304 - Pack-up assemblies, wheel overhaul
35590400 - Refinery, chemical processing, and similar machinery
35590401 - Chemical machinery and equipment
35590402 - Cryogenic machinery, industrial
35590403 - Desalination equipment
35590404 - Petroleum refinery equipment
35590501 - Foundry machinery and equipment
35590502 - Smelting and refining machinery and equipment
35590603 - Kilns, lumber
35590700 - Rubber working machinery, including tires
35599901 - Ammunition and explosives, loading machinery
35599902 - Anodizing equipment
35599904 - Broom making machinery
35599907 - Concrete products machinery
35599909 - Cotton ginning machinery
35599911 - Electroplating machinery and equipment
35599912 - Glass making machinery: blowing, molding, forming, etc.
35599913 - Jewelers' machines
35599915 - Metal finishing equipment for plating, etc.
35599918 - Optical lens machinery
35599919 - Ozone machines
35599920 - Paint making machinery
35599921 - Parking facility equipment and supplies
35599922 - Pharmaceutical machinery
35599923 - Plastics working machinery
35599924 - Pottery making machinery
35599925 - Robots, molding and forming plastics
35599926 - Screening equipment, electric
35599928 - Separation equipment, magnetic
35599931 - Stone working machinery
35599932 - Synthetic filament extruding machines
35599934 - Tobacco products machinery
35599937 - Recycling machinery
35599938 - Fiber optics strand coating machinery
35599939 - Electronic component making machinery
35599942 - Vibratory parts handling equipment
35610000 - Pumps and pumping equipment
35610100 - Industrial pumps and parts
35610101 - Pump jacks and other pumping equipment
35610102 - Pumps, oil well and field
35619901 - Cylinders, pump
35619903 - Pumps, domestic: water or sump
35620000 - Ball and roller bearings
35629901 - Ball bearings and parts
35629902 - Casters
35629903 - Roller bearings and parts
35630000 - Air and gas compressors
35630100 - Air and gas compressors including vacuum pumps
35630101 - Tire inflators, hand or compressor operated
35630102 - Vacuum pumps, except laboratory
35630103 - Vacuum (air extraction) systems, industrial
35630200 - Spraying and dusting equipment
35630203 - Spraying outfits: metals, paints, and chemicals (compressor)
35640000 - Blowers and fans
35640100 - Purification and dust collection equipment
35640101 - Air cleaning systems
35640102 - Air purification equipment
35640104 - Dust or fume collecting equipment, industrial
35640105 - Filters, air: furnaces, air conditioning equipment, etc.
35640106 - Precipitators, electrostatic
35640200 - Blowers and fans
35640201 - Aircurtains (blower)
35640202 - Blowing fans: industrial or commercial
35640203 - Exhaust fans: industrial or commercial
35640205 - Ventilating fans: industrial or commercial
35650000 - Packaging machinery
35650100 - Bottling and canning machinery
35650101 - Aerating machines, for beverages
35650103 - Bottling machinery: filling, capping, labeling
35650104 - Canning machinery, food
35650200 - Packing and wrapping machinery
35650201 - Bag opening, filling, and closing machines
35650203 - Carton packing machines
35650205 - Labeling machines, industrial
35650206 - Vacuum packaging machinery
35650207 - Wrapping machines
35660000 - Speed changers, drives, and gears
35669901 - Drives, high speed industrial, except hydrostatic
35670000 - Industrial furnaces and ovens
35670100 - Electrical furnaces, ovens, & heating devices, exc.induction
35670101 - Heating units and devices, industrial: electric
35670102 - Metal melting furnaces, industrial: electric
35670200 - Fuel-fired furnaces and ovens
35670300 - Induction and dielectric heating equipment
35670301 - Dielectric heating equipment
35670302 - Induction heating equipment
35679902 - Ceramic kilns and furnaces
35679904 - Driers and redriers, industrial process
35679906 - Incinerators, metal: domestic or commercial
35679907 - Infrared ovens, industrial
35679910 - Paint baking and drying ovens
35679911 - Radiant heating systems, industrial process
35679914 - Vacuum furnaces and ovens
35679915 - Incinerators, thermal, fume & catalytic
35680000 - Power transmission equipment, nec
35680100 - Bearings, bushings, and blocks
35680101 - Bearings, plain
35680102 - Pillow blocks with plain bearings
35680200 - Joints and couplings
35680202 - Couplings, shaft: rigid, flexible, universal joint, etc.
35680300 - Drives, chains, and sprockets
35680301 - Belting, chain
35680302 - Chain, power transmission
35680304 - Drives: belt, cable, or rope
35680305 - Sprockets (power transmission equipment)
35689901 - Clutches, except vehicular
35689904 - Pulleys, power transmission
35689905 - Shafts, flexible
35690000 - General industrial machinery, nec
35690100 - Filters
35690101 - Filter elements, fluid, hydraulic line
35690102 - Filters and strainers, pipeline
35690103 - Filters, general line: industrial
35690200 - Firefighting and related equipment
35690202 - Firehose equipment: driers, rack, and reels
35690300 - Lubricating equipment
35690301 - Lubricating systems, centralized
35690302 - Lubrication equipment, industrial
35690400 - Gas producers, generators, and other gas related equipment
35690401 - Gas generators
35690402 - Gas producers (machinery)
35690404 - Generators: steam, liquid oxygen, or nitrogen
35690405 - Separators for steam, gas, vapor, or air (machinery)
35699901 - Assembly machines, non-metalworking
35699902 - Baling machines, for scrap metal, paper, or similar material
35699903 - Blast cleaning equipment, dustless
35699905 - Bridge or gate machinery, hydraulic
35699906 - Centrifugal purifiers
35699907 - Centrifuges, industrial
35699909 - Heaters, swimming pool: electric
35699912 - Jacks, hydraulic
35699914 - Robots, assembly line: industrial and commercial
35699915 - Sifting and screening machines
35699917 - Testing chambers for altitude, temperature, ordnance, power
35699918 - Industrial shock absorbers
35710000 - Electronic computers
35719901 - Computers, digital, analog or hybrid
35719903 - Minicomputers
35719904 - Personal computers (microcomputers)
35720000 - Computer storage devices
35720100 - Computer disk and drum drives and components
35720101 - Disk drives, computer
35720200 - Computer tape drives and components
35720201 - Tape recorders for computers
35729901 - Computer auxiliary storage units
35729902 - Magnetic storage devices, computer
35750000 - Computer terminals
35750100 - Computer terminals, monitors and components
35750101 - Cathode ray tube (CRT), computer terminal
35750102 - Keyboards, computer, office machine
35759901 - Teletypewriters
35770000 - Computer peripheral equipment, nec
35770101 - Plotters, computer
35770202 - Tape cleaners, magnetic: computer
35770300 - Disk and diskette equipment, except drives
35770500 - Magnetic ink and optical scanning devices
35770502 - Magnetic ink recognition devices
35770503 - Optical scanning devices
35770504 - Readers, sorters, or inscribers, magnetic ink
35779901 - Computer output to microfilm units
35779902 - Data conversion equipment, media-to-media: computer
35779903 - Decoders, computer peripheral equipment
35779904 - Encoders, computer peripheral equipment
35779906 - Graphic displays, except graphic terminals
35779907 - Input/output equipment, computer
35780000 - Calculating and accounting equipment
35780100 - Accounting machines and cash registers
35780103 - Cash registers
35780104 - Point-of-sale devices
35780300 - Banking machines
35789901 - Betting machines, pari-mutuel
35789902 - Change making machines
35789903 - Coin counters
35790000 - Office machines, nec
35790100 - Mailing, letter handling, and addressing machines
35790102 - Addressing machines, plates and plate embossers
35790103 - Envelope stuffing, sealing, and addressing machines
35790107 - Mailing machines
35790200 - Typing and word processing machines
35790300 - Paper handling machines
35790301 - Binding machines, plastic and adhesive
35790303 - Embossing machines for store and office use
35799902 - Check writing, endorsing, or signing machines
35799905 - Dictating machines
35799906 - Duplicating machines
35799912 - Time clocks and time recording devices
35799913 - Voting machines
35810102 - Mechanisms for coin-operated machines
35820000 - Commercial laundry equipment
35820100 - Commercial laundry equipment
35820103 - Washing machines, laundry: commercial, incl. coin-operated
35829901 - Drycleaning equipment and machinery, commercial, nec
35850000 - Refrigeration and heating equipment
35850100 - Air conditioning equipment, complete
35850101 - Air conditioning units, complete: domestic or industrial
35850102 - Air conditioning, motor vehicle
35850200 - Refrigeration equipment, complete
35850201 - Cabinets, show and display, refrigerated
35850202 - Counters and counter display cases, refrigerated
35850203 - Ice boxes, industrial
35850204 - Ice making machinery
35850205 - Lockers, refrigerated
35850300 - Heating equipment, complete
35850301 - Furnaces, warm air: electric
35850302 - Heat pumps, electric
35850400 - Parts for heating, cooling, and refrigerating equipment
35850401 - Air conditioning condensers and condensing units
35850402 - Compressors for refrigeration and air conditioning equipment
35850403 - Condensers, refrigeration
35850404 - Evaporative condensers, heat transfer equipment
35850500 - Soda fountain and beverage dispensing equipment and parts
35850501 - Beer dispensing equipment
35850504 - Coolers, milk and water: electric
35850507 - Soda fountains, parts, and accessories
35850600 - Humidifiers and dehumidifiers
35850601 - Dehumidifiers electric, except portable
35850602 - Humidifying equipment, except portable
35859901 - Heating and air conditioning combination units
35859902 - Snowmaking machinery
35860000 - Measuring and dispensing pumps
35869901 - Gasoline pumps, measuring or dispensing
35890100 - Commercial cooking and foodwarming equipment
35890101 - Coffee brewing equipment
35890102 - Cooking equipment, commercial
35890103 - Food warming equipment, commercial
35890105 - Popcorn machines, commercial
35890200 - Commercial cleaning equipment
35890201 - Car washing machinery
35890203 - Dirt sweeping units, industrial
35890204 - Dishwashing machines, commercial
35890205 - Floor washing and polishing machines, commercial
35890207 - Vacuum cleaners and sweepers, electric: industrial
35890300 - Sewage and water treatment equipment
35890301 - Sewage treatment equipment
35890302 - Sewer cleaning equipment, power
35890303 - Swimming pool filter and water conditioning systems
35890304 - Water filters and softeners, household type
35890305 - Water purification equipment, household type
35890306 - Water treatment equipment, industrial
35899903 - Garbage disposers and compactors, commercial
35899904 - High pressure cleaning equipment
35899905 - Janitors' carts
35899906 - Liquor dispensing equipment and systems
35899907 - Sandblasting equipment
35899909 - Shredders, industrial and commercial
35920000 - Carburetors, pistons, piston rings and valves
35920100 - Valves
35920101 - Valves, aircraft
35920102 - Valves, engine
35929901 - Carburetors
35929902 - Pistons and piston rings
35930000 - Fluid power cylinders and actuators
35939901 - Fluid power actuators, hydraulic or pneumatic
35939902 - Fluid power cylinders, hydraulic or pneumatic
35940000 - Fluid power pumps and motors
35940100 - Fluid power pumps
35940101 - Pumps, hydraulic power transfer
35940200 - Fluid power motors
35940202 - Motors: hydraulic, fluid power, or air
35949901 - Hydrostatic drives (transmissions)
35960000 - Scales and balances, except laboratory
35969903 - Counting scales
35969904 - Industrial scales
35969907 - Truck (motor vehicle) scales
35969908 - Weighing machines and apparatus
35990000 - Industrial machinery, nec
35990100 - Amusement park equipment
35990101 - Carnival machines and equipment, amusement park, nec
35990103 - Ferris wheels
35990200 - Flexible metal hose, tubing, and bellows
35990201 - Bellows, industrial: metal
35990202 - Hose, flexible metallic
35990302 - Custom machinery
35999902 - Boiler tube cleaners
35999903 - Catapults
35999905 - Crankshafts and camshafts, machining
35999906 - Electrical discharge machining (EDM)
35999913 - Propellers, ship and boat: machined
35999918 - Ties, form: metal
35999919 - Water leak detectors
35999920 - Weather vanes
36120000 - Transformers, except electric
36120100 - Power and distribution transformers
36120102 - Control transformers
36120103 - Current limiting reactors, electrical
36120104 - Distribution transformers, electric
36120105 - Feeder voltage boosters (electric transformers)
36120108 - Line voltage regulators
36120109 - Power transformers, electric
36120110 - Transmission and distribution voltage regulators
36120111 - Voltage regulating transformers, electric power
36120112 - Voltage regulators, transmission and distribution
36120201 - Ballasts for lighting fixtures
36120202 - Fluorescent ballasts
36120305 - Electronic meter transformers
36120307 - Ignition transformers, for use on domestic fuel burners
36120314 - Rectifier transformers
36120317 - Tripping transformers
36129901 - Instrument transformers (except portable)
36129903 - Vibrators, interrupter
36130000 - Switchgear and switchboard apparatus
36130100 - Power circuit breakers
36130103 - Switches, electric power except snap, push button, etc.
36130104 - Time switches, electrical switchgear apparatus
36130200 - Panel and distribution boards and other related apparatus
36130201 - Control panels, electric
36130205 - Generator control and metering panels
36130206 - Metering panels, electric
36130207 - Panelboards and distribution boards, electric
36130209 - Power switching equipment
36130211 - Switchboard apparatus, except instruments
36130212 - Switchboards and parts, power
36130213 - Switchgear and switchgear accessories, nec
36130300 - Fuses and fuse equipment
36130304 - Fuses, electric
36139901 - Bus bar structures
36210000 - Motors and generators
36210100 - Electric motor and generator parts
36210101 - Armatures, industrial
36210102 - Coils, for electric motors or generators
36210103 - Collector rings, for electric motors or generators
36210104 - Commutators, electric motor
36210105 - Frequency converters (electric generators)
36210107 - Motor housings
36210108 - Motors, electric
36210109 - Phase or rotary converters (electrical equipment)
36210110 - Power generators
36210113 - Rotors, for motors
36210114 - Sliprings, for motors or generators
36210115 - Starters, for motors
36210116 - Storage battery chargers, motor and engine generator type
36210200 - Electric motor and generator auxiliary parts
36210205 - Inverters, rotating: electrical
36210300 - Control equipment for electric buses and locomotives
36219901 - Generating apparatus and parts, electrical
36219902 - Generator sets: gasoline, diesel, or dual-fuel
36219903 - Generators and sets, electric
36219905 - Generators for storage battery chargers
36219906 - Servomotors, electric
36219908 - Torque motors, electric
36240000 - Carbon and graphite products
36249901 - Brush blocks, carbon or molded graphite
36249902 - Brushes and brush stock contacts, electric
36249904 - Electric carbons
36249905 - Electrodes, thermal and electrolytic uses: carbon, graphite
36249906 - Fibers, carbon and graphite
36250000 - Relays and industrial controls
36250100 - Motor controls and accessories
36250101 - Motor control accessories, including overload relays
36250103 - Motor controls, electric
36250104 - Motor starters and controllers, electric
36250105 - Starter, electric motor
36250200 - Industrial electrical relays and switches
36250202 - Control circuit relays, industrial
36250204 - Relays, electric power
36250205 - Relays, for electronic use
36250207 - Switches, electric power
36250208 - Switches, electronic applications
36259901 - Actuators, industrial
36259902 - Brakes, electromagnetic
36259903 - Control circuit devices, magnet and solid state
36259904 - Control equipment, electric
36259905 - Controls for adjustable speed drives
36259907 - Electric controls and control accessories, industrial
36259908 - Electromagnetic clutches or brakes
36259909 - Industrial controls: push button, selector switches, pilot
36259910 - Marine and navy auxiliary controls
36259911 - Noise control equipment
36259912 - Numerical controls
36259913 - Positioning controls, electric
36259914 - Resistance welder controls
36259915 - Resistors and resistor units
36259917 - Timing devices, electronic
36259918 - Truck controls, industrial battery
36290100 - Electronic generation equipment
36290101 - Battery chargers, rectifying or nonrotating
36290102 - Electrochemical generators (fuel cells)
36290103 - Inverters, nonrotating: electrical
36290105 - Power conversion units, a.c. to d.c.: static-electric
36290106 - Rectifiers (electrical apparatus)
36290107 - Thermo-electric generators
36290200 - Capacitors and condensers
36290201 - Capacitors, a.c., for motors or fluorescent lamp ballasts
36290202 - Capacitors, fixed or variable
36290203 - Condensers, fixed or variable
36299901 - Blasting machines, electrical
36299903 - Static elimination equipment, industrial
36310000 - Household cooking equipment
36310100 - Indoor cooking equipment
36310105 - Stoves, disk
36319901 - Barbecues, grills, and braziers (outdoor cooking)
36320000 - Household refrigerators and freezers
36329903 - Refrigerator cabinets, household: metal and wood
36329904 - Refrigerators, mechanical and absorption: household
36330000 - Household laundry equipment
36340000 - Electric housewares and fans
36340100 - Electric household cooking appliances
36340101 - Broilers, electric
36340109 - Heaters, tape
36340110 - Heating units, for electric appliances
36340112 - Ovens, portable: household
36340118 - Toasters, electric: household
36340206 - Juice extractors, electric
36340302 - Ceiling fans
36340303 - Dehumidifiers, electric: room
36340304 - Fans, electric: desk
36340307 - Fans, exhaust and ventilating, electric: household
36340310 - Heating units, electric (radiant heat): baseboard or wall
36340312 - Radiators, electric
36340314 - Space heaters, electric
36340400 - Housewares, excluding cooking appliances and utensils
36340401 - Air purifiers, portable
36340406 - Vaporizers, electric: household
36340500 - Personal electrical appliances
36340504 - Dryers, electric: hand and face
36340505 - Hair curlers, electric
36340507 - Heating pads, electric
36340509 - Razors, electric
36350000 - Household vacuum cleaners
36359901 - Carpet shampooer
36359903 - Electric sweeper
36390100 - Major kitchen appliances, except refrigerators and stoves
36390101 - Dishwashing machines, household
36390103 - Trash compactors, household
36390200 - Sewing equipment
36390202 - Sewing machines and attachments, domestic
36399902 - Hot water heaters, household
36410000 - Electric lamps
36410100 - Electric lamps and parts for generalized applications
36410101 - Electric lamp (bulb) parts
36410102 - Electric light bulbs, complete
36410103 - Electrodes, cold cathode fluorescent lamp
36410106 - Lamps, fluorescent, electric
36410107 - Lamps, incandescent filament, electric
36410110 - Tubes, electric light
36410203 - Health lamps, infrared or ultraviolet
36410211 - Ultraviolet lamps
36410212 - Sealed low-pressure gas lights
36430100 - Power outlets and sockets
36430103 - Lamp sockets and receptacles (electric wiring devices)
36430104 - Outlets, electric: convenience
36430105 - Sockets, electric
36430200 - Electric switches
36430201 - Bus bars (electrical conductors)
36430300 - Electric connectors
36430302 - Connectors and terminals for electrical devices
36430303 - Contacts, electrical
36430304 - Cord connectors, electric
36430305 - Plugs, electric
36439902 - Ground clamps (electric wiring devices)
36439904 - Lightning protection equipment
36439907 - Power line cable
36440000 - Noncurrent-carrying wiring devices
36440102 - Junction boxes, electric
36440103 - Outlet boxes (electric wiring devices)
36440200 - Electric conduits and fittings
36440202 - Raceways
36449902 - Insulators and insulation materials, electrical
36449903 - Pole line hardware
36450000 - Residential lighting fixtures
36450100 - Lamp and light shades
36459901 - Boudoir lamps
36459903 - Desk lamps
36459904 - Floor lamps
36459905 - Fluorescent lighting fixtures, residential
36459906 - Garden, patio, walkway and yard lighting fixtures: electric
36459907 - Table lamps
36460000 - Commercial lighting fixtures
36469901 - Ceiling systems, luminous
36469902 - Chandeliers, commercial
36469903 - Desk lamps, commercial
36469904 - Fluorescent lighting fixtures, commercial
36469905 - Ornamental lighting fixtures, commercial
36470000 - Vehicular lighting equipment
36470100 - Motor vehicle lighting equipment
36470105 - Headlights (fixtures), vehicular
36479901 - Aircraft lighting fixtures
36479903 - Boat and ship lighting fixtures
36480000 - Lighting equipment, nec
36480100 - Outdoor lighting equipment
36480101 - Airport lighting fixtures: runway approach, taxi, or ramp
36480103 - Decorative area lighting fixtures
36480105 - Fountain lighting fixtures
36480106 - Gas lighting fixtures
36480107 - Lanterns: electric, gas, carbide, kerosene, or gasoline
36480108 - Public lighting fixtures
36480110 - Street lighting fixtures
36480200 - Stage lighting equipment
36480201 - Spotlights
36480202 - Strobe lighting systems
36489901 - Arc lighting fixtures
36489902 - Flashlights
36489904 - Lighting fixtures, except electric: residential
36489906 - Reflectors, for lighting equipment: metal
36489907 - Sun tanning equipment, incl. tanning beds
36489908 - Swimming pool lighting fixtures
36489909 - Ultraviolet lamp fixtures
36489910 - Underwater lighting fixtures
36510000 - Household audio and video equipment
36510100 - Household audio equipment
36510101 - Amplifiers: radio, public address, or musical instrument
36510102 - Audio electronic systems
36510108 - Loudspeakers, electrodynamic or magnetic
36510109 - Microphones
36510110 - Music distribution apparatus
36510115 - Public address systems
36510116 - Radio receiving sets
36510117 - Recording machines, except dictation and telephone answering
36510118 - Sound reproducing equipment
36510119 - Speaker monitors
36510120 - Speaker systems
36510200 - Household video equipment
36510201 - Television receiving sets
36510202 - Video camera-audio recorders, household use
36510203 - Video cassette recorders/players and accessories
36510204 - Video triggers (remote control TV devices)
36519901 - Electronic kits for home assembly: radio, TV, phonograph
36519902 - Home entertainment equipment, electronic, nec
36520000 - Prerecorded records and tapes
36529901 - Compact laser discs, prerecorded
36529902 - Magnetic tape (audio): prerecorded
36529903 - Master records or tapes, preparation of
36529904 - Phonograph record blanks
36529905 - Phonograph records, prerecorded
36610000 - Telephone and telegraph apparatus
36610100 - Telephones and telephone apparatus
36610102 - Communication headgear, telephone
36610103 - Facsimile equipment
36610104 - Headsets, telephone
36610105 - Modems
36610106 - Switching equipment, telephone
36610107 - Telephone answering machines
36610108 - Telephone central office equipment, dial or manual
36610110 - Telephone sets, all types except cellular radio
36610111 - Telephone station equipment and parts, wire
36610112 - Telephones, sound powered (no battery)
36610203 - Telegraph or telephone carrier and repeater equipment
36619901 - Carrier equipment, telephone or telegraph
36619904 - Message concentrators
36619905 - Multiplex equipment, telephone and telegraph
36619906 - Switchboards, telephone or telegraph
36619907 - Telephone cords, jacks, adapters, etc.
36619908 - Fiber optics communications equipment
36630000 - Radio and t.v. communications equipment
36630100 - Radio broadcasting and communications equipment
36630101 - Airborne radio communications equipment
36630102 - Amplifiers, RF power and IF
36630104 - Cellular radio telephone
36630106 - Marine radio communications equipment
36630108 - Pagers (one-way)
36630109 - Radio receiver networks
36630110 - Receivers, radio communications
36630111 - Transmitter-receivers, radio
36630200 - Television broadcasting and communications equipment
36630201 - Cable television equipment
36630204 - Television antennas (transmitting) and ground equipment
36630205 - Television closed circuit equipment
36630206 - Television monitors
36639901 - Antennas, transmitting and communications
36639902 - Digital encoders
36639903 - Encryption devices
36639904 - Light communications equipment
36639905 - Microwave communication equipment
36639906 - Mobile communication equipment
36639907 - Radio and television switching equipment
36639908 - Receiver-transmitter units (transceiver)
36639909 - Satellites, communications
36639910 - Space satellite communications equipment
36639911 - Studio equipment, radio and television broadcasting
36639912 - Telemetering equipment, electronic
36639913 - Transmitting apparatus, radio or television
36639914 - Global positioning systems (GPS) equipment
36690000 - Communications equipment, nec
36690100 - Emergency alarms
36690101 - Burglar alarm apparatus, electric
36690102 - Fire alarm apparatus, electric
36690103 - Fire detection systems, electric
36690104 - Metal detectors
36690105 - Sirens, electric: vehicle, marine, industrial, and air raid
36690106 - Smoke detectors
36690200 - Transportation signaling devices
36690203 - Pedestrian traffic control equipment
36690204 - Railroad signaling devices, electric
36690205 - Signaling apparatus, electric
36690206 - Traffic signals, electric
36699901 - Intercommunication systems, electric
36699902 - Visual communication systems
36710000 - Electron tubes
36710100 - Cathode ray tubes, including rebuilt
36710202 - Electron tubes, industrial
36710207 - Electronic tube parts, except glass blanks
36710208 - Gas or vapor tubes
36710213 - Photomultiplier tubes
36710215 - Traveling wave tubes
36710217 - Vacuum tubes
36729902 - Wiring boards
36740102 - Diodes, solid state (germanium, silicon, etc.)
36740103 - Light emitting diodes
36740201 - Computer logic modules
36740202 - Hybrid integrated circuits
36740203 - Magnetic bubble memory device
36740204 - Memories, solid state
36740205 - Metal oxide silicon (MOS) devices
36740207 - Microprocessors
36740208 - Monolithic integrated circuits (solid state)
36740209 - Random access memory (RAM)
36740212 - Thin film circuits
36740300 - Light sensitive devices
36740301 - Light sensitive devices, solid state
36740305 - Photovoltaic devices, solid state
36740306 - Solar cells
36740400 - Radiation sensors
36740401 - Infrared sensors, solid state
36749901 - Fuel cells, solid state
36749903 - Hall effect devices
36749905 - Modules, solid state
36749906 - Molecular devices, solid state
36749907 - Nuclear detectors, solid state
36749908 - Optical isolators
36749909 - Silicon wafers, chemically doped
36749910 - Solid state electronic devices, nec
36749911 - Strain gages, solid state
36749913 - Switches, silicon control
36749915 - Thermoelectric devices, solid state
36749916 - Transistors
36750000 - Electronic capacitors
36759901 - Condensers, electronic
36760000 - Electronic resistors
36769902 - Thermistors, except temperature sensors
36770000 - Electronic coils and transformers
36770100 - Electronic transformers
36770104 - Transformers power supply, electronic type
36779901 - Baluns
36779902 - Coil windings, electronic
36779903 - Filtration devices, electronic
36779904 - Inductors, electronic
36780000 - Electronic connectors
36790000 - Electronic components, nec
36790100 - Electronic circuits
36790101 - Attenuators
36790102 - Commutators, electronic
36790103 - Delay lines
36790105 - Microwave components
36790108 - Rectifiers, electronic
36790109 - Rheostats, for electronic end products
36790110 - Solenoids for electronic applications
36790111 - Transducers, electrical
36790200 - Recording and playback apparatus, including phonograph
36790203 - Recording and playback heads, magnetic
36790300 - Electronic loads and power supplies
36790301 - Loads, electronic
36790302 - Oscillators
36790303 - Power supplies, all types: static
36790304 - Static power supply converters for electronic applications
36790400 - Electronic crystals
36790403 - Quartz crystals, for electronic application
36790500 - Electronic switches
36790502 - Switches, stepping
36790503 - Video triggers, except remote control TV devices
36799901 - Antennas, receiving
36799902 - Antennas, satellite: household use
36799903 - Cores, magnetic
36799904 - Cryogenic cooling devices for infrared detectors, masers
36799905 - Harness assemblies, for electronic use: wire or cable
36799906 - Headphones, radio
36799907 - Hermetic seals, for electronic equipment
36799908 - Liquid crystal displays (LCD)
36799909 - Parametric amplifiers
36799910 - Resonant reed devices, electronic
36799915 - Voice controls
36910000 - Storage batteries
36919901 - Alkaline cell storage batteries
36919902 - Batteries, rechargeable
36919903 - Lead acid batteries (storage batteries)
36920000 - Primary batteries, dry and wet
36940000 - Engine electrical equipment
36940100 - Battery charging alternators and generators
36940102 - Battery charging generators, automobile and aircraft
36940200 - Ignition apparatus and distributors
36940201 - Distributors, motor vehicle engine
36940202 - Harness wiring sets, internal combustion engines
36940203 - Ignition apparatus, internal combustion engines
36940205 - Ignition systems, high frequency
36940207 - Spark plugs, for internal combustion engines
36949903 - Battery cable wiring sets for internal combustion engines
36950000 - Magnetic and optical recording media
36950100 - Magnetic disks and drums
36950101 - Computer software tape and disks: blank, rigid, and floppy
36950201 - Audio range tape, blank
36950203 - Video recording tape, blank
36959901 - Optical disks and tape, blank
36990000 - Electrical equipment and supplies, nec
36990100 - High-energy particle physics equipment
36990101 - Accelerating waveguide structures
36990103 - Betatrons
36990104 - Cyclotrons
36990106 - Electron linear accelerators
36990107 - Electrostatic particle accelerators
36990108 - Linear accelerators
36990200 - Electrical welding equipment
36990201 - Electron beam metal cutting, forming or welding machines
36990202 - Laser welding, drilling, and cutting equipment
36990203 - Welding machines and equipment, ultrasonic
36990300 - Electronic training devices
36990302 - Flight simulators (training aids), electronic
36990303 - Teaching machines and aids, electronic
36990400 - Electric sound equipment
36990404 - Sound signaling devices, electrical
36990405 - Underwater sound equipment
36990500 - Security devices
36990502 - Security control equipment and systems
36990601 - Appliance cords, for household electrical equipment
36990602 - Christmas tree lighting sets, electric
36990604 - Door opening and closing devices, electrical
36990605 - Extension cords
36990608 - Insect lamps, electric
36999901 - Cleaning equipment, ultrasonic, except medical and dental
36999902 - Fire control or bombing equipment, electronic
36999904 - Grids, electric
36999905 - Heat emission operating apparatus
36999906 - Laser systems and equipment
37140000 - Motor vehicle parts and accessories
37140110 - Filters: oil, fuel, and air, motor vehicle
37140304 - Shock absorbers, motor vehicle
37140405 - Horns, motor vehicle
37140409 - Wipers, windshield, motor vehicle
37280102 - Aircraft body assemblies and parts
37319903 - Drydocks, floating
37319906 - Submersible marine robots, manned or unmanned
37320101 - Fishing boats: lobster, crab, oyster, etc.: small
37320103 - Hydrofoil boats
37329901 - Boat kits, not models
37329904 - Pontoons, except aircraft and inflatable
37430000 - Railroad equipment
37430100 - Railroad equipment, except locomotives
37430101 - Brakes, air and vacuum: railway
37430103 - Freight cars and equipment
37430105 - Lubrication systems, locomotive
37430106 - Railroad car rebuilding
37430107 - Railway maintenance cars
37430111 - Train cars and equipment, freight or passenger
37430203 - Streetcars and car equipment
37430204 - Trackless trolley buses
37430300 - Locomotives and parts
37430304 - Railroad locomotives and parts, electric or nonelectric
37510000 - Motorcycles, bicycles and parts
37510100 - Motorcycles and related parts
37510102 - Motor scooters and parts
37510103 - Motorcycle accessories
37510200 - Bicycles and related parts
37510201 - Brakes, friction clutch and other: bicycle
37519901 - Frames, motorcycle and bicycle
37519902 - Gears, motorcycle and bicycle
37610000 - Guided missiles and space vehicles
37619902 - Guided missiles and space vehicles, research and development
37619904 - Rockets, space and military, complete
37619905 - Space vehicles, complete
37640000 - Space propulsion units and parts
37649901 - Engines and engine parts, guided missile
37649902 - Guided missile and space vehicle engines, research & devel.
37649903 - Propulsion units for guided missiles and space vehicles
37649904 - Rocket motors, guided missiles
37690000 - Space vehicle equipment, nec
37699904 - Guided missile and space vehicle parts and aux. equip., R&D
37920000 - Travel trailers and campers
37929902 - Campers, for mounting on trucks
37929903 - Camping trailers and chassis
37929904 - House trailers, except as permanent dwellings
37929905 - Pickup covers, canopies or caps
37950000 - Tanks and tank components
37990100 - Trailers and trailer equipment
37990102 - Boat trailers
37990103 - Horse trailers, except fifth-wheel type
37990104 - Towing bars and systems
37990105 - Trailer hitches
37990200 - Recreational vehicles
37990201 - All terrain vehicles (ATV)
37990204 - Golf carts, powered
37990205 - Snowmobiles
37990401 - Pushcarts
37990402 - Wheelbarrows
37999901 - Carriages, horse drawn
37999902 - Ski lifts, tows or gondolas
38120000 - Search and navigation equipment
38120100 - Aircraft/aerospace flight instruments and guidance systems
38120101 - Acceleration indicators and systems components, aerospace
38120102 - Aircraft flight instruments
38120104 - Altimeters, standard and sensitive
38120111 - Flight recorders
38120116 - Gyroscopes
38120119 - Inertial guidance systems
38120120 - Infrared object detection equipment
38120121 - Instrument landing systems (ILS), airborne or ground
38120200 - Aircraft control instruments
38120201 - Aircraft control systems, electronic
38120300 - Navigational systems and instruments
38120301 - Antennas, radar or communications
38120305 - Degaussing equipment
38120306 - Radar systems and equipment
38120307 - Sonar systems and equipment
38120308 - Space vehicle guidance systems and equipment
38120500 - Defense systems and equipment
38120502 - Warfare counter-measure equipment
38120600 - Search and detection systems and instruments
38120601 - Air traffic control systems and equipment, electronic
38120602 - Detection apparatus: electronic/magnetic field, light/heat
38120604 - Magnetic field detection apparatus
38129902 - Distance measuring equipment
38129903 - Light or heat emission operating apparatus
38210000 - Laboratory apparatus and furniture
38210100 - Laboratory apparatus, except heating and measuring
38210103 - Chemical laboratory apparatus, nec
38210104 - Clinical laboratory instruments, except medical and dental
38210108 - Freezers, laboratory
38210111 - Incubators, laboratory
38210112 - Laboratory equipment: fume hoods, distillation racks, etc.
38210113 - Laser beam alignment devices
38210120 - Pi tapes (metal periphery direct reading diameter tapes)
38210121 - Pipettes, hemocytometer
38210123 - Shakers and stirrers
38210124 - Sterilizers
38210125 - Vacuum pumps, laboratory
38210200 - Laboratory furniture
38210201 - Worktables, laboratory
38210300 - Laboratory heating apparatus
38210303 - Furnaces, laboratory
38210400 - Laboratory measuring apparatus
38210404 - Time interval measuring equipment, electric (lab type)
38220000 - Environmental controls
38220100 - Air conditioning and refrigeration controls
38220101 - Air flow controllers, air conditioning and refrigeration
38220103 - Humidity controls, air-conditioning types
38220104 - Pressure controllers, air-conditioning system type
38220105 - Refrigeration controls (pressure)
38220106 - Refrigeration/air-conditioning defrost controls
38220200 - Hardware for environmental regulators
38220201 - Damper operators: pneumatic, thermostatic, electric
38220300 - Thermostats and other environmental sensors
38220301 - Built-in thermostats, filled system and bimetal types
38220304 - Temperature sensors for motor windings
38220306 - Thermostats, except built-in
38220400 - Hydronic controls
38220403 - Hydronic pressure or temperature controls
38220404 - Liquid level controls, residential or commercial heating
38220500 - Electric heat controls
38220501 - Electric heat proportioning controls, modulating controls
38220600 - Appliance controls,except air-conditioning and refrigeration
38229902 - Controls, combination limit and fan
38229903 - Controls, combination oil and hydronic
38229905 - Energy cutoff controls, residential or commercial types
38229912 - Limit controls, residential and commercial heating types
38229914 - Static pressure regulators
38229916 - Vapor heating controls
38229917 - Water heater controls
38230000 - Process control instruments
38230100 - Temperature measurement instruments, industrial
38230101 - Pyrometers, industrial process type
38230102 - Resistance thermometers and bulbs, industrial process type
38230103 - Temperature instruments: industrial process type
38230104 - Thermistors, industrial process type
38230105 - Thermocouples, industrial process type
38230106 - Thermometers, filled system: industrial process type
38230200 - Pressure measurement instruments, industrial
38230201 - Differential pressure instruments, industrial process type
38230203 - Pressure gauges, dial and digital
38230300 - Industrial flow and liquid measuring instruments
38230301 - Flow instruments, industrial process type
38230302 - Fluidic devices, circuits, and systems for process control
38230303 - Gas flow computers, industrial process type
38230304 - Level and bulk measuring instruments, industrial process
38230305 - Liquid level instruments, industrial process type
38230307 - Primary elements for process flow measurement
38230310 - Viscosimeters, industrial process type
38230400 - Industrial process measurement equipment
38230401 - Analyzers, industrial process type
38230402 - Annunciators, relay and solid state types
38230403 - Computer interface equipment, for industrial process control
38230404 - Controllers, for process variables, all types
38230406 - Data loggers, industrial process type
38230408 - Digital displays of process variables
38230409 - Draft gauges, industrial process type
38230410 - Electrodes used in industrial process measurement
38230411 - Electrolytic conductivity instruments, industrial process
38230413 - Infrared instruments, industrial process type
38230415 - Programmers, process type
38230416 - Refractometers, industrial process type
38230417 - Telemetering instruments, industrial process type
38230418 - Thermal conductivity instruments, industrial process type
38230419 - Time cycle and program controllers, industrial process type
38230420 - Transmitters of process variables, stand. signal conversion
38230500 - On-stream gas/liquid analysis instruments, industrial
38230501 - Absorption analyzers: infrared, x-ray, etc.: industrial
38230502 - Chromatographs, industrial process type
38230503 - Liquid analysis instruments, industrial process type
38230506 - Water quality monitoring and control systems
38239901 - Boiler controls: industrial, power, and marine type
38239903 - Combustion control instruments
38239905 - Industrial process control instruments
38239906 - Moisture meters, industrial process type
38239907 - Nuclear reactor controls
38240000 - Fluid meters and counting devices
38240100 - Integrating and totalizing meters for gas and liquids
38240101 - Gasmeters, domestic and large capacity: industrial
38240102 - Gasoline dispensing meters
38240103 - Impeller and counter driven flow meters
38240105 - Liquid meters, nec
38240107 - Mechanical measuring meters
38240108 - Positive displacement meters
38240115 - Turbine meters
38240117 - Water meters
38240200 - Mechanical and electromechanical counters and devices
38240202 - Counters, revolution
38240203 - Electromechanical counters
38240210 - Tally counters
38240300 - Vehicle instruments
38240303 - Speedometers
38240304 - Tachometer, centrifugal
38249901 - Controls, revolution and timing instruments
38249904 - Pedometers
38250000 - Instruments to measure electricity
38250100 - Engine electrical test equipment
38250103 - Battery testers, electrical
38250105 - Digital test equipment, electronic and electrical circuits
38250200 - Test equipment for electronic and electric measurement
38250201 - Analog-digital converters, electronic instrumentation type
38250202 - Analyzers for testing electrical characteristics, nec
38250204 - Bridges: Kelvin, Wheatstone, vacuum tube, megohm, etc.
38250206 - Digital panel meters, electricity measuring
38250207 - Diode and transistor testers
38250209 - Electron tube test equipment
38250215 - Integrated circuit testers
38250216 - Lab standards, electric: resistance, inductance, capacitance
38250218 - Microwave test equipment
38250219 - Network analyzers
38250221 - Radar testing instruments, electric
38250222 - Radio apparatus analyzers, nec
38250228 - Signal generators and averagers
38250229 - Spectrum analyzers
38250231 - Standards and calibrating equipment, laboratory
38250232 - Standards and calibration equipment for electrical measuring
38250234 - Synchroscopes
38250236 - Test equipment for electronic and electrical circuits
38250238 - Transducers for volts, amperes, watts, vars, frequency, etc.
38250241 - Waveform measuring and/or analyzing equipment, nec
38250300 - Electrical energy measuring equipment
38250303 - Current measuring equipment, nec
38250305 - Electrical power measuring equipment
38250306 - Energy measuring equipment, electrical
38250308 - Frequency meters: electrical, mechanical, and electronic
38250310 - Instruments for measuring electrical quantities
38250312 - Measuring instruments and meters, electric
38250313 - Meters, power factor and phase angle
38250314 - Meters: electric, pocket, portable, panelboard, etc.
38250317 - Oscillators, audio and radio frequency (instrument types)
38250318 - Oscillographs and oscilloscopes
38250319 - Potentiometric instruments, except industrial process type
38250320 - Power measuring equipment, electrical
38250321 - Radio frequency measuring equipment
38250322 - Recorders, oscillographic
38250323 - Resistance measuring equipment
38250326 - Sweep oscillators
38250331 - Watt-hour meters, electrical
38259901 - Elapsed time meters, electronic
38260000 - Analytical instruments
38260100 - Spectroscopic and other optical properties measuring equip.
38260103 - Infrared analytical instruments
38260104 - Mass spectrometers
38260105 - Mass spectroscopy instrumentation
38260109 - Polariscopes
38260113 - Spectrographs
38260114 - Spectrometers
38260200 - Analytical optical instruments
38260202 - Microscopes, electron and proton
38260300 - Liquid testing apparatus
38260302 - Liquid chromatographic instruments
38260305 - Petroleum product analyzing apparatus
38260308 - Water testing apparatus
38260400 - Blood testing apparatus
38260401 - Amino acid analyzers
38260403 - Protein analyzers, laboratory type
38260500 - Gas testing apparatus
38260501 - Gas analyzing equipment
38260600 - Instruments measuring magnetic and electrical properties
38260604 - Electrophoresis equipment
38260605 - Magnetic resonance imaging apparatus
38260700 - Instruments measuring thermal properties
38260702 - Thermal analysis instruments, laboratory type
38269901 - Automatic chemical analyzers
38269902 - Chromatographic equipment, laboratory type
38269905 - Dust sampling and analysis equipment
38269907 - Environmental testing equipment
38269908 - Integrators (mathematical instruments)
38269909 - Laser scientific and engineering instruments
38270000 - Optical instruments and lenses
38270100 - Optical instruments and apparatus
38270101 - Binoculars
38270102 - Boroscopes
38270106 - Gun sights, optical
38270107 - Lenses, optical: all types except ophthalmic
38270110 - Metallographs
38270112 - Microscopes, except electron, proton, and corneal
38270113 - Periscopes
38270115 - Sighting and fire control equipment, optical
38270117 - Telescopes: elbow, panoramic, sighting, fire control, etc.
38270118 - Telescopic sights
38270200 - Lens coating and grinding equipment
38270201 - Lens coating equipment
38279901 - Aiming circles (fire control equipment)
38279909 - Light sources, standard
38279914 - Optical comparators
38279915 - Optical elements and assemblies, except ophthalmic
38279916 - Optical test and inspection equipment
38279919 - Reflectors, optical
38290000 - Measuring and controlling devices, nec
38290100 - Aircraft and motor vehicle measurement equipment
38290101 - Accelerometers
38290107 - Gauging instruments, thickness ultrasonic
38290110 - Pressure and vacuum indicators, aircraft engine
38290112 - Testers for checking hydraulic controls on aircraft
38290113 - Thrust power indicators, aircraft engine
38290200 - Geophysical and meteorological testing equipment
38290203 - Barometers, mercury and aneroid types
38290206 - Geophysical or meteorological electronic equipment
38290209 - Magnetometers
38290210 - Meteorologic tracking systems
38290211 - Meteorological instruments
38290215 - Seismographs
38290218 - Solarimeters
38290219 - Weather tracking equipment
38290220 - Wind direction indicators
38290300 - Surveying and drafting equipment
38290305 - Photogrammetrical instruments
38290312 - Surveying instruments and accessories
38290400 - Physical property testing equipment
38290401 - Cable testing machines
38290403 - Dynamometer instruments
38290404 - Fatigue testing machines, industrial: mechanical
38290405 - Hardness testing equipment
38290406 - Stress, strain, and flaw detecting/measuring equipment
38290407 - Tensile strength testing equipment
38290408 - Testing equipment: abrasion, shearing strength, etc.
38290500 - Nuclear radiation and testing apparatus
38290502 - Electrogamma ray loggers
38290503 - Geiger counters
38290504 - Ion chambers
38290506 - Medical diagnostic systems, nuclear
38290507 - Nuclear instrument modules
38290512 - Spectrometers, liquid scintillation and nuclear
38290601 - Fare registers, for street cars, buses, etc.
38290603 - Turnstiles, equipped with counting mechanisms
38290700 - Thermometers and temperature sensors
38290701 - Temperature sensors, except industrial process and aircraft
38290702 - Thermocouples
38290703 - Thermometers, including digital: clinical
38290704 - Thermometers, liquid-in-glass and bimetal type
38299901 - Anamometers
38299902 - Breathalyzers
38299903 - Chronometers, electronic
38299906 - Gas detectors
38299908 - Instrumentation for reactor controls, auxiliary
38299913 - Pressure transducers
38299920 - Thermomagnetic oxygen analyzer
38299922 - Ultrasonic testing equipment
38299923 - Vibration meters, analyzers, and calibrators
38299925 - Polygraph devices
38299926 - Liquid leak detection equipment
38410000 - Surgical and medical instruments
38410100 - Ophthalmic instruments and apparatus
38410101 - Muscle exercise apparatus, ophthalmic
38410102 - Ophthalmic lasers
38410200 - Diagnostic apparatus, medical
38410201 - Biopsy instruments and equipment
38410202 - Blood pressure apparatus
38410206 - Eye examining instruments and apparatus
38410300 - Veterinarians' instruments and apparatus
38410400 - Surgical instruments and apparatus
38410401 - Anesthesia apparatus
38410402 - Cannulae
38410403 - Catheters
38410408 - Hypodermic needles and syringes
38410409 - Inhalators, surgical and medical
38410410 - Instruments, microsurgical: except electromedical
38410413 - Needles, suture
38410418 - Suction therapy apparatus
38410420 - Surgical lasers
38410421 - Surgical stapling devices
38410500 - Medical instruments and equipment, blood and bone work
38410501 - Blood transfusion equipment
38410503 - Bone plates and screws
38410505 - Hemodialysis apparatus
38410506 - IV transfusion apparatus
38419901 - Inhalation therapy equipment
38419904 - Physiotherapy equipment, electrical
38419905 - Skin grafting equipment
38419907 - Ultrasonic medical cleaning equipment
38420000 - Surgical appliances and supplies
38420100 - Personal safety equipment
38420101 - Bulletproof vests
38420102 - Clothing, fire resistant and protective
38420103 - Ear plugs
38420104 - Gas masks
38420105 - Gloves, safety
38420107 - Life preservers, except cork and inflatable
38420109 - Noise protectors, personal
38420111 - Radiation shielding aprons, gloves, sheeting, etc.
38420112 - Respiratory protection equipment, personal
38420115 - Welders' hoods
38420201 - Absorbent cotton, sterilized
38420300 - Prosthetic appliances
38420301 - Cosmetic restorations
38420302 - Implants, surgical
38420303 - Limbs, artificial
38420304 - Models, anatomical
38420400 - Orthopedic appliances
38420401 - Abdominal supporters, braces, and trusses
38420402 - Braces, elastic
38420403 - Braces, orthopedic
38420405 - Cervical collars
38420409 - Elastic hosiery, orthopedic (support)
38420411 - Foot appliances, orthopedic
38420412 - Hearing aids
38420414 - Splints, pneumatic and wood
38420415 - Supports: abdominal, ankle, arch, kneecap, etc.
38420416 - Suspensories
38420417 - Technical aids for the handicapped
38420418 - Trusses, orthopedic and surgical
38420420 - Wheelchairs
38420500 - Bandages and dressings
38420502 - Dressings, surgical
38420503 - Gauze, surgical
38429901 - Adhesive tape and plasters, medicated or non-medicated
38429904 - Belts: surgical, sanitary, and corrective
38429907 - First aid, snake bite, and burn kits
38429909 - Grafts, artificial: for surgery
38429915 - Ligatures, medical
38429916 - Respirators
38429919 - Sterilizers, hospital and surgical
38429921 - Stretchers
38429922 - Surgical appliances and supplies
38429923 - Sutures, absorbable and non-absorbable
38429927 - Whirlpool baths, hydrotherapy equipment
38430000 - Dental equipment and supplies
38430100 - Dental equipment
38430104 - Burs, dental
38430105 - Cabinets, dental
38430107 - Dental chairs
38430109 - Dental hand instruments, nec
38430110 - Dental laboratory equipment
38430115 - Hand pieces and parts, dental
38430116 - Orthodontic appliances
38430200 - Dental materials
38430202 - Compounds, dental
38430203 - Dental alloys for amalgams
38430205 - Denture materials
38430206 - Enamels, dentists'
38430212 - Teeth, artificial (not made in dental laboratories)
38440000 - X-ray apparatus and tubes
38449901 - Beta-ray irradiation equipment
38449906 - Lamps, X-ray
38449908 - Radiographic X-ray apparatus and tubes
38449910 - Therapeutic X-ray apparatus and tubes
38449911 - X-ray generators
38450000 - Electromedical equipment
38450100 - Electromedical apparatus
38450101 - Audiological equipment, electromedical
38450103 - Bronchoscopes, electromedical
38450104 - Cardiographs
38450107 - CAT scanner (computerized axial tomography) apparatus
38450108 - Electrocardiographs
38450111 - Endoscopic equipment, electromedical, nec
38450113 - Magnetic resonance imaging device, nuclear
38450115 - Patient monitoring apparatus, nec
38450117 - Position emission tomography (PET scanner)
38450118 - Respiratory analysis equipment, electromedical
38450120 - Ultrasonic medical equipment, except cleaning
38450121 - Ultrasonic scanning devices, medical
38450200 - Electrotherapeutic apparatus
38450202 - Defibrillator
38450203 - Dialyzers, electromedical
38450205 - Heart-lung machine
38450206 - Pacemaker, cardiac
38450207 - Surgical support systems: heart-lung machine, exc. iron lung
38450208 - Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulators (TENS)
38459901 - Laser systems and equipment, medical
38459902 - Lithotripters
38459903 - Medical cleaning equipment, ultrasonic
38510000 - Ophthalmic goods
38510100 - Frames, lenses, and parts, eyeglass and spectacle
38510101 - Eyeglasses, lenses and frames
38510102 - Frames and parts, eyeglass and spectacle
38510103 - Lens coating, ophthalmic
38510104 - Lens grinding, except prescription: ophthalmic
38510105 - Lenses, ophthalmic
38510200 - Protective eyeware
38510201 - Glasses, sun or glare
38510202 - Goggles: sun, safety, industrial, underwater, etc.
38510203 - Protectors, eye
38519901 - Contact lenses
38519902 - Eyes, glass and plastic
38610000 - Photographic equipment and supplies
38610100 - Sensitized film, cloth, and paper
38610104 - Film, sensitized motion picture, X-ray, still camera, etc.
38610105 - Graphic arts plates, sensitized
38610109 - Motion picture film
38610110 - Photographic paper and cloth, all types, nec
38610111 - Photographic sensitized goods, nec
38610112 - Plates, photographic (sensitized)
38610200 - Photographic processing equipment and chemicals
38610207 - Processing equipment, photographic
38610300 - Cameras and related equipment
38610301 - Aerial cameras
38610302 - Cameras, microfilm
38610303 - Cameras, still and motion picture (all types)
38610305 - Flashlight apparatus for photographers, except bulbs
38610306 - Lens shades, camera
38610308 - Microfilm equipment: cameras, projectors, readers, etc.
38610309 - Motion picture apparatus and equipment
38610310 - Photo reconnaissance systems
38610314 - Shutters, camera
38610315 - Stands, camera and projector
38610316 - Tripods, camera and projector
38610400 - Photographic film, plate, and paper holders
38610402 - Reels, film
38610500 - Reproduction machines and equipment
38610505 - Photocopy machines
38610603 - Toners, prepared photographic (not made in chemical plants)
38619902 - Editing equipment, motion picture: viewers, splicers, etc.
38619903 - Projectors, still or motion picture, silent or sound
38619904 - Screens, projection
38619906 - Sound recording and reproducing equipment, motion picture
38730000 - Watches, clocks, watchcases, and parts
38739901 - Appliance timers
38739904 - Clocks, assembly of
38739905 - Clocks, except timeclocks
38739907 - Timers for industrial use, clockwork mechanism only
38739909 - Watches and parts, except crystals and jewels
39110000 - Jewelry, precious metal
39110100 - Jewelry apparel
39110101 - Bracelets, precious metal
39110102 - Collar/cuff buttons, precious/semiprecious metal or stone
39110103 - Earrings, precious metal
39110104 - Medals, precious or semiprecious metal
39110105 - Necklaces, precious metal
39110106 - Pearl jewelry, natural or cultured
39110107 - Pins (jewelry), precious metal
39110108 - Rings, finger: precious metal
39110109 - Rosaries or other small religious articles, precious metal
39110200 - Cigar and cigarette accessories
39110300 - Jewelry mountings and trimmings
39110302 - Jewel settings and mountings, precious metal
39110303 - Mountings, gold or silver: pens, leather goods, etc.
39140000 - Silverware and plated ware
39140300 - Pewter ware
39140500 - Stainless steel ware
39140502 - Cutlery, stainless steel
39140503 - Ecclesiastical ware, stainless steel
39140504 - Flatware, stainless steel
39140508 - Trays, stainless steel
39149902 - Cutlery, nsk
39149903 - Ecclesiastical ware, nsk
39149910 - Trophies, nsk
39150000 - Jewelers' materials and lapidary work
39150100 - Jewelers' findings and materials
39150101 - Gems, real and imitation: preparation for settings
39150102 - Jewel bearings, synthetic
39150103 - Jewel preparing: instruments, tools, watches, and jewelry
39150104 - Jewelers' castings
39150200 - Lapidary work and diamond cutting and polishing
39150201 - Diamond cutting and polishing
39150202 - Jewel cutting, drilling, polishing, recutting, or setting
39310000 - Musical instruments
39310101 - Accordions and parts
39310114 - Music rolls, perforated
39310115 - Organ parts and materials
39310116 - Organs, all types: pipe, reed, hand, electronic, etc.
39310118 - Pianos, all types: vertical, grand, spinet, player, etc.
39310119 - Pipes, organ
39310200 - String instruments and parts
39310201 - Banjos and parts
39310204 - Guitars and parts, electric and nonelectric
39310205 - Harps and parts
39310208 - Strings, musical instrument
39310301 - Bassoons
39310304 - Flutes and parts
39310306 - Piccolos and parts
39310400 - Brass instruments and parts
39310500 - Percussion instruments and parts
39310501 - Bells (musical instruments)
39310506 - Drums, parts, and accessories (musical instruments)
39319903 - Musical instruments, electric and electronic, nec
39319906 - Stands, music
39420000 - Dolls and stuffed toys
39420100 - Dolls and doll clothing
39420103 - Dolls, except stuffed toy animals
39429901 - Stuffed toys, including animals
39440000 - Games, toys, and children's vehicles
39440102 - Cars, play (children's vehicles)
39440105 - Go-carts, children's
39440106 - Scooters, children's
39440109 - Wagons: coaster, express, and play: children's
39440200 - Electronic games and toys
39440201 - Electronic game machines, except coin-operated
39440202 - Electronic toys
39440203 - Video game machines, except coin-operated
39440300 - Board games, puzzles, and models, except electronic
39440301 - Airplane models, toy and hobby
39440303 - Bingo boards (games)
39440305 - Board games, children's and adults'
39440308 - Chessmen and chessboards
39440309 - Craft and hobby kits and sets
39440310 - Dice and dice cups
39440312 - Erector sets, toy
39440314 - Puzzles
39440315 - Railroad models: toy and hobby
39440316 - Science kits: microscopes, chemistry sets, etc.
39440400 - Toy guns
39440403 - Rifles, toy: except air
39440603 - Trains and equipment, toy: electric and mechanical
39440700 - Baby carriages and restraint seats
39440701 - Carriages, baby
39440702 - Child restraint seats, automotive
39440703 - Strollers, baby (vehicle)
39449904 - Darts and dart games
39449908 - Hobby horses
39449909 - Kites
39449912 - Paint sets, children's
39490000 - Sporting and athletic goods, nec
39490100 - Golf equipment
39490101 - Bags, golf
39490103 - Driving ranges, golf, electronic
39490105 - Shafts, golf club
39490200 - Fishing equipment
39490201 - Bait, artificial: fishing
39490203 - Buckets, fish and bait
39490204 - Fishing tackle, general
39490205 - Flies, fishing: artificial
39490206 - Hooks, fishing
39490207 - Lures, fishing: artificial
39490208 - Reels, fishing
39490209 - Rods and rod parts, fishing
39490300 - Exercise equipment
39490301 - Dumbbells and other weightlifting equipment
39490302 - Exercising cycles
39490305 - Treadmills
39490400 - Winter sports equipment
39490403 - Snow skiing equipment and supplies, except skis
39490404 - Snow skis
39490405 - Snowshoes
39490500 - Hunting equipment
39490502 - Archery equipment, general
39490504 - Bows, archery
39490506 - Cases, gun and rod (sporting equipment)
39490507 - Crossbows
39490508 - Decoys, duck and other game birds
39490509 - Game calls
39490511 - Shooting equipment and supplies, general
39490512 - Target shooting equipment
39490513 - Targets, archery and rifle shooting
39490600 - Water sports equipment
39490601 - Skin diving equipment, scuba type
39490602 - Surfboards
39490603 - Swimming pools, plastic
39490607 - Windsurfing boards (sailboards) and equipment
39490608 - Swimming pools, except plastic
39490700 - Protective sporting equipment
39490702 - Guards: football, basketball, soccer, lacrosse, etc.
39490703 - Helmets, athletic
39490704 - Masks: hockey, baseball, football, etc.
39490705 - Pads: football, basketball, soccer, lacrosse, etc.
39490800 - Darts and table sports equipment and supplies
39490802 - Billiard and pool equipment and supplies, general
39490805 - Dartboards and accessories
39490807 - Ping-pong tables
39490900 - Racket sports equipment
39490906 - Tennis equipment and supplies
39491000 - Bowling equipment and supplies
39491001 - Bowling alleys and accessories
39491100 - Baseball, softball, and cricket sports equipment
39491101 - Baseball equipment and supplies, general
39491102 - Bases, baseball
39491104 - Mitts and gloves, baseball
39491300 - Team sports equipment
39491301 - Basketball equipment and supplies, general
39491302 - Football equipment and supplies, general
39491303 - Hockey equipment and supplies, general
39491304 - Lacrosse equipment and supplies, general
39491305 - Soccer equipment and supplies
39499902 - Balls: baseball, football, basketball, etc.
39499904 - Boxing equipment and supplies, general
39499905 - Camping equipment and supplies
39499907 - Gymnasium equipment
39499909 - Playground equipment
39499910 - Shuffleboards and shuffleboard equipment
39499911 - Skateboards
39499912 - Skates and parts, roller
39499915 - Trampolines and equipment
39499916 - Batons
39510000 - Pens and mechanical pencils
39519901 - Ball point pens and parts
39519903 - Fountain pens and fountain pen desk sets
39519904 - Markers, soft tip (felt, fabric, plastic, etc.)
39520100 - Artists' materials, except pencils and leads
39520102 - Crayons: chalk, gypsum, charcoal, fusains, pastel, wax, etc.
39520105 - Ink, drawing: black and colored
39520108 - Modeling clay
39520111 - Paints, except gold and bronze: artists'
39520117 - Water colors, artists'
39520200 - Artists' equipment
39520203 - Brushes, air, artists'
39520211 - Frames for artists' canvases
39520300 - Pencils and leads, including artists'
39520302 - Pencil lead: black, indelible, or colored: artists'
39530000 - Marking devices
39530100 - Embossing seals and hand stamps
39530103 - Embossing seals, corporate and official
39530104 - Numbering stamps, hand: rubber or metal
39530105 - Postmark stamps, hand: rubber or metal
39530108 - Stationery embossers, personal
39530110 - Time stamps, hand: rubber or metal
39539901 - Figures (marking devices), metal
39539902 - Irons, marking or branding
39539904 - Pads, inking and stamping
39539908 - Stencils, painting and marking
39550000 - Carbon paper and inked ribbons
39550103 - Stencil paper, gelatin or spirit process
39559901 - Ribbons, inked: typewriter, adding machine, register, etc.
39610000 - Costume jewelry
39610100 - Jewelry apparel, non-precious metals
39610103 - Earrings, except precious metal
39619901 - Costume jewelry, ex. precious metal and semiprecious stones
39619903 - Rosaries and small religious articles, except precious metal
39650000 - Fasteners, buttons, needles, and pins
39650100 - Buttons and parts
39650101 - Button backs and parts
39650102 - Button blanks and molds
39650200 - Pins and needles
39650204 - Straight pins: steel or brass
39650300 - Fasteners
39650301 - Eyelets, metal: clothing, fabrics, boots, or shoes
39650303 - Fasteners, hooks and eyes
39659901 - Buckles and buckle parts
39659905 - Zipper
39910000 - Brooms and brushes
39910100 - Brooms
39910102 - Street sweeping brooms, hand or machine
39910200 - Paint and varnish brushes
39910201 - Paint rollers
39910202 - Paintbrushes
39910300 - Brushes, except paint and varnish
39910302 - Brushes, household or industrial
39910306 - Toothbrushes, except electric
39930100 - Electric signs
39930101 - Neon signs
39930102 - Scoreboards, electric
39939903 - Displays and cutouts, window and lobby
39939904 - Displays, paint process
39939905 - Letters for signs, metal
39939906 - Name plates: except engraved, etched, etc.: metal
39939907 - Signs, not made in custom sign painting shops
39950000 - Burial caskets
39959903 - Grave vaults, metal
39960000 - Hard surface floor coverings, nec
39969901 - Asphalted-felt-base floor coverings: linoleum, carpet
39969902 - Tile, floor: supported plastic
39990000 - Manufacturing industries, nec
39990200 - Hair and hair-based products
39990205 - Hairpin mountings
39990207 - Wigs, including doll wigs, toupees, or wiglets
39990302 - Down (feathers)
39990307 - Trimmings, feather
39990500 - Cigarette and cigar products and accessories
39990503 - Cigarette filters
39990509 - Tobacco pipes, pipestems, and bits
39990600 - Umbrellas, canes, and parts
39990603 - Umbrellas, garden or wagon
39990700 - Artificial trees and flowers
39990701 - Artificial flower arrangements
39990702 - Christmas trees, artificial
39990703 - Flowers, artificial and preserved
39990704 - Foliage, artificial and preserved
39990705 - Fruits, artificial and preserved
39990706 - Grasses, artificial and preserved
39990707 - Plants, artificial and preserved
39990708 - Sprays, artificial and preserved
39990800 - Novelties, bric-a-brac, and hobby kits
39990802 - Boutiquing: decorating gift items with sequins, fruit, etc.
39990803 - Bric-a-brac
39990804 - Burnt wood articles
39990805 - Calendars, framed
39990806 - Christmas tree ornaments, except electrical and glass
39990807 - Coins and tokens, non-currency
39990809 - Miniatures
39990813 - Puppets and marionettes
39990814 - Sewing kits, novelty
39990815 - Straw goods
39990817 - Tinsel
39990819 - Lawn ornaments
39990901 - Honeycomb foundations (beekeepers' supplies)
39991000 - Coin-operated amusement machines
39991001 - Slot machines
39991100 - Models, except toy
39991101 - Airplane models, except toy
39991103 - Models, general, except toy
39991104 - Railroad models, except toy
39991200 - Identification badges and insignia
39991201 - Badges, metal: policemen, firemen, etc.
39991203 - Identification plates
39991204 - Identification tags, except paper
39991205 - Military insignia
39991302 - Forms: display, dress, and show
39991303 - Mannequins
39991402 - Handles, handbag and luggage
39999901 - Atomizers, toiletry
39999905 - Candles
39999909 - Dock equipment and supplies, industrial
39999910 - Education aids, devices and supplies
39999911 - Figures, wax
39999913 - Fire extinguishers, portable
39999920 - Hot tub and spa covers
39999921 - Hot tubs
39999925 - Nut shells, grinding, from purchased nuts
39999926 - Painting instrument dials
39999927 - Pet supplies
39999928 - Plaques, picture, laminated
39999929 - Potpourri
39999930 - Preparation of slides and exhibits
39999932 - Self-defense sprays
39999933 - Shades, lamp or candle
39999935 - Soap dispensers
39999936 - Stage hardware and equipment, except lighting
39999937 - Stereographs, photographic
39999938 - Tape measures
39999939 - Tear gas devices and equipment
39999940 - Theatrical scenery
39999945 - Wheelchair lifts
39999946 - Fingernails, artificial
39999947 - Grinding and pulverizing of materials, nec
39999949 - Seeds, coated or treated, from purchased seeds
39999950 - Framed artwork
40110000 - Railroads, line-haul operating
41190000 - Local passenger transportation, nec
42120000 - Local trucking, without storage
42120102 - Farm to market haulage, local
42129905 - Dump truck haulage
42129906 - Garbage collection and transport, no disposal
42129907 - Hazardous waste transport
42129909 - Light haulage and cartage, local
42130000 - Trucking, except local
42139902 - Building materials transport
42139906 - Household goods transport
42139911 - Trailer or container on flat car (TOFC/COFC)
42140000 - Local trucking with storage
42219901 - Cotton compresses and warehouses
42229903 - Warehousing, cold storage or refrigerated
42250000 - General warehousing and storage
42259901 - General warehousing
42259902 - Miniwarehouse, warehousing
42260100 - Liquid storage
44490101 - Canal barge operations
44910000 - Marine cargo handling
44910200 - Docks, piers and terminals
44930000 - Marinas
45129901 - Air cargo carrier, scheduled
46120000 - Crude petroleum pipelines
46199902 - Slurry pipeline operation
47240000 - Travel agencies
47250000 - Tour operators
47310000 - Freight transportation arrangement
47310100 - Transportation agents and brokers
47310103 - Customhouse brokers
47310200 - Freight forwarding
47410000 - Rental of railroad cars
47830000 - Packing and crating
47839902 - Crating goods for shipping
47839903 - Packing goods for shipping
47890102 - Freight car loading and unloading
47899901 - Pipeline terminal facilities, independently operated
48120000 - Radiotelephone communication
48130000 - Telephone communication, except radio
48130101 - Data telephone communications
48130103 - Long distance telephone communications
48139903 - Telephone/video communications
48320000 - Radio broadcasting stations
48320203 - Religious
48330000 - Television broadcasting stations
48999905 - Satellite earth stations
49110000 - Electric services
49119901 - Distribution, electric power
49119902 - Generation, electric power
49119905 - Electric power marketers
49119907 - Fossil fuel electric power generation
49240000 - Natural gas distribution
49250106 - Mixed natural and manufactured gas, distribution
49410000 - Water supply
49520000 - Sewerage systems
49530000 - Refuse systems
49530100 - Hazardous waste collection and disposal
49530102 - Chemical detoxification
49530202 - Liquid waste, collection and disposal
49530203 - Rubbish collection and disposal
49530300 - Nonhazardous waste disposal sites
49539904 - Medical waste disposal
49539905 - Recycling, waste materials
49610000 - Steam and air-conditioning supply
50120103 - Trucks, noncommercial
50120104 - Vans, noncommercial
50120203 - Fire trucks
50120205 - Trailers for trucks, new and used
50120206 - Truck bodies
50120208 - Trucks, commercial
50120305 - Recreation vehicles, all-terrain
50120307 - Trailers for passenger vehicles
50120401 - Mopeds
50130000 - Motor vehicle supplies and new parts
50130100 - Automotive supplies and parts
50130108 - Automotive supplies
50130112 - Exhaust systems (mufflers, tail pipes, etc.)
50130118 - Springs, shock absorbers and struts
50130119 - Truck parts and accessories
50130120 - Wheels, motor vehicle
50130204 - Testing equipment, engine
50130205 - Tools and equipment, automotive
50139901 - Motorcycle parts
50139903 - Trailer parts and accessories
50140000 - Tires and tubes
50149901 - Automobile tires and tubes
50149904 - Tires, used
50150000 - Motor vehicle parts, used
50210000 - Furniture
50210100 - Office and public building furniture
50210106 - Office furniture, nec
50210200 - Household furniture
50210302 - Bedsprings
50219904 - Outdoor and lawn furniture, nec
50219906 - Shelving
50230000 - Homefurnishings
50230100 - Kitchenware
50230102 - China
50230104 - Glassware
50230105 - Kitchen tools and utensils, nec
50230200 - Linens and towels
50230202 - Blankets
50230203 - Linens, table
50230205 - Sheets, textile
50230207 - Towels
50230300 - Window furnishings
50230301 - Curtains
50230302 - Draperies
50230305 - Window covering parts and accessories
50230400 - Floor coverings
50230401 - Carpets
50230404 - Rugs
50230405 - Wood flooring
50230500 - Decorative home furnishings and supplies
50230502 - Frames and framing, picture and mirror
50230504 - Pottery
50310100 - Building materials, exterior
50310101 - Fencing, wood
50310104 - Trim, sheet metal
50310200 - Building materials, interior
50310202 - Molding, all materials
50310204 - Veneer
50310300 - Doors and windows
50310301 - Door frames, all materials
50310302 - Doors, combination, screen-storm
50310303 - Doors, garage
50310304 - Doors, nec
50310305 - Metal doors, sash and trim
50310306 - Window frames, all materials
50310307 - Windows
50310308 - Skylights, all materials
50319901 - Composite board products, woodboard
50319903 - Kitchen cabinets
50319904 - Lumber: rough, dressed, and finished
50319909 - Plywood
50320000 - Brick, stone, and related material
50320100 - Paving materials
50320201 - Drywall materials
50320202 - Stucco
50320302 - Ceramic wall and floor tile, nec
50320306 - Tile, clay or other ceramic, excluding refractory
50320400 - Building stone
50320401 - Granite building stone
50320402 - Marble building stone
50320500 - Concrete and cinder building products
50320502 - Concrete and cinder block
50320503 - Concrete building products
50320504 - Concrete mixtures
50329902 - Brick, except refractory
50329904 - Cement
50329905 - Gravel
50329907 - Sand, construction
50329908 - Stone, crushed or broken
50330000 - Roofing, siding, and insulation
50330100 - Roofing and siding materials
50330101 - Asphalt felts and coating
50330103 - Roofing, asphalt and sheet metal
50330105 - Siding, except wood
50330200 - Insulation materials
50330201 - Fiberglass building materials
50330203 - Mineral wool insulation materials
50390100 - Prefabricated structures
50390104 - Structural assemblies, prefabricated: non-wood
50390200 - Glass construction materials
50390201 - Exterior flat glass: plate or window
50390202 - Interior flat glass: plate and window
50399902 - Architectural metalwork
50399905 - Doors, sliding
50399911 - Septic tanks
50399912 - Soil erosion control fabrics
50399913 - Wire fence, gates, and accessories
50430000 - Photographic equipment and supplies
50430100 - Photographic processing equipment
50430200 - Cameras and photographic equipment
50430202 - Photographic cameras, projectors, equipment and supplies
50440000 - Office equipment
50440103 - Cash registers
50440200 - Copying equipment
50440204 - Microfilm equipment
50440207 - Photocopy machines
50449903 - Vaults and safes
50450000 - Computers, peripherals, and software
50450100 - Computer peripheral equipment
50450101 - Disk drives
50450104 - Terminals, computer
50459903 - Computer software
50459904 - Computers and accessories, personal and home entertainment
50459905 - Computers, nec
50460000 - Commercial equipment, nec
50460100 - Store fixtures and display equipment
50460101 - Display equipment, except refrigerated
50460104 - Partitions
50460106 - Signs, electrical
50460107 - Store equipment
50460108 - Store fixtures
50460301 - Bakery equipment and supplies
50460302 - Coffee brewing equipment and supplies
50460303 - Cooking equipment, commercial
50460306 - Restaurant equipment and supplies, nec
50469902 - Coin counters
50469903 - Hotel equipment and supplies
50469907 - Scales, except laboratory
50470000 - Medical and hospital equipment
50470100 - Hospital equipment and furniture
50470102 - Hospital equipment and supplies, nec
50470104 - Instruments, surgical and medical
50470106 - Patient monitoring equipment
50470107 - Physician equipment and supplies
50470108 - Surgical equipment and supplies
50470109 - X-ray machines and tubes
50470200 - Dental equipment and supplies
50470202 - Dentists' professional supplies
50470300 - Medical equipment and supplies
50470303 - Diagnostic equipment, medical
50470307 - Incontinent care products and supplies
50470308 - Medical laboratory equipment
50470309 - Orthopedic equipment and supplies
50479902 - Veterinarians' equipment and supplies
50480000 - Ophthalmic goods
50489902 - Frames, ophthalmic
50489903 - Lenses, ophthalmic
50489904 - Optometric equipment and supplies
50490100 - Scientific and engineering equipment and supplies
50490101 - Analytical instruments
50490102 - Engineers' equipment and supplies, nec
50490103 - Laboratory equipment, except medical or dental
50490104 - Optical goods
50490106 - Scientific instruments
50499902 - Drafting supplies
50499903 - Law enforcement equipment and supplies
50499905 - Religious supplies
50499907 - Theatrical equipment and supplies
50510100 - Metal wires, ties, cables, and screening
50510102 - Cable, wire
50510105 - Rope, wire (not insulated)
50510107 - Wire, nec
50510200 - Iron and steel (ferrous) products
50510203 - Cast iron pipe
50510207 - Ferrous metals
50510208 - Forgings, ferrous
50510210 - Iron or steel flat products
50510214 - Pipe and tubing, steel
50510216 - Steel
50510217 - Structural shapes, iron or steel
50510301 - Copper
50510302 - Copper sheets, plates, bars, rods, pipes, etc., nec
50510400 - Miscellaneous nonferrous products
50510404 - Nonferrous metal sheets, bars, rods, etc., nec
50519901 - Aluminum bars, rods, ingots, sheets, pipes, plates, etc.
50519902 - Bars, metal
50519903 - Foundry products
50519906 - Plates, metal
50519909 - Sheets, metal
50519911 - Tubing, metal
50519912 - Stampings, metal
50520201 - Coal
50630000 - Electrical apparatus and equipment
50630100 - Transformers and transmission equipment
50630103 - Power transmission equipment, electric
50630104 - Transformers, electric
50630200 - Electrical fittings and construction materials
50630203 - Circuit breakers
50630205 - Electrical construction materials
50630206 - Electrical supplies, nec
50630220 - Wiring devices
50630300 - Wire and cable
50630303 - Control and signal wire and cable, including coaxial
50630304 - Electronic wire and cable
50630400 - Lighting fixtures
50630401 - Light bulbs and related supplies
50630403 - Lighting fixtures, commercial and industrial
50630404 - Lighting fixtures, residential
50630500 - Electric alarms and signaling equipment
50630503 - Fire alarm systems
50630504 - Signaling equipment, electrical
50630600 - Batteries
50630601 - Batteries, dry cell
50639901 - Antennas, receiving, satellite dishes
50639902 - Flashlights
50639903 - Generators
50639904 - Motor controls, starters and relays: electric
50639905 - Motors, electric
50640000 - Electrical appliances, television and radio
50640105 - Refrigerators and freezers
50640200 - Electrical entertainment equipment
50640201 - High fidelity equipment
50640202 - Radios, motor vehicle
50640203 - Radios, nec
50640300 - Air conditioning appliances
50640303 - Fans, household: electric
50649903 - Electric household appliances, nec
50650000 - Electronic parts and equipment, nec
50650100 - Telephone and telegraphic equipment
50650101 - Mobile telephone equipment
50650103 - Telephone equipment
50650200 - Communication equipment
50650202 - Electronic tubes: receiving and transmitting, or industrial
50650205 - Modems, computer
50650208 - Sound equipment, electronic
50650300 - Electronic parts
50650301 - Capacitors, electronic
50650303 - Coils, electronic
50650305 - Connectors, electronic
50650306 - Diodes
50650311 - Transistors
50650403 - Closed circuit TV
50659902 - Magnetic recording tape
50659903 - Security control equipment and systems
50659904 - Tapes, audio and video recording
50720000 - Hardware
50720100 - Bolts, nuts, and screws
50720101 - Bolts
50720102 - Nuts (hardware)
50720104 - Screws
50720200 - Hand tools
50720201 - Cutlery
50720300 - Power tools and accessories
50720400 - Miscellaneous fasteners
50720402 - Staples
50729901 - Builders' hardware, nec
50729904 - Furniture hardware, nec
50729907 - Security devices, locks
50740000 - Plumbing and hydronic heating supplies
50740100 - Water heaters and purification equipment
50740102 - Water purification equipment
50740103 - Water softeners
50740200 - Heating equipment (hydronic)
50740202 - Boilers, power (industrial)
50740203 - Boilers, steam
50740208 - Heating equipment and panels, solar
50740300 - Plumbing fittings and supplies
50750000 - Warm air heating and air conditioning
50750100 - Air conditioning and ventilation equipment and supplies
50750101 - Air conditioning equipment, except room units, nec
50750102 - Air filters
50750105 - Compressors, air conditioning
50750111 - Ventilating equipment and supplies
50750200 - Warm air heating equipment and supplies
50750201 - Electrical heating equipment
50750202 - Furnaces, heating: electric
50780000 - Refrigeration equipment and supplies
50780101 - Display cases, refrigerated
50780201 - Beverage coolers
50780202 - Drinking water coolers, mechanical
50789903 - Refrigeration units, motor vehicles
50820000 - Construction and mining machinery
50820100 - Road construction equipment
50820101 - Pavers
50820202 - Logging equipment and supplies
50820300 - General construction machinery and equipment
50820304 - Excavating machinery and equipment
50820305 - Ladders
50820306 - Masonry equipment and supplies
50820400 - Mining machinery and equipment, except petroleum
50830000 - Farm and garden machinery
50830101 - Livestock equipment
50830201 - Garden machinery and equipment, nec
50830203 - Lawn machinery and equipment
50830300 - Agricultural machinery and equipment
50830301 - Agricultural machinery, nec
50830303 - Farm equipment parts and supplies
50830304 - Farm implements
50830308 - Irrigation equipment
50830400 - Dairy machinery and equipment
50839901 - Hydroponic equipment and supplies
50840000 - Industrial machinery and equipment
50840100 - Food industry machinery
50840102 - Brewery products manufacturing machinery, commercial
50840105 - Dairy products manufacturing machinery, nec
50840107 - Food product manufacturing machinery
50840200 - Textile and leather machinery
50840201 - Sewing machines, industrial
50840204 - Textile machinery and equipment
50840302 - Paper manufacturing machinery
50840305 - Woodworking machinery
50840402 - Drilling bits
50840403 - Drilling equipment, excluding bits
50840405 - Oil well machinery, equipment, and supplies
50840500 - Machine tools and metalworking machinery
50840505 - Industrial machine parts
50840507 - Machine tools and accessories
50840509 - Metal refining machinery and equipment
50840510 - Metalworking machinery
50840518 - Welding machinery and equipment
50840600 - Engines and transportation equipment
50840601 - Engines and parts, air-cooled
50840602 - Engines and parts, diesel
50840603 - Engines, gasoline
50840605 - Lift trucks and parts
50840607 - Trailers, industrial
50840700 - Instruments and control equipment
50840701 - Controlling instruments and accessories
50840702 - Indicating instruments and accessories
50840703 - Measuring and testing equipment, electrical
50840705 - Noise control equipment
50840706 - Pollution control equipment, air (environmental)
50840800 - Materials handling machinery
50840801 - Conveyor systems
50840802 - Cranes, industrial
50840803 - Elevators
50840804 - Hoists
50840805 - Pumps and pumping equipment, nec
50840807 - Water pumps (industrial)
50840900 - Processing and packaging equipment
50840901 - Cleaning equipment, high pressure, sand or steam
50840903 - Compressors, except air conditioning
50840905 - Packaging machinery and equipment
50840906 - Paint spray equipment, industrial
50840907 - Pneumatic tools and equipment
50840909 - Screening machinery and equipment
50840910 - Waste compactors
50849902 - Chemical process equipment
50849903 - Fans, industrial
50849904 - Heat exchange equipment, industrial
50849905 - Hydraulic systems equipment and supplies
50849906 - Plastic products machinery
50849907 - Power plant machinery
50849911 - Robots, industrial
50849912 - Safety equipment
50849913 - Tanks, storage
50849914 - Recycling machinery and equipment
50850000 - Industrial supplies
50850100 - Commercial containers
50850101 - Barrels, new or reconditioned
50850102 - Bins and containers, storage
50850104 - Boxes, crates, etc., other than paper
50850109 - Glass bottles
50850200 - Hose, belting, and packing
50850202 - Packing, industrial
50850300 - Valves, pistons, and fittings
50850301 - Hydraulic and pneumatic pistons and valves
50850302 - Industrial fittings
50850303 - Valves and fittings
50850400 - Fasteners and fastening equipment
50850401 - Fasteners, industrial: nuts, bolts, screws, etc.
50850500 - Bearings, bushings, wheels, and gears
50850501 - Bearings
50850600 - Industrial tools
50850601 - Brushes, industrial
50850603 - Knives, industrial
50850604 - Tools, nec
50850801 - Abrasives
50850802 - Adhesives, tape and plasters
50850900 - Power transmission equipment and apparatus
50851000 - Gaskets and seals
50851001 - Gaskets
50851002 - Seals, industrial
50859901 - Bottler supplies
50859904 - Filters, industrial
50859905 - Gas equipment, parts and supplies
50859910 - Refractory material
50859911 - Rubber goods, mechanical
50859912 - Signmaker equipment and supplies
50870201 - Dry cleaning plant equipment and supplies
50870202 - Laundry equipment and supplies
50870300 - Cleaning and maintenance equipment and supplies
50870302 - Carwash equipment and supplies
50870304 - Janitors' supplies
50870500 - Firefighting equipment
50870501 - Sprinkler systems
50870602 - Cemetery supplies and equipment
50879903 - Engraving equipment and supplies
50879904 - Extermination and fumigation equipment and supplies
50879905 - Liquor dispensing equipment and systems
50879906 - Locksmith equipment and supplies
50880000 - Transportation equipment and supplies
50880100 - Marine crafts and supplies
50880102 - Marine propulsion machinery and equipment
50880103 - Marine supplies
50880300 - Aircraft and space vehicle supplies and parts
50880302 - Aircraft and parts, nec
50880303 - Aircraft engines and engine parts
50880304 - Aircraft equipment and supplies, nec
50880306 - Helicopter parts
50889903 - Railroad equipment and supplies
50910000 - Sporting and recreation goods
50910100 - Watersports equipment and supplies
50910101 - Diving equipment and supplies
50910102 - Surfing equipment and supplies
50910103 - Swimming pools, equipment and supplies
50910200 - Golf and skiing equipment and supplies
50910201 - Golf equipment
50910300 - Fishing equipment and supplies
50910301 - Fishing tackle
50910400 - Hunting equipment and supplies
50910402 - Archery equipment
50910403 - Firearms, sporting
50910500 - Fitness equipment and supplies
50910504 - Spa equipment and supplies
50910603 - Bicycles
50910700 - Boats, canoes, watercrafts, and equipment
50910701 - Boat accessories and parts
50919901 - Athletic goods
50919902 - Billiard equipment and supplies
50919903 - Bowling equipment
50919904 - Camping equipment and supplies
50919908 - Racquet sports equipment and supplies
50919909 - Sharpeners, sporting goods
50920000 - Toys and hobby goods and supplies
50920100 - Hobby supplies
50920200 - Toys and games
50920201 - Bingo games and supplies
50920204 - Dolls
50920205 - Educational toys
50920300 - Toy novelties and amusements
50929901 - Arts and crafts equipment and supplies
50930000 - Scrap and waste materials
50930105 - Waste paper
50930200 - Metal scrap and waste materials
50930201 - Ferrous metal scrap and waste
50930202 - Nonferrous metals scrap
50930203 - Wire and cable scrap
50939904 - Junk and scrap
50939905 - Oil, waste
50939906 - Plastics scrap
50940000 - Jewelry and precious stones
50940100 - Precious stones and metals
50940102 - Diamonds (gems)
50940105 - Precious stones (gems), nec
50940203 - Trophies
50940300 - Clocks, watches, and parts
50940304 - Watches and parts
50949901 - Beads
50949902 - Jewelers' findings
50949903 - Jewelry
50990100 - Firearms and ammunition, except sporting
50990102 - Firearms, except sporting
50990200 - Wood and wood by-products
50990202 - Cork products, fabricated
50990204 - Logs, hewn ties, posts, and poles
50990208 - Timber products, rough
50990300 - Safety equipment and supplies
50990301 - Fire extinguishers
50990303 - Locks and lock sets
50990304 - Reflective road markers
50990500 - Video and audio equipment
50990501 - Compact discs
50990600 - Musical instruments
50990601 - Musical instruments parts and accessories
50990602 - Pianos
50990700 - Antiques, souvenirs, and novelties
50990703 - Souvenirs
50999903 - Containers: glass, metal or plastic
50999905 - Luggage
50999909 - Portraits
50999912 - Signs, except electric
50999913 - Sunglasses
50999914 - Tanning salon equipment and supplies
51110000 - Printing and writing paper
51120000 - Stationery and office supplies
51120100 - Writing instruments and supplies
51120101 - Marking devices
51120102 - Pens and/or pencils
51120201 - Greeting cards
51120202 - Stationery
51120302 - Looseleaf binders
51120400 - Computer and photocopying supplies
51120401 - Computer paper
51120501 - File cards
51129902 - Business forms
51129904 - Envelopes
51129906 - Manifold business forms
51129907 - Office supplies, nec
51129909 - Stationers, commercial
51130100 - Shipping supplies
51130204 - Napkins, paper
51130300 - Boxes and containers
51130301 - Bags, paper and disposable plastic
51130303 - Containers, paper and disposable plastic
51130304 - Corrugated and solid fiber boxes
51139901 - Cardboard and products
51139903 - Paper, wrapping or coarse, and products
51139907 - Pressure sensitive tape
51220000 - Drugs, proprietaries, and sundries
51220100 - Cosmetics, perfumes, and hair products
51220101 - Cosmetics
51220103 - Perfumes
51220200 - Toiletries
51220205 - Toilet soap
51220300 - Drugs and drug proprietaries
51220303 - Biologicals and allied products
51220306 - Medicinals and botanicals
51220307 - Patent medicines
51220308 - Pharmaceuticals
51220310 - Vitamins and minerals
51229903 - Medical rubber goods
51310000 - Piece goods and notions
51310100 - Piece goods and other fabrics
51310101 - Broadwoven fabrics
51310105 - Cotton goods
51310107 - Fiberglass fabrics
51310114 - Plastic piece goods, woven
51310118 - Textiles, woven, nec
51310202 - Bindings, bias and straight
51310203 - Buttons
51310205 - Labels
51310210 - Sewing accessories
51310213 - Textile converters
51310214 - Thread
51310215 - Trimmings, apparel
51319903 - Flags and banners
51360000 - Men's and boy's clothing
51360101 - Caps, men's and boys'
51360103 - Hats, men's and boys'
51360401 - Apparel belts, men's and boys'
51360602 - Sportswear, men's and boys'
51360603 - Uniforms, men's and boys'
51369901 - Shirts, men's and boys'
51370000 - Women's and children's clothing
51370200 - Women's and children's lingerie and undergarments
51370300 - Women's and children's sportswear and swimsuits
51370301 - Sportswear, women's and children's
51370400 - Women's and children's accessories
51370401 - Apparel belts, women's and children's
51370403 - Gloves, women's and children's
51370407 - Hosiery: women's, children's, and infants'
51370502 - Diapers
51370600 - Women's and children's dresses, suits, skirts, and blouses
51370602 - Dresses
51379905 - Uniforms, women's and children's
51390000 - Footwear
51399902 - Footwear, athletic
51399904 - Shoes
51410000 - Groceries, general line
51419901 - Food brokers
51420000 - Packaged frozen goods
51420100 - Frozen vegetables and fruit products
51420200 - Frozen fish, meat, and poultry
51420203 - Meat, frozen: packaged
51420205 - Poultry, frozen: packaged
51429902 - Dinners, frozen
51430000 - Dairy products, except dried or canned
51430100 - Milk
51430101 - Milk and cream, fluid
51439902 - Cheese
51439905 - Ice cream and ices
51440000 - Poultry and poultry products
51449901 - Eggs
51449902 - Eggs: cleaning, oil treating, packing, and grading
51449903 - Poultry products, nec
51450000 - Confectionery
51450200 - Snack foods
51450202 - Nuts, salted or roasted
51450203 - Popcorn and supplies
51450205 - Pretzels
51459901 - Candy
51460000 - Fish and seafoods
51469902 - Fish, fresh
51469904 - Seafoods
51470000 - Meats and meat products
51479901 - Lard
51479903 - Meats, cured or smoked
51479904 - Meats, fresh
51480000 - Fresh fruits and vegetables
51480100 - Fruits
51480102 - Fruits, fresh
51480201 - Potatoes, fresh
51480202 - Vegetables, fresh
51490000 - Groceries and related products, nec
51490101 - Cooking oils
51490200 - Pet foods
51490300 - Seasonings, sauces, and extracts
51490302 - Flavorings and fragrances
51490307 - Salad dressing
51490309 - Sauces
51490310 - Spices and seasonings
51490400 - Pasta and rice
51490500 - Beverages, except coffee and tea
51490501 - Beverage concentrates
51490502 - Juices
51490503 - Mineral or spring water bottling
51490504 - Soft drinks
51490505 - Water, distilled
51490600 - Organic and diet food
51490602 - Health foods
51490603 - Natural and organic foods
51490700 - Crackers, cookies, and bakery products
51490701 - Bakery products
51490702 - Cookies
51490800 - Dried or canned foods
51490801 - Canned goods: fruit, vegetables, seafood, meats, etc.
51490802 - Dairy products, dried or canned
51490900 - Coffee and tea
51490901 - Coffee, green or roasted
51490902 - Tea
51491000 - Sugar, honey, molasses, and syrups
51491003 - Sugar, refined
51491100 - Baking supplies
51499905 - Pickles, preserves, jellies, and jams
51499906 - Pizza supplies
51530000 - Grain and field beans
51530100 - Grains
51530102 - Corn
51530105 - Wheat
51530200 - Field beans
51539901 - Grain elevators
51540000 - Livestock
51590500 - Nuts and nut by-products
51590502 - Oil nuts, kernels, seeds
51590503 - Peanuts (bulk), unroasted
51620000 - Plastics materials and basic shapes
51620100 - Resins
51620101 - Plastics resins
51620102 - Resins, synthetic
51629902 - Plastics film
51629903 - Plastics materials, nec
51629904 - Plastics products, nec
51629905 - Plastics sheets and rods
51690000 - Chemicals and allied products, nec
51690200 - Industrial gases
51690202 - Aerosols
51690207 - Industrial gases
51690301 - Detergents
51690402 - Sanitation preparations
51690600 - Aromatic chemicals
51690700 - Chemical additives
51690701 - Concrete additives
51690800 - Synthetic resins, rubber, and plastic materials
51690804 - Synthetic rubber
51690900 - Food additives and preservatives
51690901 - Gelatin
51691000 - Noncorrosive products and materials
51691001 - Anti-corrosion products
51691103 - Metal polishes
51691201 - Alcohols
51699901 - Acids
51699904 - Chemicals, industrial and heavy
51699906 - Explosives
51699907 - Industrial chemicals
51699910 - Organic chemicals, synthetic
51710000 - Petroleum bulk stations and terminals
51719901 - Petroleum bulk stations
51720000 - Petroleum products, nec
51720100 - Gases
51720102 - Gases, liquefied petroleum (propane)
51720200 - Engine fuels and oils
51720202 - Diesel fuel
51720203 - Gasoline
51720204 - Lubricating oils and greases
51729901 - Crude oil
51729905 - Petroleum brokers
51810000 - Beer and ale
51819901 - Ale
51819902 - Beer and other fermented malt liquors
51820000 - Wine and distilled beverages
51820100 - Wine
51820200 - Liquor
51829901 - Bottling wines and liquors
51910000 - Farm supplies
51910100 - Fertilizers and agricultural chemicals
51910101 - Chemicals, agricultural
51910102 - Fertilizer and fertilizer materials
51910104 - Insecticides
51910107 - Pesticides
51910200 - Animal feeds
51910202 - Feed
51910400 - Equestrian equipment
51929902 - Magazines
51930000 - Flowers and florists supplies
51930100 - Florists' supplies
51930200 - Flowers and nursery stock
51940000 - Tobacco and tobacco products
51980000 - Paints, varnishes, and supplies
51980100 - Paints
51989902 - Wallcoverings
51990100 - Art goods and supplies
51990102 - Art goods
51990200 - Gifts and novelties
51990201 - Badges
51990205 - Christmas novelties
51990211 - Statuary
51990305 - Pet supplies
51990400 - Fabrics, yarns, and knit goods
51990405 - Industrial yarns
51990411 - Yarns, nec
51990503 - Leather and cut stock
51990504 - Leather goods, except footwear, gloves, luggage, belting
51990601 - Bags, textile
51990604 - Jewelry boxes
51990700 - Smokers' supplies
51990803 - Oils, animal or vegetable
51990900 - Foams and rubber
51990902 - Plastics foam
51999905 - Broom, mop, and paint handles
51999906 - Candles
51999912 - First aid supplies
51999914 - General merchandise, non-durable
51999916 - Ice, manufactured or natural
51999918 - Packaging materials
51999922 - Sheet music
51999923 - Variety store merchandise
51999924 - Wigs
52110000 - Lumber and other building materials
52110100 - Lumber products
52110101 - Flooring, wood
52110200 - Door and window products
52110203 - Garage doors, sale and installation
52110205 - Sash, wood or metal
52110206 - Screens, door and window
52110207 - Windows, storm: wood or metal
52110300 - Insulation and energy conservation products
52110303 - Solar heating equipment
52110402 - Modular homes
52110500 - Masonry materials and supplies
52110502 - Cement
52110503 - Concrete and cinder block
52110505 - Paving stones
52110506 - Sand and gravel
52119902 - Cabinets, kitchen
52119903 - Closets, interiors and accessories
52119904 - Counter tops
52119906 - Electrical construction materials
52119907 - Fencing
52119909 - Roofing material
52310000 - Paint, glass, and wallpaper stores
52310100 - Glass
52310101 - Glass, leaded or stained
52310200 - Paint and painting supplies
52310201 - Paint
52510000 - Hardware stores
52510100 - Tools
52519901 - Builders' hardware
52519902 - Door locks and lock sets
52610103 - Lawnmowers and tractors
52610200 - Lawn and garden supplies
52610201 - Fertilizer
52610203 - Garden supplies and tools, nec
52610302 - Nursery stock, seeds and bulbs
52710000 - Mobile home dealers
52719901 - Mobile home equipment
53110000 - Department stores
53119902 - Department stores, non-discount
53999903 - Country general stores
53999905 - Surplus and salvage stores
54110000 - Grocery stores
54110101 - Supermarkets, chain
54110103 - Supermarkets, independent
54110200 - Convenience stores
54110201 - Convenience stores, chain
54110202 - Convenience stores, independent
54119901 - Cooperative food stores
54119902 - Delicatessen stores
54119905 - Grocery stores, independent
54210000 - Meat and fish markets
54210101 - Fish markets
54210200 - Meat markets, including freezer provisioners
54410000 - Candy, nut, and confectionery stores
54419901 - Candy
54419903 - Confectionery produced for direct sale on the premises
54419905 - Popcorn, including caramel corn
54519904 - Milk
54619901 - Bagels
54619902 - Bread
54619903 - Cakes
54619904 - Cookies
54619905 - Doughnuts
54619906 - Pastries
54619908 - Pretzels
54990100 - Health and dietetic food stores
54990101 - Dietetic foods
54990102 - Health foods
54990103 - Vitamin food stores
54990201 - Coffee
54999904 - Gourmet food stores
54999905 - Spices and herbs
55110000 - New and used car dealers
55119903 - Trucks, tractors, and trailers: new and used
55219904 - Trucks, tractors, and trailers: used
55310103 - Automotive parts
55310104 - Batteries, automotive and truck
55310105 - Speed shops, including race car supplies
55310107 - Truck equipment and parts
55419901 - Filling stations, gasoline
55510000 - Boat dealers
55510100 - Motor boat dealers
55510400 - Marine supplies and equipment
55510401 - Marine supplies, nec
55610000 - Recreational vehicle dealers
55619902 - Recreational vehicle parts and accessories
55710000 - Motorcycle dealers
55719901 - All-terrain vehicles
55719906 - Motorcycles
55999904 - Snowmobiles
55999905 - Utility trailers
56110000 - Men's and boys' clothing stores
56119903 - Clothing, sportswear, men's and boys'
56210000 - Women's clothing stores
56219902 - Ready-to-wear apparel, women's
56320100 - Fur apparel
56320202 - Hosiery
56329901 - Apparel accessories
56329903 - Costume jewelry
56410000 - Children's and infants' wear stores
56419901 - Children's wear
56510000 - Family clothing stores
56519902 - Unisex clothing stores
56610101 - Shoes, custom
56619901 - Children's shoes
56619903 - Men's boots
56990100 - Uniforms and work clothing
56990102 - Uniforms
56990300 - Sports apparel
56990400 - Customized clothing and apparel
56999903 - Designers, apparel
57120000 - Furniture stores
57120100 - Beds and accessories
57120102 - Mattresses
57120200 - Customized furniture and cabinets
57120201 - Cabinet work, custom
57120202 - Custom made furniture, except cabinets
57129902 - Cabinets, except custom made: kitchen
57129904 - Office furniture
57129905 - Outdoor and garden furniture
57129906 - Unfinished furniture
57130000 - Floor covering stores
57140000 - Drapery and upholstery stores
57149902 - Draperies
57190100 - Kitchenware
57190202 - Lighting fixtures
57190301 - Fireplace equipment and accessories
57190400 - Window furnishings
57190401 - Venetian blinds
57190403 - Window shades, nec
57190501 - Bedding (sheets, blankets, spreads, and pillows)
57190601 - Mirrors
57199905 - Housewares, nec
57199906 - Pottery
57220000 - Household appliance stores
57220200 - Electric household appliances
57220201 - Air conditioning room units, self-contained
57220203 - Electric household appliances, small
57220208 - Vacuum cleaners
57229902 - Kitchens, complete (sinks, cabinets, etc.)
57310000 - Radio, television, and electronic stores
57310100 - Antennas
57310200 - Video cameras, recorders, and accessories
57310201 - Video cameras and accessories
57319902 - Consumer electronic equipment, nec
57319903 - High fidelity stereo equipment
57319907 - Radios, two-way, citizens band, weather, short-wave, etc.
57319909 - Television sets
57340000 - Computer and software stores
57340100 - Computer peripheral equipment
57340101 - Modems, monitors, terminals, and disk drives: computers
57340200 - Computer software and accessories
57340203 - Software, business and non-game
57349901 - Personal computers
57350200 - Records, audio discs, and tapes
57350201 - Audio tapes, prerecorded
57360000 - Musical instrument stores
57369902 - Brass instruments
58120000 - Eating places
58120101 - American restaurant
58120108 - Italian restaurant
58120203 - Ice cream stands or dairy bars
58120300 - Fast food restaurants and stands
58120304 - Coffee shop
58120307 - Fast-food restaurant, chain
58120310 - Grills (eating places)
58120402 - Cafeteria
58120501 - Restaurant, family: chain
58120502 - Restaurant, family: independent
58120600 - Pizza restaurants
58120601 - Pizzeria, chain
58120602 - Pizzeria, independent
58120700 - Seafood restaurants
58120801 - Barbecue restaurant
58129903 - Caterers
58129904 - Chicken restaurant
58130000 - Drinking places
58130100 - Bars and lounges
58130101 - Bar (drinking places)
58130105 - Tavern (drinking places)
59120000 - Drug stores and proprietary stores
59129901 - Drug stores
59129902 - Proprietary (non-prescription medicine) stores
59210100 - Wine and beer
59210101 - Beer (packaged)
59210102 - Wine
59320500 - Office furniture and store fixtures, secondhand
59410000 - Sporting goods and bicycle shops
59410101 - Bait and tackle
59410201 - Ammunition
59410202 - Firearms
59410400 - Exercise equipment
59410602 - Camping equipment
59410700 - Team sports equipment
59410701 - Baseball equipment
59410705 - Soccer supplies
59419902 - Bicycle and bicycle parts
59419905 - Playground equipment
59419906 - Pool and billiard tables
59419907 - Saddlery and equestrian equipment
59430000 - Stationery stores
59439902 - Office forms and supplies
59439903 - School supplies
59440000 - Jewelry stores
59440102 - Watches
59449901 - Jewelry, precious stones and precious metals
59450000 - Hobby, toy, and game shops
59450100 - Hobby and craft supplies
59450101 - Arts and crafts supplies
59450104 - Models, toy and hobby
59469902 - Photographic supplies
59470000 - Gift, novelty, and souvenir shop
59470104 - Gift shop
59479902 - Souvenirs
59480000 - Luggage and leather goods stores
59489901 - Leather goods, except luggage and shoes
59490101 - Bridal fabrics
59490203 - Notions, including trim
59610000 - Catalog and mail-order houses
59610203 - Electronic kits and parts, mail order
59610303 - Record and/or tape (music or video) club, mail order
59610403 - Stamps, mail order
59619905 - Catalog sales
59619906 - Clothing, mail order (except women's)
59619908 - Educational supplies and equipment, mail order
59619909 - Fishing, hunting and camping equipment and supplies: by mail
59619910 - Fitness and sporting goods, mail order
59619912 - Furniture and furnishings, mail order
59619913 - General merchandise, mail order
59619915 - Jewelry, mail order
59619916 - Mail order house, nec
59619925 - Electronic shopping
59620000 - Merchandising machine operators
59620102 - Sandwich and hot food vending machines
59630000 - Direct selling establishments
59630101 - Bottled water delivery
59630207 - Snacks, direct sales
59630300 - Encyclopedias and publications, direct sales
59630404 - Houseware sales, house-to-house
59639903 - Cosmetic sales, house-to-house
59639904 - Direct sales, telemarketing
59830000 - Fuel oil dealers
59840000 - Liquefied petroleum gas dealers
59849903 - Propane gas, bottled
59939901 - Cigar store
59949902 - Newsstand
59950000 - Optical goods stores
59990100 - Alarm and safety equipment stores
59990101 - Alarm signal systems
59990102 - Fire extinguishers
59990103 - Safety supplies and equipment
59990201 - Architectural supplies
59990202 - Artists' supplies and materials
59990203 - Drafting equipment and supplies
59990300 - Banners, flags, decals, and posters
59990303 - Flags
59990400 - Binoculars and telescopes
59990600 - Telephone and communication equipment
59990601 - Audio-visual equipment and supplies
59990602 - Communication equipment
59990700 - Engine and motor equipment and supplies
59990702 - Motors, electric
59990800 - Farm equipment and supplies
59990803 - Feed and farm supply
59990900 - Medical apparatus and supplies
59990906 - Orthopedic and prosthesis applications
59990908 - Wheelchair lifts
59991002 - Monuments, finished to custom order
59991102 - Pet food
59991103 - Pet supplies
59991200 - Swimming pools, hot tubs, and sauna equipment and supplies
59991201 - Hot tub and spa chemicals, equipment, and supplies
59991203 - Spas and hot tubs
59991204 - Swimming pool chemicals, equipment, and supplies
59991300 - Toiletries, cosmetics, and perfumes
59991301 - Cosmetics
59991302 - Perfumes and colognes
59991304 - Hair care products
59991401 - Business machines and equipment
59991402 - Photocopy machines
59991601 - Art dealers
59991604 - Christmas lights and decorations
59991700 - Educational aids and electronic training materials
59991701 - Education aids, devices and supplies
59991805 - Children's furniture, nec
59999902 - Auction rooms (general merchandise)
59999904 - Awnings
59999907 - Canvas products
59999908 - Cleaning equipment and supplies
59999909 - Concrete products, pre-cast
59999910 - Electronic parts and equipment
59999912 - Foam and foam products
59999916 - Plumbing and heating supplies
59999917 - Police supply stores
59999919 - Religious goods
59999921 - Rubber stamps
59999924 - Tents
59999926 - Theatrical equipment and supplies
59999927 - Trophies and plaques
59999929 - Water purification equipment
59999930 - Packaging materials: boxes, padding, etc.
59999931 - Welding supplies
59999932 - Air purification equipment
61590101 - Agricultural loan companies
61590200 - Equipment and vehicle finance leasing companies
61639904 - Mortgage brokers arranging for loans, using money of others
62110000 - Security brokers and dealers
62110204 - Investment firm, general brokerage
62820000 - Investment advice
62829903 - Investment counselors
63110000 - Life insurance
63110102 - Fraternal life insurance organizations
63610000 - Title insurance
63710101 - Pension funds
64110201 - Insurance claim adjusters, not employed by insurance company
64110300 - Insurance agents and brokers
64110301 - Insurance agents, nec
65120000 - Nonresidential building operators
65120100 - Commercial and industrial building operation
65130000 - Apartment building operators
65190000 - Real property lessors, nec
65310000 - Real estate agents and managers
65310200 - Real estate managers
65520000 - Subdividers and developers, nec
65529901 - Land subdividers and developers, commercial
65530000 - Cemetery subdividers and developers
65539902 - Cemeteries, real estate operation
67199901 - Investment holding companies, except banks
67199902 - Personal holding companies, except banks
67220000 - Management investment, open-end
67260000 - Investment offices, nec
67269905 - Management investment funds, closed-end
67929901 - Oil leases, buying and selling on own account
67940000 - Patent owners and lessors
67940102 - Music royalties, sheet and record
67949901 - Copyright buying and licensing
67949902 - Franchises, selling or licensing
67949903 - Patent buying, licensing, leasing
67980000 - Real estate investment trusts
67990000 - Investors, nec
67999901 - Investment clubs
67999904 - Venture capital companies
70110200 - Vacation lodges
70110300 - Hotels
70110303 - Resort hotel
70110401 - Bed and breakfast inn
70110402 - Motor inn
70320000 - Sporting and recreational camps
70339901 - Campgrounds
72120100 - Laundry and drycleaner agents
72130000 - Linen supply
72130202 - Coat supply
72160000 - Drycleaning plants, except rugs
72169902 - Drapery, curtain drycleaning
72170000 - Carpet and upholstery cleaning
72170101 - Carpet and furniture cleaning on location
72180100 - Industrial equipment launderers
72180200 - Industrial clothing launderers
72180203 - Industrial uniform supply
72210000 - Photographic studios, portrait
72219903 - Photographer, still or video
72990802 - Stitching, custom
72990901 - Costume rental
73229902 - Collection agency, except real estate
73319903 - Mailing list compilers
73319906 - Mailing list brokers
73349902 - Mimeographing
73350000 - Commercial photography
73359901 - Aerial photography, except mapmaking
73359903 - Photographic studio, commercial
73360000 - Commercial art and graphic design
73360103 - Graphic arts and related design
73360104 - Package design
73360105 - Silk screen design
73420202 - Exterminating and fumigating
73420203 - Pest control in structures
73520000 - Medical equipment rental
73530000 - Heavy construction equipment rental
73530102 - Oil well drilling equipment, rental or leasing
73539901 - Cranes and aerial lift equipment, rental or leasing
73539902 - Earth moving equipment, rental or leasing
73590000 - Equipment rental and leasing, nec
73590401 - Aircraft rental
73590501 - Audio-visual equipment and supply rental
73590506 - Sound and lighting equipment rental
73599905 - Propane equipment rental
73599908 - Sign rental
73599909 - Stores and yards equipment rental
73599910 - Tent and tarpaulin rental
73599912 - Work zone traffic equipment (flags, cones, barrels, etc.)
73610101 - Executive placement
73630102 - Manpower pools
73710101 - Computer software systems analysis and design, custom
73710300 - Computer software development and applications
73710301 - Computer software development
73710302 - Software programming applications
73720000 - Prepackaged software
73729901 - Application computer software
73729902 - Business oriented computer software
73729903 - Educational computer software
73730000 - Computer integrated systems design
73730100 - Systems software development services
73730101 - Computer systems analysis and design
73730102 - Systems engineering, computer related
73730201 - Local area network (LAN) systems integrator
73730301 - Turnkey vendors, computer systems
73730302 - Value-added resellers, computer systems
73740000 - Data processing and preparation
73760000 - Computer facilities management
73779901 - Computer hardware rental or leasing, except finance leasing
73790202 - Data processing consultant
73829901 - Burglar alarm maintenance and monitoring
73829903 - Protective devices, security
73829904 - Confinement surveillance systems maintenance and monitoring
73840000 - Photofinish laboratories
73840101 - Photofinishing laboratory
73890104 - Lecture bureau
73890106 - Speakers' bureau
73890304 - Embroidery advertising
73890306 - Field audits, cable television
73890308 - Promoters of shows and exhibitions
73890401 - Apparel designers, commercial
73890411 - Textile designers
73890602 - Interior designer
73890603 - Interior decorating
73890801 - Mapmaking or drafting, including aerial
73891105 - Recording studio, noncommercial records
73891106 - Music recording producer
73891202 - Mounting merchandise on cards
73891503 - Sign painting and lettering shop
73891705 - Yacht brokers
73891801 - Design, commercial and industrial
73891900 - Metal cutting services
73899904 - Building scale models
73899908 - Cosmetic kits, assembling and packaging
73899910 - Divers, commercial
73899911 - Document and office record destruction
73899912 - Document embossing
73899917 - Field warehousing
73899919 - Fire extinguisher servicing
73899923 - Fund raising organizations
73899924 - Gas system conversion
73899925 - Grinding, precision: commercial or industrial
73899962 - Printers' services: folding, collating, etc.
75190100 - Recreational vehicle rental
75320301 - Van conversion
75320402 - Body shop, trucks
75499901 - Do-it-yourself garages
76410102 - Reupholstery
76410202 - Furniture refinishing
Secondary SIC Code:
0000000 - Other code - please list in items and processes section
1190101 - Bean (dry field and seed) farm
1339902 - Sugarcane farm
1399905 - Herb or spice farm
1610000 - Vegetables and melons
1610302 - Carrot farm
1719908 - Raspberry farm
1720000 - Grapes
1739908 - Walnut grove
1759901 - Apple orchard
1759904 - Nectarine orchard
1799908 - Pineapple farm
1810203 - Flowers: grown under cover (e.g., greenhouse production)
1810300 - Bulbs and seeds
1820103 - Mushrooms, grown under cover
1910000 - General farms, primarily crop
2110000 - Beef cattle feedlots
2130000 - Hogs
2139901 - Hog feedlot
2140102 - Goats' milk production
2410000 - Dairy farms
2419902 - Milk production
2519901 - Broiling chickens, raising of
2520000 - Chicken eggs
2529901 - Started pullet farm
2539902 - Turkey farm
2540000 - Poultry hatcheries
2549901 - Chicken hatchery
2599901 - Duck farm
2729903 - Horse farm
2730000 - Animal aquaculture
2730200 - Shellfish farms
2790400 - Domestic animal farms
2799903 - Insect farm
7210105 - Vines, cultivation of
8110000 - Timber tracts
8119901 - Christmas tree farm
8310000 - Forest products
9120000 - Finfish
9130104 - Oysters, dredging or tonging of
10410100 - Gold ores mining
10990104 - Beryllium ore mining
12210105 - Surface mining, bituminous, nec
12220000 - Bituminous coal-underground mining
13110000 - Crude petroleum and natural gas
13110100 - Crude petroleum and natural gas production
13110101 - Crude petroleum production
13110102 - Natural gas production
13210000 - Natural gas liquids
13810000 - Drilling oil and gas wells
13819901 - Directional drilling oil and gas wells
13829903 - Geophysical exploration, oil and gas field
13890101 - Building oil and gas well foundations on site
13899911 - Oil consultants
13899912 - Oil field services, nec
13899919 - Servicing oil and gas wells
13899920 - Well logging
14110104 - Limestone, dimension-quarrying
14110200 - Granite dimension stone
14110205 - Greenstone, dimension-quarrying
14119906 - Quartzite, dimension-quarrying
14119908 - Sandstone, dimension-quarrying
14220000 - Crushed and broken limestone
14220100 - Limestone's, ground
14230000 - Crushed and broken granite
14299905 - Grits mining (crushed stone)
14299909 - Quartzite, crushed and broken-quarrying
14420000 - Construction sand and gravel
14420100 - Sand mining
14420101 - Common sand mining
14420102 - Construction sand mining
14420201 - Gravel mining
14590100 - Clays, except kaolin and ball
14590101 - Bentonite mining
14749904 - Soda ash (natural) mining
14750000 - Phosphate rock
14799902 - Amblygonite mining
14810103 - Test boring for nonmetallic minerals
14990104 - Gem stones (natural) mining, nec
14990500 - Talc mining
15210000 - Single-family housing construction
15210101 - General remodeling, single-family houses
15219901 - New construction, single-family houses
15220000 - Residential construction, nec
15220100 - Hotel/motel and multi-family home construction
15220101 - Apartment building construction
15220201 - Remodeling, multi-family dwellings
15319904 - Speculative builder, single-family houses
15319906 - Manuafacturing and light industrial buildings
15410000 - Industrial buildings and warehouses
15419904 - Grain elevator construction
15419905 - Industrial buildings, new construction, nec
15419907 - Pharmaceutical manufacturing plant construction
15419908 - Prefabricated building erection, industrial
15419910 - Steel building construction
15419912 - Warehouse construction
15420000 - Nonresidential construction, nec
15420101 - Commercial and office building, new construction
15420201 - Farm building construction
15420301 - Garage construction
15429902 - Design and erection, combined: non-residential
16110000 - Highway and street construction
16110100 - Highway signs and guardrails
16110102 - Highway and street sign installation
16110200 - Surfacing and paving
16110202 - Concrete construction: roads, highways, sidewalks, etc.
16110203 - Grading
16229901 - Bridge construction
16230000 - Water, sewer, and utility lines
16230101 - Gas main construction
16230102 - Natural gas compressor station construction
16230200 - Communication line and transmission tower construction
16230204 - Transmitting tower (telecommunication) construction
16230300 - Water and sewer line construction
16230302 - Sewer line construction
16239901 - Electric power line construction
16239902 - Manhole construction
16239903 - Pipe laying construction
16239904 - Pipeline construction, nsk
16290100 - Dams, waterways, docks, and other marine construction
16290101 - Caisson drilling
16290104 - Dock construction
16290110 - Marine construction
16290202 - Railroad and railway roadbed construction
16290300 - Athletic and recreation facilities construction
16290400 - Land preparation construction
16290404 - Timber removal
16290500 - Industrial plant construction
16290504 - Waste disposal plant construction
16290505 - Waste water and sewage treatment plant construction
16299905 - Power plant construction
17110000 - Plumbing, heating, air-conditioning
17110201 - Septic system construction
17110301 - Fire sprinkler system installation
17110302 - Irrigation sprinkler system installation
17210000 - Painting and paper hanging
17210200 - Commercial painting
17210300 - Industrial painting
17210301 - Aircraft painting
17310000 - Electrical work
17310201 - Computerized controls installation
17310203 - Environmental system control installation
17310302 - Fiber optic cable installation
17310304 - Telephone and telephone equipment installation
17310402 - Closed circuit television installation
17410000 - Masonry and other stonework
17410101 - Foundation building
17419906 - Refractory or acid brick masonry
17419907 - Stone masonry
17420101 - Drywall
17420200 - Acoustical and insulation work
17420201 - Acoustical and ceiling work
17430000 - Terrazzo, tile, marble and mosaic work
17439901 - Marble installation, interior
17439903 - Terrazzo work
17439904 - Tile installation, ceramic
17510000 - Carpentry work
17510100 - Cabinet and finish carpentry
17510101 - Cabinet building and installation
17510102 - Finish and trim carpentry
17510200 - Window and door installation and erection
17510201 - Garage door, installation or erection
17510202 - Window and door (prefabricated) installation
17519904 - Store fixture installation
17520000 - Floor laying and floor work, nec
17529901 - Access flooring system installation
17529903 - Carpet laying
17529904 - Ceramic floor tile installation
17529908 - Wood floor installation and refinishing
17610000 - Roofing, siding, and sheetmetal work
17619903 - Sheet metal work, nec
17710000 - Concrete work
17710301 - Blacktop (asphalt) work
17810000 - Water well drilling
17819902 - Servicing, water wells
17910000 - Structural steel erection
17919902 - Concrete reinforcement, placing of
17919904 - Exterior wall system installation
17919907 - Precast concrete structural framing or panels, placing of
17919909 - Storage tanks, metal: erection
17930000 - Glass and glazing work
17940000 - Excavation work
17949901 - Excavation and grading, building construction
17950000 - Wrecking and demolition work
17959902 - Demolition, buildings and other structures
17960000 - Installing building equipment
17969901 - Elevator installation and conversion
17969902 - Machine moving and rigging
17969904 - Machinery installation
17969906 - Pollution control equipment installation
17969907 - Power generating equipment installation
17990105 - Swimming pool construction
17990200 - Coating, caulking, and weather, water, and fireproofing
17990208 - Insulation of pipes and boilers
17990210 - Weather stripping
17990400 - Rigging and scaffolding
17990401 - Rigging, theatrical
17990500 - Exterior cleaning, including sandblasting
17990502 - Cleaning new buildings after construction
17990504 - Sandblasting of building exteriors
17990600 - Home/office interiors finishing, furnishing and remodeling
17990602 - Closet organizers, installation and design
17990603 - Counter top installation
17990606 - Kitchen and bathroom remodeling
17990607 - Office furniture installation
17990801 - Asbestos removal and encapsulation
17990802 - Lead burning
17999902 - Artificial turf installation
17999903 - Awning installation
17999907 - Dewatering
17999910 - Epoxy application
17999912 - Fence construction
17999913 - Fiberglass work
17999923 - Lightning conductor erection
17999924 - Ornamental metal work
17999929 - Sign installation and maintenance
17999932 - Welding on site
17999934 - Prop, set or scenery construction, theatrical
17999935 - Petroleum storage tank installation, underground
17999941 - Protective lining installation, underground (sewage, etc.)
17999943 - Renovation of aircraft interiors
20110000 - Meat packing plants
20110100 - Beef products, from beef slaughtered on site
20110101 - Boxed beef, from meat slaughtered on site
20110103 - Veal, from meat slaughtered on site
20110200 - Pork products, from pork slaughtered on site
20110202 - Hams and picnics, from meat slaughtered on site
20110400 - Meat by-products, from meat slaughtered on site
20110402 - Hides, cured or uncured: from carcasses slaughtered on site
20119901 - Canned meats (except baby food), meat slaughtered on site
20119904 - Frankfurters, from meat slaughtered on site
20119907 - Sausages, from meat slaughtered on site
20130000 - Sausages and other prepared meats
20130100 - Prepared beef products, from purchased beef
20130101 - Beef stew, from purchased meat
20130102 - Beef, dried: from purchased meat
20130106 - Roast beef, from purchased meat
20130200 - Prepared pork products, from purchased pork
20130201 - Bacon, side and sliced: from purchased meat
20130202 - Ham, boiled: from purchased meat
20130203 - Ham, boneless: from purchased meat
20130209 - Pork, pickled: from purchased meat
20130300 - Sausages and related products, from purchased meat
20130302 - Frankfurters, from purchased meat
20130303 - Sausage casings, natural
20130304 - Sausages, from purchased meat
20139901 - Boneless meat, from purchased meat
20139902 - Canned meats (except baby food), from purchased meat
20139903 - Cooked meats, from purchased meat
20139905 - Cured meats, from purchased meat
20139906 - Frozen meats, from purchased meat
20139915 - Smoked meats, from purchased meat
20139916 - Snack sticks, including jerky: from purchased meat
20139917 - Spiced meats, from purchased meat
20139918 - Spreads, sandwich: meat, from purchased meat
20150000 - Poultry slaughtering and processing
20150100 - Chicken slaughtering and processing
20150103 - Chicken, processed: cooked
20150104 - Chicken, processed: fresh
20150105 - Chicken, processed: frozen
20150106 - Chicken, slaughtered and dressed
20150200 - Duck slaughtering and processing
20150300 - Egg processing
20150304 - Eggs, processed: dehydrated
20150600 - Poultry slaughtering and processing
20150601 - Poultry, processed, nsk
20150604 - Poultry, processed: fresh
20150605 - Poultry, processed: frozen
20150608 - Poultry, slaughtered and dressed
20150800 - Turkey processing and slaughtering
20150801 - Turkey, processed, nsk
20150803 - Turkey, processed: cooked
20150806 - Turkey, slaughtered and dressed
20150900 - Poultry sausage, luncheon meats, and other poultry products
20150908 - Variety meats (fresh edible organs), poultry
20210000 - Creamery butter
20220000 - Cheese; natural and processed
20220100 - Cheese spreads, dips, pastes, and other cheese products
20229902 - Natural cheese
20229903 - Processed cheese
20230000 - Dry, condensed and evaporated dairy products
20230104 - Powdered baby formula
20230200 - Condensed, concentrated, and evaporated milk products
20230204 - Concentrated whey
20230300 - Dried and powdered milk and milk products
20230303 - Dried milk
20230307 - Milk preparations, dried
20230312 - Powdered whey
20239904 - Cream substitutes
20239905 - Dietary supplements, dairy and non-dairy based
20239907 - Ice cream mix, unfrozen: liquid or dry
20239911 - Milkshake mix
20239913 - Yogurt mix
20240000 - Ice cream and frozen deserts
20240100 - Ice cream and ice milk
20240101 - Ice cream, bulk
20240102 - Ice cream, packaged: molded, on sticks, etc.
20240103 - Ice milk, bulk
20240200 - Dairy based frozen desserts
20240201 - Custard, frozen
20240205 - Yogurt desserts, frozen
20240300 - Nondairy based frozen desserts
20240301 - Fruit pops, frozen
20240303 - Ices, flavored (frozen dessert)
20240304 - Juice pops, frozen
20240307 - Sorbets, non-dairy based
20260000 - Fluid milk
20260100 - Milk and cream, except fermented, cultured, and flavored
20260102 - Cream, sour
20260106 - Milk processing (pasteurizing, homogenizing, bottling)
20260203 - Buttermilk, cultured
20260204 - Cottage cheese
20260208 - Yogurt
20269902 - Eggnog, fresh: non-alcoholic
20269903 - Milk drinks, flavored
20269904 - Milk, chocolate
20269905 - Whipped topping, except frozen or dry mix
20320100 - Beans and bean sprouts, canned, jarred, etc.
20320200 - Ethnic foods, canned, jarred, etc.
20320201 - Chili, with or without meat: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20320202 - Chinese foods, nec: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20320206 - Italian foods, nec: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20320208 - Mexican foods, nec: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20320212 - Tamales: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20320300 - Soups and broths, canned, jarred, etc.
20320306 - Soups, except seafood: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20329901 - Baby foods, including meats: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330100 - Tomato products, packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330101 - Barbecue sauce: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330102 - Catsup: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330104 - Pizza sauce: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330106 - Spaghetti and other pasta sauce: packaged in cans, jars, etc
20330109 - Tomato paste: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330200 - Jams, jellies, and preserves, packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330201 - Jams, including imitation: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330202 - Jellies, edible, including imitation: in cans, jars, etc.
20330300 - Fruits and fruit products, in cans, jars, etc.
20330301 - Apple sauce: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330302 - Fruit butters: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330303 - Fruit juices: concentrated, hot pack
20330304 - Fruit juices: fresh
20330305 - Fruit juices: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330308 - Fruit pie mixes and fillings: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330309 - Fruit purees: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330310 - Fruits: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330312 - Olives: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330400 - Vegetables and vegetable products, in cans, jars, etc.
20330402 - Hominy: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330403 - Mushrooms: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330407 - Vegetable juices: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20330411 - Vegetables: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20340000 - Dried and dehydrated fruits, vegetables and soup mixes
20340100 - Dried and dehydrated soup mixes
20340101 - Soup mixes
20340200 - Dried and dehydrated fruits
20340204 - Fruits, dried or dehydrated, except freeze-dried
20340208 - Prunes, dried
20340209 - Raisins
20340300 - Dried and dehydrated vegetables
20340301 - Potato products, dried and dehydrated
20340303 - Vegetables, dried or dehydrated (except freeze-dried)
20350000 - Pickles, sauces, and salad dressings
20350100 - Seasonings and sauces, except tomato and dry
20350101 - Dressings, salad: raw and cooked (except dry mixes)
20350102 - Horseradish, prepared
20350103 - Mayonnaise
20350104 - Mustard, prepared (wet)
20350105 - Seasonings, meat sauces (except tomato and dry)
20350108 - Soy sauce
20350110 - Spreads, sandwich: salad dressing base
20350200 - Pickled fruits and vegetables
20350201 - Cucumbers, pickles and pickle salting
20350202 - Fruits, brined
20350204 - Olives, brined: bulk
20350206 - Pickles, vinegar
20350207 - Relishes, fruit and vegetable
20350211 - Vegetables, pickled
20370000 - Frozen fruits and vegetables
20370100 - Frozen fruits and vegetables
20370101 - Citrus pulp, dried
20370102 - Fruits, quick frozen and cold pack (frozen)
20370103 - Potato products, quick frozen and cold pack
20370104 - Vegetables, quick frozen & cold pack, excl. potato products
20370200 - Fruit juices
20370201 - Fruit juice concentrates, frozen
20370202 - Fruit juices, frozen
20389901 - Breakfasts, frozen and packaged
20389902 - Dinners, frozen and packaged
20389903 - Ethnic foods, nec, frozen
20389905 - Lunches, frozen and packaged
20389906 - Pizza, frozen
20389907 - Snacks, incl. onion rings, cheese sticks, etc.
20389908 - Soups, frozen
20389910 - Waffles, frozen
20410000 - Flour and other grain mill products
20410100 - Flour
20410102 - Cake flour
20410105 - Flour: blended, prepared, or self-rising
20410113 - Wheat flour
20410200 - Doughs and batters
20410201 - Biscuit dough
20410202 - Doughs, frozen or refrigerated
20410204 - Pizza dough, prepared
20410301 - Bread and bread-type roll mixes
20419903 - Corn meal
20419906 - Grain cereals, cracked
20430000 - Cereal breakfast foods
20439901 - Coffee substitutes, made from grain
20439905 - Granola and muesli, except bars and clusters
20439909 - Oatmeal: prepared as cereal breakfast food
20449903 - Brown rice
20449904 - Enriched rice (vitamin and mineral fortified)
20449909 - Polished rice
20450000 - Prepared flour mixes and doughs
20450100 - Flours and flour mixes, from purchased flour
20450102 - Biscuit mixes, prepared: from purchased flour
20450103 - Blended flour: from purchased flour
20450104 - Bread and bread type roll mixes: from purchased flour
20450107 - Doughnut mixes, prepared: from purchased flour
20450110 - Pancake mixes, prepared: from purchased flour
20450201 - Biscuit dough, prepared: from purchased flour
20450202 - Doughs, frozen or refrigerated: from purchased flour
20450204 - Pizza doughs, prepared: from purchased flour
20460101 - Corn starch
20460103 - Industrial starch
20460106 - Potato starch
20460111 - Wheat gluten
20460200 - Corn oil products
20460302 - Corn syrup, dried or unmixed
20470000 - Dog and cat food
20479901 - Cat food
20479902 - Dog food
20480000 - Prepared feeds, nec
20480100 - Cereal-, grain-, and seed-based feeds
20480101 - Alfalfa or alfalfa meal, prepared as animal feed
20480103 - Bird food, prepared
20480104 - Chicken feeds, prepared
20480108 - Poultry feeds
20480111 - Stock feeds, dry
20480206 - Kelp meal and pellets, prepared as animal feed
20480207 - Meat meal and tankage, prepared as animal feed
20489902 - Canned pet food (except dog and cat)
20489903 - Dry pet food (except dog and cat)
20489905 - Feed concentrates
20489906 - Feed premixes
20489907 - Feed supplements
20489909 - Fish food
20489910 - Frozen pet food (except dog and cat)
20489911 - Livestock feeds
20489912 - Mineral feed supplements
20489913 - Oyster shells, ground: prepared as animal feed
20510000 - Bread, cake, and related products
20510100 - Breads, rolls, and buns
20510101 - Bagels, fresh or frozen
20510103 - Bread, all types (white, wheat, rye, etc); fresh or frozen
20510105 - Buns, bread type: fresh or frozen
20510200 - Cakes, pies, and pastries
20510202 - Cakes, bakery: except frozen
20510206 - Doughnuts, except frozen
20510208 - Pastries, e.g. danish: except frozen
20510209 - Pies, bakery: except frozen
20510210 - Rolls, sweet: except frozen
20519901 - Bakery products, partially cooked (except frozen)
20519903 - Bakery: wholesale or wholesale/retail combined
20520000 - Cookies and crackers
20529901 - Bakery products, dry
20529904 - Cones, ice cream
20529905 - Cookies
20529907 - Crackers, dry, nec
20529909 - Matzoths
20529911 - Pretzels
20529912 - Rice cakes
20530000 - Frozen bakery products, except bread
20539902 - Cakes, bakery: frozen
20539903 - Croissants, frozen
20539904 - Doughnuts, frozen
20539906 - Pastries, e.g. danish: frozen
20539907 - Pies, bakery; frozen
20610000 - Raw cane sugar
20610105 - Raw cane sugar
20620000 - Cane sugar refining
20630000 - Beet sugar
20630102 - Beet sugar, from beet sugar refinery
20630103 - Granulated sugar, from sugar beets
20640000 - Candy and other confectionery products
20640104 - Fruits candied, crystallized, or glazed
20649901 - Breakfast bars
20649902 - Cake ornaments, confectionery
20649903 - Candy bars, including chocolate covered bars
20649904 - Chewing candy, not chewing gum
20649905 - Chocolate candy, except solid chocolate
20649906 - Cough drops, except pharmaceutical preparations
20649907 - Fudge (candy)
20649908 - Granola and muesli, bars and clusters
20649911 - Licorice candy
20649912 - Lollipops and other hard candy
20649913 - Lozenges, candy (non-medicated)
20649916 - Nuts, candy covered
20649918 - Popcorn balls or other treated popcorn products
20660000 - Chocolate and cocoa products
20660100 - Cacao bean processing
20660300 - Chocolate
20660303 - Chocolate candy, solid
20660304 - Chocolate coatings and syrup
20670000 - Chewing gum
20680000 - Salted and roasted nuts and seeds
20689901 - Nuts: dried, dehydrated, salted or roasted
20749901 - Cottonseed oil, cake or meal
20759902 - Soybean flour and grits
20759906 - Soybean protein concentrates and isolates
20769906 - Peanut oil, cake or meal
20770000 - Animal and marine fats and oils
20770100 - Animal fats, oils, and meals
20770200 - Marine fats, oils, and meals
20770202 - Fish meal, except as animal feed
20770203 - Fish oil
20770300 - Rendering
20770301 - Grease rendering, inedible
20770303 - Tallow rendering, inedible
20790000 - Edible fats and oils
20790100 - Margarine and margarine oils
20790102 - Margarine-butter blends
20790104 - Nut margarine
20799901 - Cooking oils, except corn: vegetable refined
20799903 - Edible oil products, except corn oil
20799906 - Olive oil
20799910 - Vegetable refined oils (except corn oil)
20820000 - Malt beverages
20820100 - Malt beverage products
20820101 - Brewers' grain
20829901 - Ale (alcoholic beverage)
20829902 - Beer (alcoholic beverage)
20829903 - Liquors, malt
20829904 - Near beer
20830000 - Malt
20840000 - Wines, brandy, and brandy spirits
20840100 - Wines
20840101 - Wine coolers (beverages)
20840201 - Brandy
20840202 - Brandy spirits
20849901 - Wine cellars, bonded: engaged in blending wines
20850000 - Distilled and blended liquors
20850100 - Distiller's dried grains and solubles, and alcohol
20850103 - Grain alcohol for beverage purposes
20850105 - Neutral spirits, except fruit
20850201 - Cocktails, alcoholic
20859901 - Applejack (alcoholic beverage)
20859902 - Bourbon whiskey
20859903 - Corn whiskey
20859904 - Gin (alcoholic beverage)
20859905 - Rum (alcoholic beverage)
20859906 - Rye whiskey
20859908 - Vodka (alcoholic beverage)
20860000 - Bottled and canned soft drinks
20860100 - Iced tea and fruit drinks, bottled and canned
20860101 - Fruit drinks (less than 100% juice): packaged in cans, etc.
20860102 - Lemonade: packaged in cans, bottles, etc.
20860103 - Tea, iced: packaged in cans, bottles, etc.
20860200 - Pasteurized and mineral waters, bottled and canned
20860201 - Mineral water, carbonated: packaged in cans, bottles, etc.
20860202 - Water, natural: packaged in cans, bottles, etc.
20860300 - Carbonated soft drinks, bottled and canned
20860301 - Carbonated beverages, nonalcoholic: pkged. in cans, bottles
20860302 - Soft drinks: packaged in cans, bottles, etc.
20870000 - Flavoring extracts and syrups, nec
20870100 - Food colorings
20870200 - Beverage bases, concentrates, syrups, powders and mixes
20870201 - Beverage bases
20870202 - Cocktail mixes, nonalcoholic
20870203 - Concentrates, drink
20870205 - Fruit juices: concentrated for fountain use
20870207 - Powders, drink
20870208 - Syrups, drink
20879903 - Extracts, flavoring
20879907 - Syrups, flavoring (except drink)
20910000 - Canned and cured fish and seafoods
20910200 - Shellfish, canned and cured
20910202 - Clams: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20910203 - Crabmeat, preserved and cured
20910300 - Fish, canned and cured
20910315 - Fish, smoked
20910317 - Herring, cured, nsk
20910334 - Salmon: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20910337 - Tuna fish: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20919903 - Juice, clam: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20919904 - Seafood products: packaged in cans, jars, etc.
20920000 - Fresh or frozen packaged fish
20920100 - Fresh or frozen fish or seafood chowders, soups, and stews
20920200 - Prepared fish or other seafood cakes and sticks
20920201 - Crabcakes, frozen
20929901 - Crab meat, fresh: packaged in nonsealed containers
20929902 - Crabmeat, frozen
20929904 - Fish, fresh: prepared
20929905 - Fish, frozen: prepared
20929906 - Seafoods, fresh: prepared
20929907 - Seafoods, frozen: prepared
20929908 - Shellfish, fresh: shucked and packed in nonsealed containers
20929909 - Shellfish, frozen: prepared
20950000 - Roasted coffee
20959901 - Coffee extracts
20959902 - Coffee roasting (except by wholesale grocers)
20959903 - Coffee, ground: mixed with grain or chicory
20959905 - Instant coffee
20960000 - Potato chips and similar snacks
20960100 - Potato chips and other potato-based snacks
20960200 - Corn chips and other corn-based snacks
20960201 - Popcorn, already popped (except candy covered)
20960202 - Tortilla chips
20969901 - Cheese curls and puffs
20969903 - Pork rinds
20970000 - Manufactured ice
20979901 - Block ice
20979902 - Ice cubes
20980000 - Macaroni and spaghetti
20989902 - Noodles (e.g. egg, plain, and water), dry
20990000 - Food preparations, nec
20990100 - Syrups
20990101 - Maple syrup
20990102 - Molasses, mixed or blended: from purchased ingredients
20990200 - Baking powder and soda, yeast, and other leavening agents
20990201 - Baking powder
20990204 - Yeast
20990300 - Dessert mixes and fillings
20990302 - Desserts, ready-to-mix
20990303 - Frosting mixes, dry: for cakes, cookies, etc.
20990305 - Gelatin dessert preparations
20990306 - Marshmallow creme
20990307 - Pie fillings, except fruit, meat, and vegetable
20990400 - Seasonings and spices
20990402 - Chili pepper or powder
20990403 - Seasonings: dry mixes
20990404 - Spices, including grinding
20990500 - Sauce, gravy, dressing, and dip mixes
20990501 - Dips, except cheese and sour cream based
20990504 - Sauces: dry mixes
20990600 - Sugar
20990700 - Ready-to-eat meals, salads, and sandwiches
20990701 - Box lunches, for sale off premises
20990704 - Pizza, refrigerated: except frozen
20990705 - Salads, fresh or refrigerated
20990706 - Sandwiches, assembled and packaged: for wholesale market
20990800 - Pasta, rice, and potato, packaged combination products
20990801 - Noodles, uncooked: packaged with other ingredients
20990802 - Pasta, uncooked: packaged with other ingredients
20990803 - Potatoes, dried: packaged with other ingredients
20990804 - Rice, uncooked: packaged with other ingredients
20999901 - Almond pastes
20999903 - Bread crumbs, except made in bakeries
20999904 - Butter, renovated and processed
20999906 - Cider, nonalcoholic
20999907 - Coconut, desiccated and shredded
20999908 - Emulsifiers, food
20999909 - Honey, strained and bottled
20999910 - Jelly, corncob (gelatin)
20999911 - Noodles, fried (Chinese)
20999912 - Peanut butter
20999914 - Popcorn, packaged: except already popped
20999917 - Tea blending
20999918 - Tofu, except frozen desserts
20999919 - Tortillas, fresh or refrigerated
20999921 - Vinegar
21110000 - Cigarettes
21210000 - Cigars
21310000 - Chewing and smoking tobacco
21319901 - Chewing tobacco
21319902 - Smoking tobacco
21319903 - Snuff
21410000 - Tobacco stemming and redrying
22110000 - Broadwoven fabric mills, cotton
22110100 - Sheets, bedding and table cloths: cotton
22110103 - Bedspreads, cotton
22110104 - Blankets and blanketings, cotton
22110109 - Sheets and sheetings, cotton
22110200 - Apparel and outerwear fabrics, cotton
22110202 - Dress fabrics, cotton
22110210 - Shirting fabrics, cotton
22110400 - Plushes and piles, broadwoven cotton: including flannels
22110500 - Twills, drills, denims and other ribbed fabrics: cotton
22110505 - Denims
22110600 - Upholstery, tapestry and wall coverings: cotton
22110605 - Draperies and drapery fabrics, cotton
22110606 - Furniture denim
22110700 - Nets and netting products and fabrics, cotton
22110703 - Mosquito netting
22110806 - Filter cloth, cotton
22110900 - Bandages, gauzes and surgical fabrics, cotton
22111100 - Canvas and other heavy, coarse fabrics: cotton
22111105 - Canvas
22111107 - Duck, cotton
22111113 - Sail cloth
22119902 - Bags and bagging, cotton
22119909 - Cotton broad woven goods
22210000 - Broadwoven fabric mills, manmade
22210100 - Bedding, manmade or silk fabric
22210400 - Manmade and synthetic broadwoven fabrics
22210404 - Nylon broadwoven fabrics
22210408 - Polypropylene broadwoven fabrics
22210411 - Spandex broadwoven fabrics
22210501 - Fiberglass fabrics
22210502 - Glass broadwoven fabrics
22210600 - Upholstery, tapestry, and wall covering fabrics
22210602 - Draperies and drapery fabrics, manmade fiber and silk
22210603 - Slip cover fabrics, manmade fiber and silk
22210606 - Wall covering fabrics, manmade fiber and silk
22210802 - Pile fabrics, manmade fiber and silk
22210900 - Specialty broadwoven fabrics, including twisted weaves
22210905 - Paper broadwoven fabrics
22219904 - Textile mills, broadwoven: silk and manmade, also glass
22310000 - Broadwoven fabric mills, wool
22310100 - Apparel and outerwear broadwoven fabrics
22310201 - Bleaching yarn and fabrics: wool or similar fibers
22310302 - Blankets and blanketings: wool or similar fibers
22310303 - Felts, woven: wool, mohair, or similar fibers
22310304 - Papermakers' felts, woven: wool, mohair, or similar fibers
22310305 - Upholstery fabrics, wool
22319907 - Weaving mill, broadwoven fabrics: wool or similar fabric
22410000 - Narrow fabric mills
22410100 - Lace and decorative trim, narrow fabric
22410106 - Ribbons, nec
22410108 - Shoe laces, except leather
22410109 - Trimmings, textile
22410201 - Elastic narrow fabrics, woven or braided
22410202 - Elastic webbing
22410203 - Rubber thread and yarns, fabric covered
22410300 - Fabric tapes
22410301 - Electric insulating tapes and braids, except plastic
22410302 - Slide fastener tapes
22410400 - Webbing, braids and belting
22410401 - Apparel webbing
22410403 - Bindings, textile
22410405 - Braids, tubular nylon or plastic
22410408 - Strapping webs
22410409 - Webbing, woven
22419903 - Fabric, animal fiber: narrow woven
22419904 - Glass narrow fabrics
22419906 - Hose fabric, tubular
22419907 - Labels, woven
22419908 - Manmade fiber narrow woven fabrics
22510000 - Women's hosiery, except socks
22519902 - Panty hose
22520000 - Hosiery, nec
22520100 - Anklets and socks
22520103 - Socks
22529901 - Dyeing and finishing hosiery
22529902 - Men's, boys', and girls' hosiery
22530000 - Knit outerwear mills
22530101 - Bathing suits and swimwear, knit
22530103 - T-shirts and tops, knit
22530200 - Cold weather knit outerwear including ski wear
22530201 - Hats and headwear, knit
22530203 - Jerseys, knit
22530207 - Sweaters and sweater coats, knit
22530400 - Dresses and skirts
22530505 - Shirts(outerwear), knit
22540000 - Knit underwear mills
22540100 - Shorts, shirts, slips, and panties (underwear): knit
22549903 - Underwear, knit
22570000 - Weft knit fabric mills
22579901 - Dyeing and finishing circular knit fabrics
22579903 - Pile fabrics, circular knit
22580000 - Lace and warp knit fabric mills
22580100 - Lace and lace products
22580102 - Bedspreads, lace: made on lace machines
22580107 - Lace, knit, nec
22580200 - Warp and flat knit products
22580201 - Cloth, warp knit
22580202 - Fabric finishing, warp knit
22580300 - Net and netting products
22590100 - Gloves and mittens, knit
22590200 - Towels, washcloths, and dishcloths: knit
22599902 - Convertors, knit goods
22599905 - Stockinettes, knit
22610000 - Finishing plants, cotton
22610103 - Screen printing of cotton broadwoven fabrics
22610201 - Bleaching cotton broadwoven fabrics
22610202 - Dyeing cotton broadwoven fabrics
22610203 - Fire resistance finishing of cotton broadwoven fabrics
22610300 - Decorative finishing of cotton broadwoven fabrics
22610301 - Embossing cotton broadwoven fabrics
22620000 - Finishing plants, manmade
22620200 - Chemical coating or treating of manmade broadwoven fabrics
22620202 - Dyeing: manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics
22620205 - Preshrinking: manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics
22620300 - Decorative finishing of manmade broadwoven fabrics
22629903 - Silk broadwoven fabric finishing
22690000 - Finishing plants, nec
22690200 - Chemical coating or treating of narrow fabrics
22690202 - Dyeing: raw stock, yarn, and narrow fabrics
22730000 - Carpets and rugs
22730200 - Mats and matting
22730201 - Bathmats and sets, textile
22730202 - Door mats: paper, grass, reed, coir, sisal, jute, rags, etc.
22730302 - Art squares: twisted paper, grass, reed, coir, sisal, etc.
22730400 - Carpets, hand and machine made
22730402 - Carpets, textile fiber
22730500 - Rugs, hand and machine made
22730502 - Rugs, braided and hooked
22730503 - Rugs, machine woven
22730504 - Rugs, tufted
22739901 - Dyeing and finishing of tufted rugs and carpets
22739902 - Finishers of tufted carpets and rugs
22739903 - Floor coverings, textile fiber
22810000 - Yarn spinning mills
22810100 - Needle and handicraft yarns, spun
22810105 - Knitting yarn, spun
22810200 - Manmade and synthetic fiber yarns, spun
22810205 - Nylon yarn, spinning of staple
22810207 - Polyester yarn, spun: made from purchased staple
22810208 - Polypropylene yarn, spun: made from purchased staple
22810209 - Rayon yarn, spun: made from purchased staple
22810302 - Cotton yarn, spun
22810305 - Wool yarn, spun
22810400 - Carpet and rug yarn, spun
22810401 - Carpet yarn, spun
22820104 - Knitting yarn: twisting, winding, or spooling
22820203 - Nylon yarn: throwing, twisting, winding or spooling
22829904 - Textured yarn
22829905 - Throwing yarn
22829907 - Winding yarn
22840100 - Thread from manmade fibers
22840101 - Nylon thread
22840201 - Cotton thread
22950000 - Coated fabrics, not rubberized
22950100 - Chemically coated and treated fabrics
22950102 - Leather, artificial or imitation
22950106 - Waterproofing fabrics, except rubberizing
22950200 - Plastic coated yarns or fabrics
22950201 - Resin or plastic coated fabrics
22950202 - Tape, varnished: plastic, and other coated (except magnetic)
22950203 - Yarns, plastic coated: made from purchased yarns
22959902 - Laminating of fabrics
22959905 - Tubing, textile: varnished
22960101 - Cord for reinforcing rubber tires
22960104 - Steel tire cords and tire cord fabrics
22960200 - Cord and fabric for reinforcing industrial belting
22960301 - Cord for reinforcing fuel cells
22970000 - Nonwoven fabrics
22979901 - Bonded-fiber fabrics, except felt
22980000 - Cordage and twine
22980100 - Ropes and fiber cables
22980102 - Cable, fiber
22980103 - Rope, except asbestos and wire
22980200 - Twine, cord and cordage
22980203 - Cordage: abaca, sisal, henequen, hemp, jute, or other fiber
22980204 - Hard fiber cordage and twine
22980207 - Twine, nec
22980300 - Nets, seines, slings and insulator pads
22980302 - Cargo nets
22989901 - Wire rope centers
22990100 - Batting, wadding, padding and fillings
22990101 - Apparel filling: cotton waste, kapok, and related material
22990102 - Batts and batting: cotton mill waste and related material
22990104 - Padding and wadding, textile
22990105 - Pads, fiber: henequen, sisal, istle
22990107 - Quilt fillings: curled hair, cotton waste, moss, hemp tow
22990108 - Upholstery filling, textile
22990200 - Felts and felt products
22990209 - Pipe and boiler covering, felt
22990302 - Ramie yarn, thread, roving, and textiles
22990306 - Yarns, specialty and novelty
22990400 - Textile mill waste and remnant processing
22990401 - Fibers, textile: recovery from textile mill waste and rags
22990402 - Flock (recovered textile fibers)
22990404 - Recovering textile fibers from clippings and rags
22990500 - Jute and flax textile products
22990502 - Burlap, jute
22990504 - Linen fabrics
22990507 - Towels and towelings, linen and linen-and-cotton mixtures
22990604 - Scouring: wool, mohair, and similar fibers
22999901 - Broadwoven fabrics: linen, jute, hemp, and ramie
22999902 - Coir yarns and roving
22999903 - Fabrics: linen, jute, hemp, ramie
22999907 - Narrow woven fabrics: linen, jute, hemp, and ramie
23110000 - Men's and boy's suits and coats
23110103 - Suits, men's and boys': made from purchased materials
23110105 - Tuxedos: made from purchased materials
23110200 - Coats, overcoats and vests
23110201 - Coats, tailored: men's and boys': from purchased materials
23110300 - Men's and boys' uniforms
23110301 - Firemen's uniforms: made from purchased materials
23110302 - Military uniforms, men's and youths': purchased materials
23210000 - Men's and boy's furnishings
23210100 - Men's and boys' dress shirts
23210200 - Men's and boys' sports and polo shirts
23210201 - Polo shirts, men's and boys': made from purchased materials
23210202 - Sport shirts, men's and boys': from purchased materials
23219902 - Uniform shirts: made from purchased materials
23220000 - Men's and boy's underwear and nightwear
23229902 - Underwear, men's and boys': made from purchased materials
23230000 - Men's and boy's neckwear
23250000 - Men's and boy's trousers and slacks
23250101 - Dungarees: men's, youths', and boys'
23250102 - Jeans: men's, youths', and boys'
23250201 - Shorts (outerwear): men's, youths', and boys'
23250203 - Trousers, dress (separate): men's, youths', and boys'
23260000 - Men's and boy's work clothing
23260100 - Work uniforms
23260101 - Medical and hospital uniforms, men's
23260102 - Overalls and coveralls
23260200 - Work apparel, except uniforms
23260201 - Aprons, work, except rubberized and plastic: men's
23260202 - Industrial garments, men's and boys'
23260206 - Work pants
23260207 - Work shirts: men's, youths', and boys'
23290000 - Men's and boy's clothing, nec
23290100 - Men's and boys' sportswear and athletic clothing
23290101 - Athletic clothing, except uniforms: men's, youths' and boys'
23290104 - Ski and snow clothing: men's and boys'
23290200 - Men's and boys' leather, wool and down-filled outerwear
23290201 - Coats (oiled fabric, leatherette, etc.): men's and boys'
23290204 - Hunting coats and vests, men's
23290205 - Jackets (suede, leatherette, etc.), sport: men's and boys'
23290209 - Sweaters and sweater jackets, men's and boys'
23290300 - Men's and boys' athletic uniforms
23290301 - Baseball uniforms: men's, youths', and boys'
23299901 - Knickers, dress (separate): men's and boys'
23299902 - Shirt and slack suits: men's, youths', and boys'
23310000 - Women's and misses' blouses and shirts
23319901 - Blouses, women's and juniors': made from purchased material
23319903 - T-shirts and tops, women's: made from purchased materials
23350000 - Women's, junior's, and misses' dresses
23350100 - Bridal and formal gowns
23350101 - Gowns, formal
23350102 - Wedding gowns and dresses
23359901 - Dresses,paper, cut and sewn
23359903 - Housedresses
23370000 - Women's and misses' suits and coats
23370100 - Women's and misses' suits and skirts
23370101 - Pantsuits: women's, misses' and juniors'
23370102 - Skirts, separate: women's, misses', and juniors'
23370103 - Suits: women's, misses', and juniors'
23379901 - Uniforms, except athletic: women's, misses', and juniors'
23390000 - Women's and misses' outerwear, nec
23390100 - Women's and misses' accessories
23390103 - Neckwear and ties: women's, misses', and juniors'
23390300 - Women's and misses' athletic clothing and sportswear
23390301 - Athletic clothing: women's, misses', and juniors'
23390302 - Bathing suits: women's, misses', and juniors'
23390310 - Sportswear, women's
23390311 - Uniforms, athletic: women's, misses', and juniors'
23390400 - Women's and misses' jackets and coats, except sportswear
23399901 - Aprons, except rubber or plastic: women's, misses', juniors'
23399903 - Jeans: women's, misses', and juniors'
23399904 - Leotards: women's, misses', and juniors'
23399907 - Slacks: women's, misses', and juniors'
23410000 - Women's and children's underwear
23410100 - Women's and children's nightwear
23410101 - Nightgowns and negligees: women's and children's
23410200 - Women's and children's undergarments
23410202 - Panties: women's, misses', children's, and infants'
23420000 - Bras, girdles, and allied garments
23429901 - Brassieres
23429905 - Girdles and panty girdles
23530000 - Hats, caps, and millinery
23530100 - Uniform hats and caps
23530101 - Baseball caps
23539901 - Caps: cloth, straw, and felt
23539902 - Harvest hats, straw
23539904 - Hats and caps, nec
23539906 - Hats: cloth, straw, and felt
23539908 - Millinery
23610000 - Girl's and children's dresses, blouses
23610101 - Blouses: girls', children's, and infants'
23610103 - T-shirts and tops: girls', children's, and infants'
23619901 - Dresses: girls', children's, and infants'
23690000 - Girl's and children's outerwear, nec
23690100 - Children's culottes and shorts
23690201 - Bathing suits and swimwear: girls', children's, and infants'
23690401 - Buntings, infants'
23690403 - Coats: girls', children's, and infants'
23710000 - Fur goods
23810000 - Fabric dress and work gloves
23819903 - Gloves, work: woven or knit, made from purchased materials
23819904 - Gloves, woven or knit: made from purchased materials
23849901 - Bathrobes, men's and women's: made from purchased materials
23850000 - Waterproof outerwear
23859904 - Gowns, plastic: made from purchased materials
23859905 - Raincoats, except vulcanized rubber: purchased materials
23860000 - Leather and sheep-lined clothing
23860101 - Coats and jackets, leather and sheep-lined
23860201 - Garments, leather
23870000 - Apparel belts
23890000 - Apparel and accessories, nec
23890100 - Men's miscellaneous accessories
23890103 - Handkerchiefs, except paper
23890200 - Uniforms and vestments
23890201 - Academic vestments (caps and gowns)
23890203 - Clergymen's vestments
23890300 - Costumes
23890302 - Masquerade costumes
23890303 - Theatrical costumes
23899901 - Apparel for handicapped
23899902 - Arm bands, elastic
23899906 - Hospital gowns
23899907 - Burial garments
23910000 - Curtains and draperies
23919901 - Cottage sets (curtains), made from purchased materials
23919902 - Curtains, window: made from purchased materials
23919903 - Draperies, plastic and textile: from purchased materials
23920000 - Household furnishings, nec
23920100 - Cushions and pillows
23920101 - Boat cushions
23920103 - Pillows, bed: made from purchased materials
23920201 - Bags, garment storage: except paper or plastic film
23920300 - Blankets, comforters and beddings
23920301 - Bedspreads and bed sets: made from purchased materials
23920403 - Placemats, plastic or textile
23920500 - Towels, dishcloths and dust cloths
23920504 - Towels, fabric and nonwoven: made from purchased materials
23920601 - Chair covers and pads: made from purchased materials
23920604 - Mattress pads
23920605 - Mattress protectors, except rubber
23929901 - Bridge sets, cloth and napkin: from purchased materials
23929902 - Mops, floor and dust
23929903 - Sheets, fabric: made from purchased materials
23930000 - Textile bags
23930100 - Canvas bags
23930101 - Duffle bags, canvas: made from purchased materials
23939901 - Bags and containers, except sleeping bags: textile
23939902 - Cushions, except spring and carpet: purchased materials
23940000 - Canvas and related products
23940100 - Canvas awnings and canopies
23940101 - Awnings, fabric: made from purchased materials
23940102 - Canopies, fabric: made from purchased materials
23940200 - Canvas covers and drop cloths
23940201 - Cloth, drop (fabric): made from purchased materials
23940202 - Liners and covers, fabric: made from purchased materials
23940203 - Tarpaulins, fabric: made from purchased materials
23949901 - Air cushions and mattresses, canvas
23949903 - Convertible tops, canvas or boat: from purchased materials
23949904 - Sails: made from purchased materials
23949906 - Tents: made from purchased materials
23950000 - Pleating and stitching
23950101 - Quilted fabrics or cloth
23950200 - Embroidery and art needlework
23950202 - Art needlework: made from purchased materials
23950203 - Emblems, embroidered
23950204 - Embroidery products, except Schiffli machine
23960100 - Apparel and other linings, except millinery
23960102 - Linings, apparel: made from purchased materials
23960201 - Bindings, bias: made from purchased materials
23960204 - Ribbons and bows, cut and sewed
23960306 - Sweat bands, hat and cap: made from purchased materials
23990100 - Emblems, badges, and insignia
23990101 - Emblems, badges, and insignia: from purchased materials
23990102 - Military insignia, textile
23990200 - Horse and pet accessories, textile
23990201 - Horse blankets
23990202 - Horse harnesses and riding crops, etc.: non-leather
23990203 - Pet collars, leashes, etc.: non-leather
23990300 - Banners, pennants, and flags
23990301 - Banners, made from fabric
23990302 - Flags, fabric
23990400 - Belting and belt products
23990402 - Belting, fabric: made from purchased materials
23990500 - Hand woven and crocheted products
23990502 - Hand woven apparel
23990601 - Fishing nets
23999901 - Aprons, breast (harness)
23999905 - Diapers, except disposable: made from purchased materials
23999908 - Parachutes
23999910 - Seat covers, automobile
23999911 - Sleeping bags
23999912 - Tire covers
24110101 - Handle bolts, wood: hewn
24110206 - Poles, wood: untreated
24110208 - Rails, fence: round or split
24110300 - Wooden logs
24119905 - Timber, cut at logging camp
24119907 - Wood chips, produced in the field
24210100 - Building and structural materials, wood
24210103 - Flooring (dressed lumber), softwood
24210105 - Siding (dressed lumber)
24210200 - Sawdust, shavings, and wood chips
24210203 - Wood chips, produced at mill
24210303 - Kiln drying of lumber
24210400 - Outdoor wood structural products
24210401 - Railroad ties, sawed
24219901 - Box lumber
24219903 - Cut stock, softwood
24219906 - Lumber: rough, sawed, or planed
24219909 - Resawing lumber into smaller dimensions
24260100 - Furniture stock and parts, hardwood
24260101 - Carvings, furniture: wood
24260103 - Frames for upholstered furniture, wood
24260104 - Furniture dimension stock, hardwood
24260105 - Furniture squares, hardwood
24260109 - Turnings, furniture: wood
24260301 - Gun stocks, wood
24260400 - Textile machinery accessories, hardwood
24269901 - Dimension, hardwood
24269902 - Flooring, hardwood
24269903 - Lumber, hardwood dimension
24269904 - Parquet flooring, hardwood
24290102 - Heading, barrel (cooperage stock): sawed or split
24290104 - Staves, barrel: sawed or split
24290200 - Shavings and packaging, excelsior
24310100 - Doors and door parts and trim, wood
24310101 - Door frames, wood
24310105 - Door shutters, wood
24310108 - Doors, wood
24310109 - Garage doors, overhead, wood
24310200 - Windows and window parts and trim, wood
24310205 - Window frames, wood
24310206 - Window sashes, wood
24310208 - Window shutters, wood
24310210 - Windows, wood
24310300 - Moldings and baseboards, ornamental and trim
24310301 - Floor baseboards, wood
24310302 - Mantels, wood
24310303 - Moldings, wood: unfinished and prefinished
24310400 - Awnings, blinds and shutters: wood
24310401 - Awnings, wood
24310402 - Blinds (shutters), wood
24310500 - Staircases, stairs and railings
24310501 - Newel posts, wood
24310502 - Railings, stair: wood
24310503 - Staircases and stairs, wood
24310600 - Interior and ornamental woodwork and trim
24310601 - Ornamental woodwork: cornices, mantels, etc.
24310602 - Panel work, wood
24310603 - Trim, wood
24310605 - Woodwork, interior and ornamental, nec
24340000 - Wood kitchen cabinets
24349901 - Vanities, bathroom: wood
24350000 - Hardwood veneer and plywood
24359901 - Hardwood plywood, prefinished
24359902 - Panels, hardwood plywood
24359903 - Plywood, hardwood or hardwood faced
24359904 - Veneer stock, hardwood
24360000 - Softwood veneer and plywood
24369901 - Panels, softwood plywood
24369902 - Plywood, softwood
24369903 - Veneer stock, softwood
24390000 - Structural wood members, nec
24399901 - Arches, laminated lumber
24399902 - Timbers, structural: laminated lumber
24399903 - Trusses, except roof: laminated lumber
24410000 - Nailed wood boxes and shook
24410100 - Boxes, wood
24410200 - Cases, wood
24410202 - Packing cases, wood: nailed or lock corner
24410203 - Shipping cases, wood: nailed or lock corner
24410300 - Chests and trunks, wood
24480000 - Wood pallets and skids
24480100 - Cargo containers, wood and wood with metal
24480101 - Cargo containers, wood